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My thoughts are racing. Papitations, Anxiety for sure. I’m full of guilt. I blame myself for my son’s death and I fear the future, I am fighting here. And I won’t give up. And thank you Lord for giving me all these words of comfort. I lift to You my pain and doubt.

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My thoughts are racing. Papitations, Anxiety for sure. I’m full of guilt. I blame myself for my son’s death and I fear the future, I am fighting here. And I won’t give up. And thank you Lord for giving me all these words of comfort. I lift to You my pain and doubt.

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Now and Forever More #MightyPoets  #Love #Hope

Who takes care of you when the dark shadows of the world are knocking at your door.

When your light is dimmed, your blind and you can't see anymore.

Look inside, you'll find that beautiful bright light. It's there inside, growing and waiting for you to connect and explore.

It's hope and love, just open it, they are knocking at your door. Reminding you, you are enough, you are loved and you don't have to be scared anymore!

You have the power to save yourself, you always have. You are beautiful and so much more!

#MightyPoets #Love #Hope #YouAreBeautiful #Healing #ShadowWork #light #enough #Grow #scared #Scars #somuchmore

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You Are Enough

•You Are Enough•

“Sammy’s Self-love Journey”
•Day 28:


•Sammy learning the kindness and awesomeness in feeling seen and loved. And sometimes hearing these words from loved ones means the world.💜

#enough #youareenough #Drawing #Inspiration #Art


Is it just me ..?

I'm in my third week of feeling nothing but rage in my veins. Depression strikes most days....episodes of it being severe last a few weeks then ease off a little...but this time all the times I've been screwed over... lied about....let down .... made to feel unheard...not bothered with ...family or ex boyfriends or so called friends ... its all got to me. Its like I've had my fill and combined they have all poisoned me and I can't get out of this negative hateful bubble . Its like I'm changed all of a sudden. Become the nasty person I've been made out to be over the years by specific people. How can I get out of this whole. Its never lasted this long before. I don't know if I'll ever be the same again ..thats how it feels anyway.
Have anyone else felt this .. I'm sure I'm not the only one. I can't just put it down to a severe depression episode surely #Depression #enough


Reached my limit

I'm trying really hard to give my family grace but I have reached my limit today. I am tired, my body is aching, my hands are tingling and I just can't cope with any more sound. Trying so hard not to explode. My son and husband just want attention, I just need to sleep for the rest of today. #Fibromyaliga #exhaustion #RheumatoidArthritis #IIH #enough

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When is it #enough

#MedicalPtsd #EnoughIsEnough
For the last 5 years I’ve been through 9 major surgeries, 5+ dozen procedures, 80-90 hospitalizations, pneumonia 6 times, MRSA/Staph 4 times, had a feeding tube for about 8 mos, 5 PICC lines, 2 central lines, and a partridge in a dead tree. Pear I mean pear tree!! 😂 And to add to that, my home burned down to arson and I was the only one home, took care of and buried my grandfather with Alzheimer’s, dealt with a cheating and selfish narcissistic spouse, 2 major hurricanes, and countless other stressors that I can’t even mention. While we were evacuated for Hurricane Laura, I started having severe lower right abdominal and side back pains. Well, I kinda hoped it was just gas, constipation, or even a stressful tummy. Around 3 am at the hotel, I had to wake the husband up (who was angry because I needed to go to the Er in a strange town I’d never been in) to take me to the hospital because I thought it was my appendix. Hell, that’d been easy compared to this. I have a tumor on my right kidney that’s growing quite aggressively. I seen the regular urologist today. She’s ordered a stat MRI (that I have to be sedated for) and is sending me to a urological oncologist (I think I got that right). Apparently he’s #2 in all of UTMB oncology, and this is kind of his specialty. While I’m grateful she’s sending me to one of the best, it takes my anxiety to a whole other level. I even apologized in the room with her because I was rambling (I do that when I’m anxious) and dropped some papers. I told her “I’m sorry I’m just concerned and worried.” She said “It’s ok. You have every right to be concerned because I am too.” I almost lost it. I’m sooo tired of hospitals and tests and crap.


#enough #ican ’ttakeanymore

I son’t wanna live in this world any-more. I don’t wanna live here. I just wanna vanish from this trauma.