Rare Disease

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Gasp! The human is giving me scratches!!! Can she read my mind?! 🤣

Cute Lil Rosie Fluff on a lazy Saturday ✨️✨️

I do love my puppy snuggles 💕

Thinking of each and everyone of you, my Mighty's, as we do all we can to improve our lifes, however that looks.
Life is brighter knowing we are Not in this alone, knowing that there is hope, and that we can Lways find beauty on our darkest of days.

We were created this way because our life needed to specifically be ours. We always have the opportunity to improve ourselves and heal past hurts.

One day, tomorrow a new dawn. Deep breaths, bring it on!!!

Or rest up for tomorrow 😉 you know yourself best! ❤️❤️❤️

#AmplifiedMusculoskeletalPainSyndrome #Arthritis #Asthma #Anxiety #AnkylosingSpondylitis #bedbound #BoneSplints #CheerMeOn #ChronicFatigueSyndrome #CheckInWithMe #ChronicPain #ChronicIllness #ComplexRegionalPainSyndrome #IfYouFeelHopeless #Upallnight #Depression #Disability #DistractMe #EhlersDanlosSyndrome #Endometriosis #Fibromyalgia #GastroesophagealRefluxDisease #Grief #gallstones #HypothyroidismUnderactiveThyroidDisease #Hypersomnia #HighBloodPressure #Headache #chronicheadache #Insomnia #JuvenileRheumatoidArthritis #Lymphedema #PosturalOrthostaticTachycardiaSyndrome #PTSD #Psoriasis #PsoriaticArthritis #Psychosis #plantarfasciitis #PanicAttack #PanicAttacks #MentalHealth #MightyPets #MemoryLoss #MightyTogether #Migraine #musclespasms #MultipleAutoimmuneSyndrome #RareDisease #RheumatoidArthritis #SuicidalThoughts #Scoliosis #sciatica #ShinSplints

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I want to make sure I _______ this weekend.

Mighties, we've reached Friday! 😲
*Does a little happy dance* 🕺

How is this weekend looking for everyone? What do you want to make sure you prioritize for yourself?

Mighty staffer @sparklywartanks wants to make sure she takes a full day off because she's had the longest week ever.

#MightyMinute #CheckInWithMe #ChronicPain #ChronicIllness #Disability #RareDisease #MentalHealth

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TRUE or FALSE: I know how to get ahead of my symptoms before they spiral out.

Let’s get right to it: Managing the symptoms of a health condition (or three of them! or five!) in the moment can be really tough. But on other days, when our symptoms slowly simmer or start out as just a whisper, they’re a bit easier to anticipate and get on top of.

On your more accessible or gentle days, are you able to get ahead of your symptoms before they spiral?

#52SmallThings #CheckInWithMe #Selfcare #MentalHealth #Disability #ChronicIllness #ChronicPain #RareDisease #Anxiety #Depression

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