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Outlets#CPTSD #TBI #longtermdisabiloty

I went dancing tonight.An activity I adored before becoming a mother and spouse. Im trying to come down after a day of wonderful things.I figured writing might help me regulate.My son and I were celebrating a small accomplishment.I entered an ART show and the judging had some outside influence.I do not know how to take it,to be honest.Am I receiving this on my merit or because of the impression they have been given, my story,so to is a series extremely personal and knew to express for me.True Authenticity, the same mask at every turn is my goal.Exposing myself, scariest and most exciting thing in my life.I am grateful,if he only knew.I am still in it, coping,learning to navigate my frustration, my lack of, executive function due to hypo insomnia,that is caused by inflammation and vascular pressure from a cerebral isn't something I do, whip around and exert,unless hypoadrenal state kicks in, but tonight,all good feelings.
Im physically hearing it now,thrombing and pressure,numbness in my fingers and my eye has been twitching all evening.All worth it,all of it.Im grateful and hopeful.I want more and I deserve it.I have steps but they get lost between "them".I felt alive today. Humor and lifes was funny and had puposefully let me let it go.It felt needed.Harmless.I won't forget.I like moving again and my body needed it.

Home - Reflection

Arriva sulla Terra da un pianeta sconosciuto. La missione è farci riflettere.
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Outlets#CPTSD #TBI #longtermdisabiloty

I went dancing tonight.An activity I adored before becoming a mother and spouse. Im trying to come down after a day of wonderful things.I figured writing might help me regulate.My son and I were celebrating a small accomplishment.I entered an ART show and the judging had some outside influence.I do not know how to take it,to be honest.Am I receiving this on my merit or because of the impression they have been given, my story,so to is a series extremely personal and knew to express for me.True Authenticity, the same mask at every turn is my goal.Exposing myself, scariest and most exciting thing in my life.I am grateful,if he only knew.I am still in it, coping,learning to navigate my frustration, my lack of, executive function due to hypo insomnia,that is caused by inflammation and vascular pressure from a cerebral isn't something I do, whip around and exert,unless hypoadrenal state kicks in, but tonight,all good feelings.
Im physically hearing it now,thrombing and pressure,numbness in my fingers and my eye has been twitching all evening.All worth it,all of it.Im grateful and hopeful.I want more and I deserve it.I have steps but they get lost between "them".I felt alive today. Humor and lifes was funny and had puposefully let me let it go.It felt needed.Harmless.I won't forget.I like moving again and my body needed it.

Home - Reflection

Arriva sulla Terra da un pianeta sconosciuto. La missione è farci riflettere.
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I have a terrible memory.I always have.I am unable to retrieve when I try, retaining,a major issue but rather scattered by interest.I will admit, not deep sleeping for days, my memory is on fire.The opposite happens.I get a wave of memories and emotions.Desturbingly so often that life stops from my lack of coping skills,still.I try and it becomes repetitive each going backwards,and watching from inside, again.Everytime gets longer instead of shorter somehow.
I am numb,
Thunderstruck, great word.
I do not find humor in my situation to warrant what I have had to deal with.Forcing obstacles and issues, is not genuinely giving the person growth or life.I am sinicle,jaded and hurt beyond facing them, any of them.I wanted to trust that space but I was not given the was a sympathetic gesture,a test,a bigger plan or I don't understand.I thought it was something different and the feelings around the space, became more isolated than a place I needed.No one came, no one.And that hurt.Associating any hurt within a space effects me, beyond tolerance.It is not a lack of coping skills, It is by choice.I have never had these panic attacks to the point of body reactions.The space is soaked, ruined, not mine.

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I have a terrible memory.I always have.I am unable to retrieve when I try, retaining,a major issue but rather scattered by interest.I will admit, not deep sleeping for days, my memory is on fire.The opposite happens.I get a wave of memories and emotions.Desturbingly so often that life stops from my lack of coping skills,still.I try and it becomes repetitive each going backwards,and watching from inside, again.Everytime gets longer instead of shorter somehow.
I am numb,
Thunderstruck, great word.
I do not find humor in my situation to warrant what I have had to deal with.Forcing obstacles and issues, is not genuinely giving the person growth or life.I am sinicle,jaded and hurt beyond facing them, any of them.I wanted to trust that space but I was not given the was a sympathetic gesture,a test,a bigger plan or I don't understand.I thought it was something different and the feelings around the space, became more isolated than a place I needed.No one came, no one.And that hurt.Associating any hurt within a space effects me, beyond tolerance.It is not a lack of coping skills, It is by choice.I have never had these panic attacks to the point of body reactions.The space is soaked, ruined, not mine.

