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I hate predinose... #Medication #Lupusflare

I was diagnosed at a young age, ive been living with lupus since I was 11, I’m 25 now. I have never completely come off of predinose in those years. But this last year I was only a few months away from going off it. I’ve had pretty much all side effects from predinose; weight gain, AVN, andrenal glad issues...
Last week I had my lupus appointment and my lupus is flaring. I haven’t had a big flare like this since I was 19. My doc upped my predinose and all fears of the side effects are really on my mind... even with sleep meds I didn’t sleep tonight and I’m not tired...
I just wish I could have a normal body... #Lupus #MoonFace #LupusNephritis


How to manage pin prick sensation in hands? #Lupus #LupusWarrior #ReynaudsPhenomenon #Lupusflare

I recently have noticed that my hands will start to have a painful pin prick sensation, very much like a painful version of waking up a limb after it falls asleep. Does anyone know the cause or how to help reduce the pain? I can’t use ice packs as I have Reynauds.

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How can I get my #Lupus in check during this incredibly stressful #COVID19 #pandemic2020 #quarantinethoughts #Immunecompromised #CPTSD #Stress #FlareUps

I live with systemic lupus. Unfortunately, I live with CPTSD as well. Obviously stress exacerbates both of these conditions... one feeds the other which feeds the other and it's a dirty vicious cycle. Well, to be immune compromised is a scary thing. To have a Special needs child that is more vulnerable Is very scary. To have the entire country shutdown with no idea how long this will last or how bad this will get... terrifying. So of course, the stress has triggered a hell of a #Lupusflare No amount of makeup can hide the low blood count, the ugly lupus #malarmask .I'm sick and tired and absolutely tired of being sick and tired. Totally grateful for the few hours I get to go to work and escape the house where I feel like the walls are closing in. #nightterrors Have been steadily getting worse and worse again. I so badly just want to be able to go to see my dr...Plead to just get atleast one in check!! Whether it be putting me back on my #Prednisone to get the lupus to calm down. Or give me the ability to sleep! To rest! The idea of 30 more days of this seems insurmountable, cant even let myself think about this going on for longer. Trying to keep it together, atleast on the outside for my baby girl.

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waiting #Lupus #Lupusflare

I had never felt like I was not gonna make it out of something until today. But I can’t give up cause these two need me. what makes you not give up ?

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lupus #Lupus #Lupusflare

wrapping the year in the hospital with the first huge flare I’ve had since I got diagnosed. I’m so tired

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Need motivational quotes please 🤯😷🙏📙📖📚📑📝📝📝 #Lupusflare #Costochondritis #UrinaryTractInfection #Jointpain #exams #Insomnia #exhaustion

So I wrote linear algebra this morning. The flare has been building up since last week though, but my body just couldnt hold on any longer since after the test. Now everything hurts, especially my chest and joints (writing sucks right now), the infection (11th time this year for absolutely no reason) is getting worse and I can barely keep my eyes open to continue studying. I have been trying to just do damadge control and keep my stress levels under control, ie. leaving what I can and minimizing what needs to be done and how well. We are writing statistics tomorrow, investment management the day after and then applied maths and economic worldviews back to back on Friday. Please send some cheery motivational quotes to help keep me going. All my friends are super stressed out as well and they dont need my stupid sickness affecting them as well. I mean I wish I didnt have to deal with it now too, so I am just giving them a breather. Tanks guys! #strugglingstudent #actuarialscience #TryingToStayPositive #Stressedout #getittogetherbody

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#Lupusflare please send #Goodthoughts

I’m in so much pain. Feeling weak and tired. Completely exhausted and nauseous. Need a break but it’s month end for me and the busiest and worst time of the month for me to be off sick. Just want to curl up and sleep forever.


Does anyone else get delayed flares with #Fibromyalgia and/or #Lupus ?

I had my seventh laparoscopic surgery for #Endometriosis a week ago. I’m surprised I didn’t get thrown into a #fibroflare / #Lupusflare immediately- it’s seems like a delayed reaction. But right now if someone were to touch me I would wince in pain. Everything hurts. My meds are hardly helping. I’m rather new to the fibro and Lupus diagnosis - is it ‘normal’ for the flares to be delayed? I felt better the day after surgery than I do now.