BPD#CPTSD # accountability
I am approaching https://accountability.Radical acceptance sucks the life out of you.im pieceing together six years of choices I made while experiencing a TBI and multiple traumas occuring one after another within a few https://months.I could not handle any of it, let alone recall any self https://awareness.I now know,but then,no.The shame and embarrassment come for others affected by my https://choices.I hurt alot of https://people.I know https://now.Time is not a broom, sweeping dirt under the rug for https://me.I do not and cannot move forward without true genuine https://resolve.I have learned others, do not care, really, And that's https://ok.I want people, to stop, assuming who I https://am.That means I put forth who I am, including the ugly, meek, beautiful power, all woman, I https://am.I know who will not forgive me,that's on their heart,not https://mine.I have zero regret because I cried,yelled,begged and compromised too much for too long, for someone who never loved me,he provided the essentials,only enough to survive, not thrive, https://survive.Something I have conditioned myself into believing,is love.it is https://not.Just enough to say one tried,is never https://enough.Doing and being next to the person as they suffer or climb is https://precious.I want someone who wants my bad as https://well.I am who I am and I forgive https://myself.This must stop,I cannot keep living like https://this.I am a good woman who is waiting well,for nothing.Myself.