Is this really my life?
My new jewelry apparently. Some times it just feels like this is happening so fast. Or that it cannot possibly be real. What happened? Wasn't I just taking my daughter to preschool and rushing off to squeeze in a few hours at the Children's Museum after that let out at noon? Wasn't I just taking 2 mile hikes with my dog and getting annoyed that my watch didn't think my heart was going quite fast enough for that to count as exercise yet it would log the 2 or 3 spikes while I was sleeping? But that's the thing, isn't it? I could never actually pull off the act of being healthy and the harder I tried the more I just damaged my body. Just because no one saw the damage didn't make it not real. And it's not my fault that this time it's just too much to ignore anymore and there is truly no going back. At least in some ways I am finally actually getting better. I'm actually hydrated. My skin isn't cracking any more. I have only new bruises this week, not new cuts or tears in my skin. And there are plans to have people come and help me more, so I'm not forced to just put on a happy mask anymore and just do it anyway because it has to be done. #EhlersDanlosSyndrome #Pain #ChronicHealthConditions