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#whatsup ,upallnight

#It ’s only 2:30am here in Texas. It’s been 7 hours since a comment has been made on “Up All Night”, is everyone asleep this early?☮️🤔💟

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Hey y'all!
How are you guys doing?
So, I wanted to share so much! But I am too tired to type.. I thought of talking to all you know...
I realised I made a rushed decision and I am now regretting it too much.
Have you guys made a decision so rash that now you are regretting it ??

#MentalHealth #Depression #queer #Anxiety #Anotherday #whatsup #PanicAttack


Tell me stories!

It's almost 12am and although I was falling asleep a couple hours ago, I am now wide awake and struggling. How's everyone doing?
#Insomnia #ChronicPain #Cantsleep #whatsup

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Check In

One thing I’ve learned in the past few years is that it’s important to have people in your life who are there for you.⁣

Family is great. Nothing can replace them, and they’re definitely always there when you need them... and even more so when you think you don’t need them.⁣

God is number one on the list of people(?) who are there for you. He’s always there. Even when you think you can’t see or hear Him, He’s there quietly working and waiting for you to give everything over to Him.⁣

But God also created us to need friends. To need someone to share our lives, experiences, ups, and downs with. Someone who will simply check in on us. It doesn’t always have to be a best or close friend, sometimes it’s just someone willing to take the leap and say, “hey! I hope you’re doing well. How was your week?”⁣

So this is me being that person. This is your end of the week/beginning of a new week check in.⁣

How was your week?⁣

What’ve you got planned for this week?⁣

Let me know below, and I hope you’re doing well!⁣

#liveremarcably #myremarcs

#whatsup #checkin #checkup #checkonyourfriends #familyisforever #Family #Friends #BestFriends #Newfriends #bffs #god #Godisalwaysthere #NeverAlone #takealeap #leapoffaith #Weekend #newweek #Newstart #sunday #SMA #SpinalMuscularAtrophy #wellness #letstalk #writer #Blog #website #disabilty #RareDisease #MuscularDystrophy

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