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× " Today I Finally Did Something Different... " × # AnUpdate

× " So Today The District Manager Came By And Stayed All Morning.. And Asked Me If I Did Anything Else. Besides Making Tortilla's I Told Her That I Also Was Trained To Fry Thing's. Everything Else Not Yet. Sooo She Was Like I Will Train You To Do The Front Cash Registration. So I Rang Up Customer's All Day. Yaay! Now I Hope To Do The Grill × Frontline... She Was Kinda Disappointed In My Boss Not Training Me To Do Everything. All I Did Was Tell The Truth She Asked Me. The Male Assistant Manager Said That I Did Great Way Better Than Other. People That He Has Seen. " × Today Was A Huge Accomplishment For Me... Now I Hope To Do Other Thing's Because I Hate Doing The Trash. "× #AGoodDay #AnUpdate #accomplishment 's... ☆▪︎☆ S. K. ☆▪︎☆


× " Hi There! Mightie's..." ×#AGoodDay #PoppinIn 😃

× " I Had A Very Productive Day At My Job.. I Got Also Super Spolied A Co-worker Made Fresh Gordita's.. For Breakfest And I'm Super Exhausted... I Litterly Go To Bed At 8P.M....And Get Up At 7:30A.M. I'm Saving Like Crazy. The Only Dumb Place I Can Afford Is In El Paso,TX I Really Don't Want To Go Back But I Have No Choice This Pandemic Has Extremely Messed Everything Up. Sincerly, ☆ S.K. ☆ #AGoodDay #PoppingIn

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Pushing through to get into the light. #SeasonalDepression

This time, #SeasonalDepression has affected me in a bad way and I have felt like #hybrinating . This especially became more true, realizing all the #weightgained . 💯🤯😵😖
Yesterday, I pushed through my #hatredforcoldweather and did a #photoshoot . I was #scared because I #lackselflove currently. I have a #Negativebodyimage and #NegativeThoughts about myself... inside and out currently.
I sucked it up and had a blast, though I was cold, with my photographer friend that I model and assist. When she got cold, we were done. I prepared some outfits and she loved just the one I was in (the first outfit).
It was fun and I got #sunlight ... and fresh air... outside my normal walls of my 'den'.
It was #AGoodDay .

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#Goodmorning #newday #freshstart #Hope #Love #Cat #Pets

Hi there Mighty Warriors! A new day-another day-to #cope -to tackle-to #embrace -to try -to #Hope -to make #change , My yesterday was pretty sh#tty 💩 Today's just GOTTA be #AGoodDay ...... at least a bit #better - need a #peaceful day -a #relaxing day. ....#peace of #mind , #body & #spirit ..... Less #Pain & #aggravation .


Why push on ? ; 🌷#MentalHealth #suicdeideation #AGoodDay

I wanted to post last week about the sad Suicde of Caroline Flack .I was unbelievablely affected .Was any one else ?
As someone who suffers Suicde ideation , can be very very scary and think ...Why am I still here ! I was "In It " for 6 days ..Thank God Saturday it had eased . I push on because today I got out and connected with people , laughed and felt like I was back in game of life . My Dad passed away 6 weeks ago he was 93 . I'm just being offered another 18 mths thearpy.
Days like this ..I sobbed in Pret ! saw Doctor and glad I was part of life today.
why I push on is for the good days I cling too ...For me to come so far & through so many dark days ...Some love & Light came in today . I saw the regular & familiar faces in The city. Had a laugh with Big Issue guy , who calls me " Miss " As I used to be his worker many years ago ! So lovely . As I smile to myself " I'm doing ok " ....Getting there ...I push on for the little moments like today ...🌻💖
#Hope #Love #pushon #semicolon

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Procrastinating #Bipolar2Disorder

Stuck in a circle of procrastination....I am feeling good, but the things I need to do and get done could’ve been done days ago (some weeks) but I haven’t moved to do it- like I’m scared....but I don’t feel scared consciously? This could be so good for me and I want it yet I have no motivation to do it, I can feel the doubt littering my thoughts when I try to motivate myself for something I usually cling to as a life line.
It often feels like I have my shit together until it’s actually time to have some of my shit together, ha.
Imma get everything done before Friday though, speaking it into existence! #Procrastination #CheckInWithMe #MentalHealth

I took this photo on my first vacation with my longtime friends and it brings me a sensation of calm and eases my breathing whenever I’m feeling myself getting anxious like I was in the moment of typing/posting this.
I always feel like everyone gets annoyed at me talking about this even though I hardly talk about and when I do it’s like I don’t know how to talk about it. I feel like people think I’m faking it or that all of a sudden they hate to be around me cause of it.

.....This took a turn, but contrary to all that I still am feeling good, genuinely!