I understand! The longer I’m awake, the more awake I become, and the more impossible to sleep it is. I get more and more passionate and productive at night… i love not being tired while
like this, though I guess I’d rather be able to go to sleep normally and wake up still ready to take on the world, with the same passion. But because once my insomnia leads me to something I’m passionate about, I begin to feel like sleep would only kill my productivity anyway … I usually will stay like this maybe napping an hour here or dozing once in awhile for about 3 weeks, when “ lucky” ; then I go to the total opposite end of the spectrum and can’t keep myself awake, if for no other reason, the depression that comes with having to try and find
Productivity again. A week or so I find it again while laying in the dark, eyes wide….and the process repeats.
I know this isn’t healthy but … I guess it kind of has a positive side?… and a down side :/
Is anyone else..
Similar ?😅 #Sleep #Nightowl #Insomnia #MajorDepressiveDisorder #CPTSD #BorderlinePersonalityDisorder #PTSD #Trauma #Caregiving #Caregivers #Burnout #Cantsleep #Upallnight #Sleep