I suspect…TW…..abuse mentioned This is LONG
I think I am being emotionally abused by my adult son and the way,as my legal guardian, he has been treating me. It’s a complicated situation and I have Bpd so I am going to try to get the situation across without over explaining- a character flaw I am guilty of.
Just before Christmas I was the target of a sophisticated identity theft scam on a social media platform. I took all the appropriate measures necessary as soon as I realized what was happening. I was not careful and released my personal information. I didn’t lose anything material - at least not yet.
Back to my son. He became my guardian two years ago when I was in a mental health hell. I am now in a much better space but still struggling. That was until I told him what happened and his actions and inactions are why I am questioning emotional abuse currently. I can’t get into most of what is going on but I can say that I believe he is abusing me in every way except he doesn’t hit me and there is no SA.
Two days before Christmas, after I informed him about the scam, he came to my place and stole my phone, tablet and laptop. He wiped them clean of everything including my contacts. My browser. Deleted my email account. All programs even those that I paid for. The few programs that he left were useless.
He also hijacked my Apple ID account and fraudulently put himself as my parent. He changed my birth year to 2020 so now apple thinks I am a 4 year old child with no privileges or choices over my own account. He put a pin # on every possible decision or change that could possibly help me restore my devices.
I need to back up and let you know why the internet and devices are so important to me. I have a mountain of physical and mental health issues that necessitate me living in an assisted living facility. I am the only one in my pod without dementia’s. There is literally no one to socialize with. The facility is grossly understaffed and the staff doesn’t have time to humor me. I have zero concentration so reading is difficult. I’m hearing impaired so music isn’t much to me. I have stories from childhood that could curl your toe nails. A whopper of a case of CPTSD. The only adult coping skill I have had success with is distraction…… through my devices and internet. My sons criminal action of theft and his fraudulently restructuring my data have resulting in collapsing into the abyss of not being able to distinguish between physical and mental health issues. You don’t have any other background that contributes to my current situation and I would be here for the rest of the night explaining. In an entirely unrelated situation he is inflicting medical neglect. This past summer he all of a sudden put restrictions on me through my facility. One of those is that I am not allowed to leave the building.
He did give my phone and tablet back Christmas afternoon. They are useless! The few programs left are not programs that provide support. And they don’t function without a browser. If that wasn’t enough he changed passwords. My brand new iPhone could dial out but he put a tracker software on it and he deleted my contacts file so I had no info to contact anyone. He also let me text but only him. I’m paying a lot of money for a smart phone to be basically useless. The iPad does nothing. He hasn’t given the laptop back.
I access both therapy and my psychiatrist through telehealth on my missing laptop. I am in crisis without help within reach. I have no distraction from this awful experience. I feel violated from the scam. Violated from the theft. Violated from the fraud. I sleep with a tracker and since this started the most sleep I have gotten in one night is 1 hour and 13 minutes. Can’t eat. I lost 6 pounds last week. Racing thoughts. Brain fog. Can’t track conversations. Feel like a major disaster is right around the corner. This is causing emotional upheaval as well as significant physical issues. I feel devalued and worthless. I feel betrayed and hurt. But I have other tumultuous feelings that I can’t put a name to because I was never taught. Physical symptoms are all encompassing from head to toe. I literately don’t know physical from emotional at this point. All I know for sure is that I have no other coping skills and no tools to help myself. Is this emotional abuse or am I a freak who just can’t cope?
Thank you for going on this wild ride and letting me vent. Also thank you to one of my staff who started loaning me her tablet when she works. I trying to reconnect with my programs online but he changed all my passwords. He says he is protecting me. From what?