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Good Night All🙋#Goodnight #leapoffaith #Cat #rest #Fibromyalgia #ChronicPain #mightyfriends #MightyTogether

Pains bad. I haven't been resting enuf today. Need to shut off my phone for the night & lie down try get rest & sleep. I have found, with this "whatever"-illness they've called "fibromyalgia", &/or "chronic wide-spread pain", that getting enuf descent rest & sleep makes a GIGANTIC difference. In the pain-level I've got to endure tomorrow. 💤💤💤💛✌💌

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A Good Read

Sorry if the title might be a offensive to anyone. (Honestly it made me cringe a bit). But, the book is amazing once you get past the F bombs. It's like Buddhism For Cranky Cynics. LOL. But seriously, some really good food for thought and advice in this crazy book.

After reading this book, I took a leap of faith to get out of a rut. The rut was causing me anxiety and depression, on top of my normal baseline of anxiety and depression. So I leapt forward. And I won't lie, I was kinda scared. It's worked out better than I could even imagine. Life got a lot brighter and more hopeful. Thank you Chapter 7 "The Do Something Principle".

I hope everyone is getting through the holidays, happily or at least intact. I, as usual, will be attending a Blue Christmas service this week at a local house of worship. Those seem to help. When you see other people who like you just don't thrive during the holidays, it makes you feel less alone.#leapoffaith

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#ProstateCancer #leapoffaith #emotional /#psychologicalspouselabuse #Knowledgeispower #retrainyourbrain

My emotionally/psychologically abusive husband, of 30 plus years has been diagnosed with prostate cancer. I’ve been blessed: without any plan or struggle I innately reframed my decades of thinking. He needs me. My mantra is “make the best of this very moment”. I somehow created allegorical stories, totally void of any judgement or negativity, that told how anyone (him) can reflect, tweak their approach to life, and discover strengths they have can use for a greater good.
His doc says the cancer is totally treatable.
They say these situations show what you’re made of.
Our dynamic has changed, without any struggle. I will not tolerate abuse but I will stand by him, be his foundation, for as long as he shows respect and appreciation.
Life can teach us amazing things!

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Check In

One thing I’ve learned in the past few years is that it’s important to have people in your life who are there for you.⁣

Family is great. Nothing can replace them, and they’re definitely always there when you need them... and even more so when you think you don’t need them.⁣

God is number one on the list of people(?) who are there for you. He’s always there. Even when you think you can’t see or hear Him, He’s there quietly working and waiting for you to give everything over to Him.⁣

But God also created us to need friends. To need someone to share our lives, experiences, ups, and downs with. Someone who will simply check in on us. It doesn’t always have to be a best or close friend, sometimes it’s just someone willing to take the leap and say, “hey! I hope you’re doing well. How was your week?”⁣

So this is me being that person. This is your end of the week/beginning of a new week check in.⁣

How was your week?⁣

What’ve you got planned for this week?⁣

Let me know below, and I hope you’re doing well!⁣

#liveremarcably #myremarcs

#whatsup #checkin #checkup #checkonyourfriends #familyisforever #Family #Friends #BestFriends #Newfriends #bffs #god #Godisalwaysthere #NeverAlone #takealeap #leapoffaith #Weekend #newweek #Newstart #sunday #SMA #SpinalMuscularAtrophy #wellness #letstalk #writer #Blog #website #disabilty #RareDisease #MuscularDystrophy

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