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This is for the worthy girls & boys.

This is for the worthy girls & boys

Having muscular dystrophy as a kid, I was always bullied for my looks. Although I had a crush in middle school, I never told anyone because they assumed that disabled people were not valued. I believed it until I had my stroke. In my opinion, they are only interested in my "pretty" best friends, and they do not even acknowledge me. Unfortunately, our society does not teach people who are different to be worthy, which is sad. Whenever we talk about relationships, do we forget about people who are different? To be honest, I thought it was me. Despite trying everything, I realized that I love myself and that I am worthy, and it took me a long time to realize that. It would be nice if society stopped judging books by their covers. We are smart, beautiful, and sexy, entrepreneurs, warriors, and above all, we deserve someone who will appreciate us so much. Until I find the right one, I will not settle.

#Strokesurvivor #Stroke #Selflove  #Strokesurvivor

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We define strength in many different ways. It's easy to fall into the trap of thinking you're weak for not meeting a certain goal or target. It's easy to focus on shortcomings. It's easy to avoid starting a new journey or dedicating to an aspiration because of previous setbacks. But you can't settle for the easy way out. You have to try again! Remind yourself: you are NOT weak. You are NOT a failure. You WILL overcome.

Remember: Strength doesn't come from what you can do. It comes from overcoming what you once thought you couldn't.

#innerstrength #truestrength #Motivation #Dailyinspiration #aneurysmsurvivor #Survivor #Stroke #Strokesurvivor #StrokeSurvivorsNeverQuit #Aneurysm #AneurysmSurvivorsNeverQuit #FindingForward

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Hello, everyone, and thank you for stopping by to visit my new account. My name is Jeffrey Morse, and I’m here to tell you there’s life after life, but I’m getting ahead of myself. I was a U.S. Air Force veteran who worked—and still works—in commercial aviation. I’ve written a book, Finding Forward, about a life-altering journey that has changed me forever.

Almost ten years ago, a life that I loved living was unexpectedly altered when I woke up from a lifesaving surgery paralyzed from the neck down. My first thoughts in panic from this trauma was to figure my way out of this devastating problem, but there was no instruction book for healing from paralysis. While lying in the recovery room, I realized my thoughts and actions going forward would hopefully one day become the chapters and inspiration to those who also find themselves on a similar path. What I’m saying here is that I chose not to give up or let phrases like “I can’t” into my vocabulary.

Words like paralysis, stroke, or trauma (of any sort) are just words, and they by no means define who we are as human beings. If you’re finding that fate has chosen a new path along your journey of life, and you’re wondering why, look upon those new paths as a fresh start or a new beginning and set the word “why” off to the side for a while. These were my initial thoughts as I lay on a gurney, shut off from my entire body. Yes, I could have chosen to lie in panic, and my initial reaction was indeed that, but I chose a different path. My mind still worked; I could breathe, speak, see, and hear. Now all I needed was to create that first step in my mind and achieve it.

My purpose in writing posts is to share that beginning and my path along the way to help others find their own path as well. I said to myself when my journey began that beyond writing this book, if I could just reach out and help one person beyond their own struggles to get started, then I did a good thing to inspire someone else to continue on with the gift of their own life.

There is one other reason for reaching out here. One of the first goals I set on that first day was to motivate and inspire myself to fight on and reach this point one day. Nine and a half years later, every day of pain and struggle has been worth the effort. If I can do it, so can you!

This initial post, like learning to walk again, is only the first step. My hope is that you will choose to walk with me along this new journey. Let’s all find forward together!

Feel free to connect with me and share your story!

#Strokesurvivor #neverquit #Survivor #persevere #FindingForward #Stroke #Aneurysm #aneurysmsurvivor

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I’m still smart! #Strokesurvivor #Stroke

People tell me all the time that I am just as smart as I used to be, but they’re wrong. While I’m still mourning Old Me, I’m a Different Me now. And Different Me is of course, a work in progress.

