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Our story, our journey #Anxiety #Depression #Autism

Hi y’all, I’m Tori. I’m married to a wonderful man and we have the sweetest little girl ever! I’ve been struggling with PTSD, anxiety and depression for a number of years, and my hubby, as we’ve recently put together, is autistic. But we are so much more! 🥰 I love to write, sing, paint and creatively express myself. Writing is one of my big passions, actually. I’ve been blogging for over a year, and before that I’ve written novels, short stories and poetry. I’d love to share with y’all sometime
#FunctioningDepression #creativeoutlet #CreativeInspiration #WritingThroughIt

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Let It Go

Sometimes when I am so full of emotions (good, bad, anxious, overwhelmed, sad, etc) I paint/draw. I am able to release/let go all of those pent up emotions into my art and feel more relaxed and calm after. #ArtTherapy #CreativeInspiration #HealthyRelease


Our Brother the Tree

My inspiration is a pair of photographs in black and white. One the skyward branches of a leafless tree. The other the sprawling vessels in a human lung. They are almost mirrorimages. The tree breathes what we exhale, while we humans breathe the tree’s exhalations.


Intro To Art Therapy for Women Sun., March 3rd

Don't forget, this Sunday, March 3rd, 2-4, Introduction to Art Therapy for Women in West Los Angeles. Workshop is filling up. Learn the physical and emotional benefits to art therapy to lower stress levels, manage depression and gain insight. Register at Mighty events. Email me with questions: Hands on art making!

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Currently Creative bit #CreativeInspiration

It has taken 4 Saturdays of me working a little each weekend. Now I have handwork and then I’ll quilt it. It is 4” square. #CreativeInspiration I can’t work much these last few months of darkness. #Depression

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Craft: Whod’ve thought?

I battle with my migraines 2-3 times a week on average. Last week I started on Aimovig so we’ll see how that goes. When they’re not so bad I have been learning to craft, something until the last couple of years I would have laughed at you if you said I could do. But now I even have a dedicated craft room which is designed to be migraine friendly and helps keep all my craft junk in one place, although glitter has it’s own mind. I do book folding, paper crafts, card making, vinyl stickers, photo frames, etc etc. It keeps my mind busy but doesn’t always need a lot of heavy thought. I can craft away and time and pain can gently pass me by.



Music From Mighty Poetry

So the other day I got an idea to write some songs based on poems written by my fellow Mighties I got started on one I don't know if I can work on more than one at a time ( thanks #ADHD but if any of you guys have any ideas I'd like to see what I can do If it all goes well I'd like to make videos and most the links even better maybe making an album Any other musicians out there I'm pretty sure this site is a gold mine for ideas - at least I think so It's a good way to relieve stress #CreativeInspiration #creativewriting