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Lil Miss Rosie had a dental cleaning vet appointment. Her owners who bred her in a tiny cage didn't help teeth cleaning for her first 4yrs.

7 teeth had to be removed and her two removed back molars were barely hanging on. For the past year I am so glad I begged my parents for this dental appointment. Already we can tell she chews normally without bouncing food around her mouth in obvious pain.

Of course animals require anesthesia so the pets don't face stress and the vets can work more easily. 6hours was so long as I worried for her.

Expensive but SO worth it! Her breath smells so so much better! Warm fuzzies all around! Though I do miss her tiny tooth that use to stick out like a super cute gremlin! Lol

Bless this dear pup friend 'o mine!!! ❤️ ❤️

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