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Growth Motivation Songs

#MentalHealth #Depression #Schizophrenia #SchizoaffectiveDisorder #Autism #musictherapy #Song #GrowthPlaylist

Hello. My therapist tasked me with coming up with a growth mixtape, to help motivate for getting a new job and finding a new apartment. Does anyone have any recommendations for songs to add?

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Christian Worship Songs

What is some Christian or worship songs that you listen too when your happy and sad? I need some new Christian and worship songs to listen too. #Christian #worship #Song #Depression #Anxiety

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Same Damn Songs - a poem set to music

I have struggled for a long time with anxiety and intrusive thoughts, which occur throughout the day and into the night when I am trying to go to bed. Sometimes I stay up until odd hours just waiting to fall asleep while the thoughts keep talking. This song compares these thoughts to having a song stuck in your head. Both start when everything is quiet and continue with no foreseeable end. Not only do they both occur in the darkest hours, but they also create the darkest parts of each day. I know I am not alone in my fight against the negative thoughts, but I wanted to try to explain to others who may not know what it's like by comparing this specific experience to one that we are all familiar with. If you can relate at all, feel free to share :) #Anxiety #Depression #Song #IntrusiveThoughts #Poetry #MightyPoets

Same Damn Songs

Life's a record spinning round,

and when it stops I hear the sound

of melodies I'm trying to forget.

Late at night I sit and wait

while the static recreates

a symphony of solo instruments.

Catching tunes instead of dreams.

Wound up by sadistic strings

behind the prison bars that barely bend.

My radio plays the same damn songs.

Background noise from dusk till dawn

'cause all the words are stuck in my head.

And here I go again...

I'm humming right along

to the same damn songs.

Even silence is too loud.

Tell me how to turn it down.

Will I ever sleep

if they're on repeat?

Change the station, I'm okay.

But somehow they always play...

The same damn songs.

Captured and I can't escape

from my personal mixtape

of haunted heavy metal lullabies.

Drumsticks hammer in my ear,

and through the thunder I can hear

the lyrics laugh when I shut off the light.

I'm getting dizzy on this track,

but measures take another lap

to amplify the chaos they've composed.

As the verses circulate,

I wonder, is it far too late

to rectify my riddled radio?

But with one minor note...

I'm humming right along

to the same damn songs.

Even silence is too loud.

Tell me how to turn it down.

Will I ever sleep

if they're on repeat?

Change the station, I'm okay.

But the songs are on replay.

Tired of listening

to their whispering.

Faceless echoes hold the key

to disrupt my harmony.

When I close my eyes,

there's nowhere to hide.

Clashing rhythm with my heart

but they tear my mind apart...

The same damn songs.

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#Song #lyrics to “Days Like This” - for those days we struggle even more to remember we still get to have some unbelievably great days #mightymusic

“When it's not always raining- there'll be days like this
When there's no one complaining there'll be days like this
When everything falls into place like the flick of a switch …there'll be days like this

When you don't need to worry- there'll be days like this
When no one's in a hurry- there'll be days like this
When you don't get betrayed by that old Judas kiss
…there'll be days like this

When you don't need an answer- there'll be days like this
When you don't meet a chancer- there'll be days like this 
When all the parts of the puzzle start to look like they fit 
Then I must remember there'll be days like this

There'll be days like this

When everyone is up front and they're not playing tricks
When you don't have no freeloaders out to get their kicks
When it's nobody's business the way that you want to live
I just have to remember there'll be days like this

When no one steps on my dreams there'll be days like this
When people understand what I mean there'll be days like this
When you ring out the changes of how everything is… there'll be days like this” #music #hope #gooddays #lifelimitingillness #chasinglife

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This #Song “Better Days” by my absolute favorite singer-songwriter Dermot Kennedy that has one of the most #Powerful , #relatable #MusicVideos

“It’s about #perseverance and shows the feeling -the actual physical assault that life can throw at you and pushing through and pushing through -the image of the rain actually hitting you and hitting you, but always knowing that something better is on the way and that the #darkness will always give way to #light

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Hi, i just wanted to share a lyric here that moves me a lot, i'ts from a band named Tool

My compassion is broken now
My will is eroded now
And my desire is broken now
And it makes me feel ugly

I'm on my knees and burning
My piss and moans are the fuel that set my head on fire
So smell my soul burning

