Inflammatory Arthritis

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Inflammatory Arthritic

Hi all! I’m here because I’m sort of a patient without a home. It took a long time to get someone to take me seriously, but I finally got some treatment. I have a general diagnosis of “inflammatory polyarthritis” and am being treated with Sulfasalazine. I seem to be most closely related to those of you with PsA. I have nummular eczema and a family history of PsA. #Arthritis #InflammatoryArthritis #Eczema

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Does anyone know of a good pair of winter gloves for someone with fibromyalgia and autoimmune inflammatory arthritis? I went to tree lighting ceremony with my husband and girls cuz they were so excited to go, which made me excited as well. The cold got to my hands the worst then they got warmed up to quickly I was in the most crippling pain imaginable and do anything with my hands for awhile. I felt like I ruined the end and got depressed cuz everyone was worried.

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Is pain your “old friend “?

I have been struggling with Pain for many years. There is a saying that that Pain is an old friend ,,,but I don’t know if I would call Pain my “friend”. Friends are nice, they like to do fun things with you, they like to celebrate accomplishments and they support you when your down. Pain does none of those things! When Pain is around,,,she’s not nice at all! She doesn’t like doing fun stuff nor celebrate, and when I need support,,,she kicks me while I’m down! So yeah, I debunk that saying. What do you call your Pain?
#Arthritis #DegenerativeDiscDisease #Fibromyalgia #ChronicMigraines #IBS #ChronicFatigue #Anxiety #Depression #MentalHealth #BackPain #ChronicPain #ChronicIllness #InflammatoryArthritis #chronicinflamation #chronictendonitis #Bursitis

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Burnt-out from the ignorance that comes from the mouths of so called trained medical professionals whom attended society's schools to acquire a stamp of approval that they specialize in whatever 🙄 and obtained A DEGREE.

#Allergies #SpinalMuscularAtrophy #Anxiety #GastroesophagealRefluxDisease #SpinalStenosis #ChronicFatigueSyndrome #BrainInjury #MentalHealth #CardiovascularDisease #RheumatoidArthritis #Osteoporosis #Peripheral #InflammatoryBowelDiseaseIBD #InflammatoryArthritis #CrohnsDisease

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I have multiple spinal fractures and severe inflammatory arthritis. This week I had my annual mammogram. Positioning my body so they could get the images was very painful. And I've had increased pain since the test.

There is a suspicious area in one breast they need to check out more and oh joy, I get to go back for an even longer mammogram. Besides the pain, emotionally it's hard to not just be able to do what used to be a routine no-big-deal activity

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Going to start methotrexate for rheumatoid arthritis. A little anxious due to the long list of side effects. Anything I should expect?

I take my first dose of methotrexate 10mg this Sunday. I got prescribed 1 mg of folic acid daily to take also. Just wanted to hear some of the most common side effects you’ve experienced so I have a more realistic view on what to look out for. #RheumatoidArthritis #Arthritis #InflammatoryArthritis

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A rough day, a breakthrough, and a little hope

Hey, all! So, today was not a great day, health-wise. The #InflammatoryArthritis crew will understand... I always manage to come down with something around the holidays. Seriously, it's every. Single. Holiday. This time, I caught a little cold that turned into a sinus infection, many thanks to my suppressed immune system! Yay. :)

Today, I was feeling stiff, pained, exhausted, and generally yucky. During a burst of energy, I played the piano for a bit, but I became frustrated when I couldn't play with my usual agility. (Piano + sore joints = difficult.) So I resolved to sing—and that was good! A creative expression always helps me feel better when I'm mentally or physically down.

But the best part of today? Well, I learned that there is a significant interaction between two of my medications—and this interaction is likely responsible for my recent extreme fatigue! On my doctor's advice, I will be stopping the newer medication to see if the issue resolves. Let's hope that I wake up feeling a little better tomorrow morning. :) Yes, it's frustrating when a treatment fails, but I'm more excited than I am disappointed. It's been really rough lately, so it's hopeful to know that something is looking up!

For anyone curious, I am experiencing an interaction between a TNF inhibitor (a biologic or disease-modifying anti-rheumatic drug) and a neuroleptic agent. No interactions between my two specific medications have been documented, but interactions between other DMARDs and antidepressants are known to cause confusion, fatigue, and dizziness!

#Arthritis #MentalHealth

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Burnt out and tired, and so far unable to recover

I've been feeling lately like my few commitments are too much. I'm so, so tired, and I feel like I can't ever get enough rest. I have both physical and mental health conditions that occasionally flare up and become disabling... Still, I find myself unsure of what to do next, even knowing the reasons for my exhaustion. I feel guilty that I can't just rise above this.

I'm really feeling quite emotional because I've been debating dropping out of grad school. I never thought I'd even speak those words, but here I am. I'm feeling too exhausted to achieve the goals that once made me so happy and motivated me to push through difficult days. Part of me just wants peace, space to enjoy life, and finally, after so many years, a life without homework or commitments that haunt me after I leave work. But part of me is also so afraid that I'd be giving up on my potential. I imagine myself wondering, years from now, if I made the right choice. I imagine myself telling my future children what I do for a living, and... I feel ashamed of admitting that I just want to step back and recover from this stress that I cannot shed.

Any and all advice is appreciated. Thank you.

#InflammatoryArthritis #Autism #ChronicFatigue #Anxiety

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