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Lonely but not alone

I no longer enjoy https://holidays.I am jaded, bruised and wallowing in the lack of https://family.I lost everything,over a period of five years and at the same time I'm leaving behind,all I knew of https://myself.I understand it is growing and a part of https://life.This came after a TBI and isolation. I did not expect it to be lived https://alone.My spouse,hates me to the point of dismissal and https://resentment.My relationships were shallow and forced,with others And I recently saw how orchestrated they https://were.I have not felt an organic genuine spark with anyone,in too https://long.I do not know how to rebuild or retain https://relationships.I know this https://now.Recognizing it took a year and by then, those relationships, suffered. I can take accountability for my part and move forward without rehashing the pain onto others. I wish,he would be honest and transparent to how he has played a part in our https://problems.I cannot believe he has done this to https://us.I know he states the same about what I have done I want him happy with himself,for https://once.For once, be present, be vulnerable and https://honest.I can not keep silent to save https://myself.Time isn't going to change our https://issues.The person willing to save themselves will be the one who sees https://it.Why I, have to keep being the one,who points the obvious? I will be the one, this time,who stops, pointing out the flaws.

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BPD#CPTSD # accountability

I am approaching https://accountability.Radical acceptance sucks the life out of pieceing together six years of choices I made while experiencing a TBI and multiple traumas occuring one after another within a few https://months.I could not handle any of it, let alone recall any self https://awareness.I now know,but then,no.The shame and embarrassment come for others affected by my https://choices.I hurt alot of https://people.I know https://now.Time is not a broom, sweeping dirt under the rug for https://me.I do not and cannot move forward without true genuine https://resolve.I have learned others, do not care, really, And that's https://ok.I want people, to stop, assuming who I https://am.That means I put forth who I am, including the ugly, meek, beautiful power, all woman, I https://am.I know who will not forgive me,that's on their heart,not https://mine.I have zero regret because I cried,yelled,begged and compromised too much for too long, for someone who never loved me,he provided the essentials,only enough to survive, not thrive, https://survive.Something I have conditioned myself into believing,is is https://not.Just enough to say one tried,is never https://enough.Doing and being next to the person as they suffer or climb is https://precious.I want someone who wants my bad as https://well.I am who I am and I forgive https://myself.This must stop,I cannot keep living like https://this.I am a good woman who is waiting well,for nothing.Myself.

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I'm new here!

Hi, my name is FaithHope223. I'm here because I survived a severe Traumatic Brain Injury along with two fractured vertebra over 30 years ago. I later suffered through several massive blood clots in four of my organs, including my lungs. I went through five different surgeries and the last one was a Bilateral Hip Replacement. In essence, like all of you, I am proud to say that I am a Survivor. I have lived through many emotional challenges along the way and I suffer from Long-term Depression and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). A friend of mine referred me to your group here and I am looking forward to learning about all of you and what this program has to offer. I hope that you will welcome me and if anyone has any questions or answers to provide me with, I would very much appreciate that. I truly thank you for your time and look forward to hearing back from any one of you. #MightyTogether #Depression #PTSD

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My husband and I have no way to? Well??

My husband and I are still trying hard to maintain our mental health along with disabilities. Even if we try to explain our selves.. Its never enough... for our roomates... and we cant afford to move or do what we would like. Nor our own shopping isn't even enough too... We feel like it pisses off the roomies....

An we feel unwelcome being here on this planet... We just want peace. #Depression #Anxiety #Autism #TBI #MentalHealth #Disability

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My husband and I have no way to? Well??

My husband and I are still trying hard to maintain our mental health along with disabilities. Even if we try to explain our selves.. Its never enough... for our roomates... and we cant afford to move or do what we would like. Nor our own shopping isn't even enough too... We feel like it pisses off the roomies....

An we feel unwelcome being here on this planet... We just want peace. #Depression #Anxiety #Autism #TBI #MentalHealth #Disability

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