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The Ocean as Support for Grief

The ocean has been a reliable companion when I've struggled with grief. Its immense presence seems to help contain my tears. Word Baths are my ritual of defining my word for the day. (Thankfully not sad today, but offering for those who are.)

##dailyaffirmations #dailyrituals #definitions #writingcommunity #Writing #writingprompts #memoir #Meditation #anxietyrelief #anxietysupport #Ptsdrecovery #PTSDawareness #Selflove #selfcare #UlcerativeColitis #AnalCancer #ChronicIllness #ChronicPain #NarcissisticAbuse #CoerciveControl

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Tolerance for a Friday

Tolerance - a good word for a Friday when the tank refill is very very close....

Meanwhile, there is always a cup of tea. My Word Baths are my definitions of a word that pops up for me first thing in the morning. A great writing ritual as at least I have written something before breakfast.

#dailyaffirmations #dailyrituals #definitions #writingcommunity #Writing #writingprompts #memoir #Meditation #anxietyrelief #anxietysupport #Ptsdrecovery #PTSDawareness #Selflove #selfcare #UlcerativeColitis #AnalCancer #ChronicIllness #ChronicPain #NarcissisticAbuse


Does anyone else write in their spare time?

For years now, since I had to leave my job in 2016, I've felt like I'm barely keeping my head above the water. I feel like I could slip beneath the surface and drown at any moment. Until last year, I had absolutely NO purpose whatsoever... And it was slowly killing me from the inside out.

Until I started to write.

Ever since I was a little kid, I've written short stories (and some longer ones) that people have absolutely loved reading. But when I became sick, I lost all my sources of inspiration... So I stopped. But last year, for some completely unknown reason, I had sudden ideas that were bursting to get out of my head and onto paper. So I downloaded Microsoft Office and started to write little bits. But I soon realised I was out of practice. To get back into the swing of it, I began writing fanfiction about the various TV shows and movies that I love. For example; Black Sails. Game of Thrones. The MCU. I even tried my hand a bit of erotica, too.

People have loved my work. It's given me a confidence boost and a purpose. Life is slowly becoming more and more bearable. I plan to continue to write and improve my skills, and hopefully, maybe... One day I'll get published. I love sitting down at my laptop and creating a world of my own, where there's no pain, no disability... Where I can be a normal, healthy human being... At least for a little while.

So... Do any of you write? What genre? Do you find it as freeing as I do?

#chronicillnesswarrior #ChronicPain #posturalorthostatictachycardia Syndrome #EhlersDanlosSyndrome #LiverDisease #Diabetes #Migraines #InterstitialCystitis #BorderlinePersonalityDisorder #Depression #writingcommunity #WritersCommunity #Fanfic #mcu #blacksails #Writing #creativewriting


Petals of Pain ......... #MightyPoets

Drip, drip, drop,
Rain beats upon one’s rooftop;
Steadily in shifts,
Pounding bass into it’s mix.
The melodic tone of nature's tears,
Wreak havoc on my Fibro fears.

Lyrics defined by suffering,
Rhythmic beads portray each song;
Purple tears, my petals of pain,
Are the cadence I wish to prolong.

Will these same notes beat forever,
Or set my thoughts adrift?
Into a state of mindless pleasure,
Where I can feel the downbeat shift.

Heaven’s sorrow is a chorus,
Which saturates my soul;
Outwardly, I’m dying,
Yet inwardly, I’m whole.

By: Debra Brent

#Fibromyalgia #Fibro #fibropain #fibropurple #fibroawareness #Pain #petalsofpain #fibromyalgiaawarenessmonth #Depression #Anxiety #beatanxiety #Poetry #poets #writingcommunity #fibropoetry #painpoem #poetsandwriters #imapoet #poemoftheday #Awareness #dontlookdownlookup #purposeinourpain