Many days I think everything is my fault:
Oh. You re-worded this letter I wrote? You think my words were not enough or inappropriate?
Ah. You did not understand me when I said, please just email me your concerns instead of the meeting you requested AFTER office hours? Did I say my words wrong? Or do you have complete disregard to my end of it?
Wow. You just moved my people around without me knowing? Are you undermining my position - the one you put me in? Do you not respect me as much as I respect you? Why not?
And then today, I thought: what if I make everything someone else’s fault and shrug it off? It won’t be easy for me, of course. My default setting is that it’s my fault. But what if I slide that button over and make it everyone else’s fault? Will that make me feel differently?
Because, hey, I see Depression and Anxiety walking hand in hand in the horizon. Stepping jauntily as if in glee and moving towards a picnic. And they’re walking towards me.
I need to have my tools to protect me. Instead of creating a defense like I always do, what if I create an offense? Will that work?
#Depression #Anxiety #GAD #GeneralAnxietyDisorder #Selfcaretoolbox