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Isolation from disability and disease

I am medically disabled and unable to work. I have found that the longer I am home, the more isolated I get. I have tried to volunteer, but frequently have to cancel due to one symptom or another. How do others in a similar situation deal with this issue? Any tips, ideas, or suggestions? #multiple Sclerosis #chronicpancreatits #Diabetes #Pain #Isolation

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Pain #Pain #MentalHealth #Depression #Insomnia #Arthritis

I have developed a nasty case of arthritis in my hands. I am starting to discover things that will make it worse, such as cold temperatures. I now sleep with gloves on and wear insulated gloves when I am in commercial cool rooms.

The pain is having a big impact on my ability to sleep. I am on some fairly strong pain medication when I need it but it does not helping much.

Does anyone have any wisdom regarding pain management or how to handle arthritis?

Thank you everyone.

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What is that, ah, a ripple,
Gushing, yet round pattern,
Waves of feeling circle,
Softly, like whispers, scatter

#Fibromyalgia #ChronicPain #Pain #ChronicFatigueSyndrome #MightyPoets

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I just realized that what makes me move... is anger. It motivates me somehow.
#Pain #PTSD

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Anyone followed this course - Does it Work?

Yesterday a friend recommended this course to me - she insists it holistic and new. I will follow this weekend and hopefully its helpful to others as well - still free - #Holistic #Pain #Undiagnosed #FunctionalNeurologicalDisorder #AutismSpectrumDisorder #MentalHealth #mighty

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In need for opinions and advice from others with fibro#Fibro #Pain #finrowarriors

Hello all, I need some opinion and advice. My fibromyalgia symptoms have been getting worse. I’m unsure as to why, but I’m concerned that I need to take action, I just don’t know how, seeing that my PCP monitors my fibromyalgia, but I don’t think he takes it as serious as he should. Do I see a pain specialist? Or a doctor in a different field?
Also, does anybody find themselves easily crying no reason or feel highly sensitive? If so, why is this? Thank you all for your help with everything, these forums are all I have for support. I am always here to talk with anyone if they need to! 😊

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Dizzy from doctors 🥼

Hey. I’ll try to keep this short as it’s way too much if I go into details.
2 years ago began the start of the newest problems.
August 2024, they increased and got worst at a way faster rate.

Recurrent staph/MRSA/cellulitis
Folliculitis/Eczema/Prurigo Nodularis
Anemia (most of my life)
Thickened endometrium
Hormone imbalances
Spinal injuries
Mental health (ptsd/severe anxiety/depression)
Chronic swollen throat/tonsils/lymph nodes
Chronic dry cough
Low BP
Recent deviated septum
Fatigue, malaise
Body aches/weakness
Carpal tunnel
Skin intolerance to hot/cold
Recurrent UTI’s
Recurrent ear infections / ear staph
Eustachian tube dysfunction
Hearing loss
Uterine fibroids & cysts
Memory loss
Severe Insomnia with nightmares

Not yet diagnosed:
Raynauds (2 almost constantly blue toe nails, recently started in second, 1st has been present last two years off and on)
Chronic chills
Brittle nails
Hair loss (possibly medication related)

Recent testing:
A few genetic tests
Allergy testing
Several autoimmune panels

Current additional issues:
Oral thrush (due to long term antibiotic usage - close to four months now)
Ear pressure/fullness along with dark red/purple spot inside filled with liquid ? Also spots of white appearing pus that pop to drain
— can’t handle loud noise or cold air currently. Severe ear itching.
Eye itch and redness (not pink eye)
Muscle weakness and twitching - minimal long-term control in arm muscles

Additional testing
Meeting hematology
CT of neck/throat/nose
Hysterectomy (paused until healthy)

Immediate Family history of:
Lupus (blood work shows low middle numbers not high enough to diagnose)
Celiac (ruled out by endo/colonoscopy)
RA (ruled out by blood work)
Heart issues

All I can say is yes, I’m in pain. And yes, I’m exhausted. And frustrated. I’m not a crier and all I do is start crying all the time. I have 4 kids and I can’t be the best for them. I am failing everywhere in life and I just need to get this fixed or someone to finally step in and help because I can’t keep declining like this.

I am a veteran. I have little say in my health care. I can’t get a second opinion. Getting a rheumatologist seems to be impossible despite numerous doctors telling me I should see rheumatology. I’m feeling so defeated. If I could at least narrow things down it would help so much, so I could share my research with my doctors. I have several things on my list but I need to get a really good list. Please help if you can think of what may be causing all of this.

Thank you.

*** I would share many more pictures if I could 💕

#chronichealth #Pain #hurting #mother #Veteran #Desperate #pleaselisten #sick #someonegetmedrhouse #illeventakethegoofysidekickguy #ijustwanttofeelbetter #helpme #Genetics #hematology #labs #Skin #Dermatology #IBS #GERD #autoimmune #Disorder #PTSD #Fibro #Rheumatology

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#fibroflair #Fibromyalgia #Fibromyalgia #Fibro #Pain #ChronicPain #Fatigue #ChronicFatigue #endlesstorturetreatment

Sorry I've been away a couple weeks, & not kept up with my notifications. I will work on attending to each soon as can. Fibro pain has had me in bed (on couch where I sleep (& where I live) throughout. It's been extreme, and I had my first #suicidal thought a few days ago. First in a couple months or so. See, I forgot that the Tegratol had been prescribed for the broken leg (& ran out of same time that pain got back to overwhelmingly torturous & insurmountable) was helping the fibro pain at the same time. I thought I'd achieved/reached a new place, but found id just ran in a great big circle. Yuk. It really sucks & I not sure how long I can bear it. One day at a time; one harsh moment at a time ! #fibrosucks #toomuchtobear #OnedayAtaTime #onemomentatatime

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Are certain things unforgivable? Mind you I am writing from a place of sheer pain and not of sound mind… I think it’s up to every person to choose if they want to forgive and to do it on their own terms. Meaning from afar if necessary. I forgive myself for all the lies I believed for years about myself. But I do not wish to live in a fairy tale land where I blindly forgive my abuser and act as if nothing ever happened. There are consequences to offenses and especially to something like this. I renounced Christianity so please don’t talk to me about it. I’m starting to follow Hinduism and I meditate, so Buddhism is also important to me. I think I just need to take a breath. #Pain #Sadness

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I'm getting picked up in just under an hour. My caregiver is coming with me. I'm getting cortisone injections in both hips. I have to schedule another appointment for injection into my jaw. Both of my hips are really bad right now. Pain is shooting down my right leg. I showered and didn't sweat after. I'm not anxious or worried. I've had this done plenty of times. It'll be nice to see my doctor. He's also my caregivers doctor.

#Pain #ChronicPain #BackPain #FemoralAcetabularImpingement