I'm broken, looking up to see the enemy
And I have swallowed the poison you feed me
But I survive on the poisons you feed me
And leavin' guilt fed, hatred fed, weakness fed
And it makes me feel ugly

I'm on my knees and burning
My piss and moans are the fuel that set my head on fire
I'm dead
Shit adds up
Shit adds up
Shit adds up
Shit adds up at the bottom

If I let you, you would make me destroy myself. But in order to survive you, I must first survive myself. I can sink no further and I cannot forgive you. There’s no choice but to confront you, to engage you, to erase you. I’ve gone to great lengths to expand my threshold of pain. I will use my mistakes against you. There’s no other choice. Shameless now. Nameless now. Nothing now. No one now. But my soul must be iron cause my fear is naked. I’m naked and fearless.-

And my fear is naked

Dead inside, dead inside
Dead inside, dead inside
Nameless now, shameless now
Nothing now, no one now
Shit adds up
Shit adds up
Shit adds up
Shit adds up
An you see me naked now
Fearless now, naked now
Fearless now
Shit adds up
Shit adds up
Shit adds up
Shit adds up
It leaves me dead inside
Dead inside, dead inside, dead inside
Hatred keeps me alive
Lowliness keeps me alive
Weakness keeps me alive
Guilt keeps me alive at the bottom


Better Bring It #Music #Song #Relationships #Conflict #resilience

A song I wrote some time ago about relationships contending with warring factions from without and within, nearing the brink of conceding defeat.

Better Bring It
by Band Of Three

Your words hard and blunt as bullets,
smashed my spirit into spall.
Snuffed out in a graceless minute.
When I crashed into your wall.

Baby when did you resign?
Start marking time as wasted?
I swear I never saw a sign,
Now am I just some other guy you’ve dated?

A footnote in your your heart.
If there’s any fight in you, you better bring it…

Before we lose it all.
Before we lose it all.

I used to think that we were strong,
but we’re failing when it matters.
When we should be pressing on,
we lay our courage down and scatter.
Look into your heart….in your heart.
If there’s any fight in you, you better bring it...
Before we lose it all.
Before we lose it all.

Your words hard and blunt as bullets,
you cut me down to size.
Snuffed out in a graceless minute,
The light’s gone from your eyes .

Look into your heart….in your heart.
If there’s any fight in you, better bring it...

Before we lose it all.
Before we lose it all.

Music by Jean Audette, Troy Mira
Lyrics by Troy Mira


Fast & Heavy #Music #Lyrics #Song

This is a song I wrote about the experience of #Depression , #nightterrors , #Anxiety , #PanicAttacks and all the other wonderful benefits of being a very real thing in a very false world.

Fast And Heavy
by Band Of Three

A siren’s panic wail
I stare out the window.
Headlight shadow fear come stealing.

Race down the hallway
And out the front door
Feet are bare, feet are pumping...

Fast and heavy, I’m helpless to control it.
But my hands are steady
And as cold as the night when you stole it.

Down the hole again.
Walls closing in.
Up is down, I’m reeling, reeling.

Tangled and spun
But what’s done is done.
I am become, lord I’m falling, falling...

Fast and heavy, I’m helpless to control it.
But my hands are steady
And as cold as the night when you stole it.

Down this hole again.
Hole’s got no end.
Only sound is breathing, breathing...

Tangled and spun
But what’s done is done.
The hurt sets in, bleeding, bleeding…

Fast and heavy, I’m helpless to control it.
But my hands are steady
And as cold as the night when you stole it.

Music by Jean Audette, Troy Mira
Lyrics by Troy Mira

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Psychosis. A song I have written about it #Psychosis #Song

I have written this song about Psychosis

Hypothetical thoughts in my mind
Manifest over time
Is this true or is this a lie
My actions are making the Devil cry

Psychosis Psychosis
I don’t know what to believe
Is this reality or is this a dream
Psychosis Psychosis
I don’t know what to believe
Is this reality or is this a dream

Prisoner in my own mind
Voices telling me I’m outta time
No control, over and out
The more I ignore, the more they shout

Psychosis Psychosis
I don’t know what to believe
Is this reality or is this a dream
Psychosis Psychosis
I don’t know what to believe
Is this reality or is this a dream

Nothing else can be heard
If this is living, it’s absurd
Can’t comprehend a single word
I long to hear again the song of a bird

Psychosis Psychosis



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