Nice knowing someone sees me and believes that I hurt .#chronic pain#Psoriatic and osteo arthritis #fibromyalgia#achy breaky body!
Nice knowing someone sees me and believes that I hurt .#chronic pain#Psoriatic and osteo arthritis #fibromyalgia#achy breaky body!
I am worthy of every good thing that comes my way.
Cheer me on #chronic pain #Fibromyalgia #Psoriatic arthritis and osteo arthritis #bipolar#HSP#Cancer survivor
3 mentally tough days in a row last week. Chronic pain #fibromyalgia#bipolar#breast cancer survivor #Osteoarthritis and #Psoriatic arthritis #HSP
#Fibromyalgia #check in with me#mighty together #Distract me#chronic pain #breast cancer survivor #Psoriatic and Osteo arthritis, ##Bipolar
#chronic pain # fibromyalgia # bipolar#osteo and #Psoriatic arthritis barometric pressure wreaked havoc on the holidays for me. Everything ached so bad. Coming up for air on first day of the new year.
#AnkylosingSpondylitis #Fibromyalgia #PTSD #major depression disorder#Anxiety #EDS ##Psoriatic Arthritis
#chronic illnesses, #Fibromyalgia ,#Depression #Anxiety ,PTSD, #Psoriasis #Psoriatic arthritis, sexual emotional abuses,
Daily grateful for my caregiver being here. She's like the mom I would want to have. Caring, non critical, SUPPORTIVE.
#PTSD ,#Anxiety ,#Bipolar depression,#Fibromyalgia ,#chronic pain,#Psoriatic and osteo arthritis,
Birth mom was not emotionally, mentally available to me. I was born 3 months early 70 yrs ago so was very sickly. She had 3 sons already and I was a lot of work .
My parents had 4 more kids, last one- the baby girl. She could do nothing wrong in mom's eyes.
I was a tomboy and sister girly girl.
Further separating myself and mom.
I found refuge in mom's who's kids I did day care for. I was accepted and appreciated by outside mom's !!!