Sometimes I feel like there’s a blind spot in my brain. Other times, it’s cold grease slowing down the gears of my brain. And yet, I’m really good at other things, including New York Times puzzles.

I’m really good at remembering things when I’m packing for trips. I’m really good at recognizing peoples voices, also famous people’s voices, without any visual input (the iconic Dennis Hayesberry voice over Allstate ads, for one). I’m really good at remembering peoples names.

What I’m not so good at is fast-paced, complex conversation. That was the crux of my job when I worked in tech, the primary reason why I couldn’t stay. I just couldn’t handle it. Now, I can only do one thing at a time. I will forget 70% of any conversation with someone I don’t know afterwards.

Taking notes is impossible; that’s why when I critique my writing buddy’s work, all of it is on a video call. She gives me feedback in writing.

See, there are methods that work – at least for me. What are yours?

My Different Me is still getting to know herself. My Old Me, I will never forget.

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I’m tired of being the butt of the joke. #Stroke #Disability #IntellectualDisability

Take the time to read my piece when you can: https//

Making fun of a stroke - or any disability, whether you can see the person’s disability or not - is not funny. It’s a five-minute read, a subtle critique of the entertainment industry.

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Adaptive fashion brand!

Check out our recent interview with Rachel Whittaker, founder, and CEO of BraEasy, an adaptive fashion brand that works to create a product that empowers women with disabilities!
#braintumors #Strokesurvivor #Migraine #WomensHealth

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40 pounds #Anxiety #weightgain #Depression #Strokesurvivor

Tonight, I looked down at the scale and sucked in a deep breath. I had gained a whopping 40 pounds in the past three years. In the past, I would've gotten mad, putting myself down for putting on this extra weight. A month ago, I pinched my stomach in frustration, cursing myself for being so big. Today there was only kindness. I put my hands on my stomach and I gave myself a soft smile. 2017-2018 was rough. I lost myself in the chaos of losing my job, getting denied from SSI, and being blamed for the government's lack of interest in my future. I was burned, badly, and all I could see was the darkness that accompanied the pain. For those two years, I barely smiled, I didn't get out of the house much, and I isolated myself from everyone I knew. I watched people get exactly what I wanted without trouble, I watched those around me get excited about all the things the universe was giving them while I was sitting in this pit of self-dispair.

I had come a long way from then. Of course, I am still healing and I still get jealous, but I am proud where I am today. I also know that I will lose this weight again. I am making baby steps in doing so and I have to remind myself that change doesn't happen overnight. I am working on loving myself right now and understanding that wanting to change is a part of that love. I am also understanding that these things had to happen for a reason yet to be seen and I honestly can't wait until that day comes where I look back and say, this who I have become because of this pain. #self-image #Selflove #Pain #darkness #light #Weightissues


What do you do when you find yourself comparing to those around you? #Comparison

Ever since I could remember I find myself comparing myself to those around me. It's not hard to do when you are the only differently abled person you know. I grew up with perfectly abled people around me and I have to give them props. They handled it great. They didn't treat me differently and helped me when I needed it. But I still couldn't help but feel jealous. My peers could play without worry, they were all close while I was left out on my own. They all hit their milestones together while I was struggling to keep up. I questioned why it had happened to me. Why am I going through all of this? It's only gotten worse now that I'm older and I haven't found a good solution quite yet. #Disability #Strokesurvivor #cerebalpalsy #Anxiety #Depression #wanttobenormal

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Celebrating Life

I’m so stoked about my new shirt! This is my favorite quote, and when I saw it on a stroke survivor shirt, I had to have it. Next week will be my 3 year strokeversary! So very thankful to still be alive and able to enjoy and live my best life! I AM THE STORM! 💚 #Strokesurvivor #Subarachnoidhemorrhage #SubacuteBacterialEndocarditis #PosturalOrthostaticTachycardiaSyndrome

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