I bet the nephews are home today (again 😞) because of President’s Day. I can’t even get some dang peace and quiet in this dang house, not even a full week anymore, so I’m leaving out this dang house (again. Seriously, I just wanted to relax today 😞😞).
And what’s so good about the damn day anyway? I mean I get that they run everything and all, and Biden’s better in other ways than our last horrible good-for-nothing president, but he refuses to defund the police even though he believes in Black Lives Matter, he’s pro-Israel, I’ve heard he once thought to make homelessness illegal, etc.
Also, our government just plain sucks, they can’t see that non-binary identities exist (until like 2025), 1000% of the time I always get misgendered by higher authority (which pains me a lot inside), I got taken off of social security because they seriously thought that I can work no problem (which, I’ve said plenty of times, I cannot for a vast multitude of reasons) and had to face my autism being called a disability throughout the entire time (which I despise), the list can go on and on. This is the entire reason I’m an anarchist, can’t we just depend on ourselves for our rights instead of the government who barely even knows you? /rh
#Autism #Anxiety #Family #unfair #President #nonbinary #sad #overstimulated
I am posting this here because most of us are at risk from this virus, so the way this has been handled impacts us significantly more than the average person. We should be more angry with them than most. We are the ones they saw as acceptable losses. We can't let that go. This is my message to our political leaders: If this country gets reopened too soon, it will be the most irresponsible move in American history, and will result in losing EVEN MORE lives than we already have to. STOP MESSING UP. Can you really not see how bad of a mistake that would be?? Stop being weak. Stand up to those saying that you need to move faster than medical professionals advise. Get on the right side of history because it WILL be recorded forever in the history books, and hopefully they'll tell the truth about how the majority of these lives could have been saved if our leaders had reacted when they should have and with the seriousness that was required. We should have been shut down AT LEAST in January. We wouldn't be staying at home now it we had. There would be some guidelines in place, but they would have been able to contain the spread. Every death beyond what we would have lost if we'd shut down in January has been directly caused by political drama and we should NOT be accepting that as just life or okay. We should be outraged and letting them know how horrible it is that they've allowed so many to die. Yes, I blame them because it IS their fault. For more, visit the link in my profile #dobetter #pandemic2020 #AloneTogether #stayathome #stayhome #politicians #governors #President #electedofficials #youarebeingirresponsible #ChronicIllness #Addiction #MentalHealth #relationships #money #economy
I try to shy away from political writing here, but the masks from Russia needs to be addressed. I need to share this here for the folks who may not be from the US and wondering what in hell is going on right now. The president commited a crime by striking a deal for masks from Russia. He broke sanctions for this. He overstepped congress yet again. And he legit just did a quid pro quo with Putin and admitted it to our faces. Putin does not give freely EVER. In the time of war we are in, wether biological or other, war is war. You do not accept "help" from a foreign operative currently attacking the very threads of our nation in our election system. This is interfering with an election in a way we've never seen before. Do not fall for this whole oh look how nice BS he is trying to show. Remember who he is and what he has done already. This is more of the same. Putin doesn't just "give" without something in return and by Trump accepting this he has yet again made us look like fools on the world stage and put you, me, and every single person in more danger as Russia now invaded us yet again and during a pandemic our president authorized the invasion of our nation no less. Do not fall for it!!! This is huge! We have allies. You go to them for help and they to us. Not to our sworn enemy of the state. Ever. Two hours ago, Trump fired the Intelligence Director who blew the whistle on Ukraine. There is no doubt this was the exchange for the masks (and there may be more involved too). These masks are currency in a biological war and an international intelligence war. These are not health supplies, they are the blood of our very nation and a betrayal to every single American and every one of our allies in a way never seen before. This is not OK. I just want everyone to understand this and know this was not charity. This was not humanity. As Lady Gaga says, "it was a perfect illusion" . #masks #COVID19 #President #lies #War #NationalSecurity #HealthCare #medicalsupplies