This may not end up being a very well-liked post, but nonetheless I feel led to share it.
I pride myself on being a nonjudgmental person. I strive to put aside differences in favor of relationship.
This view of myself has recently been challenged as I am beginning to believe we all have a tendency to stigmatize others, even if it is subconscious, due to cultural upbringing. In the past several months, I have befriended two individuals, one of which practices a different faith than I do, and the other who has a lifestyle that contrasts with my traditional conservative values. My experience with them, connecting with them online and before I learned of these differences, has brought to light the fact that had I met them knowing of these differences, I would have been less inclined to see them for who they really are, amazing, thoughtful, and kind people. Before we point fingers at others for their stigmatizing beliefs, maybe we should look within to see if we, ourselves, are unknowingly doing it to others. This in no way excuses the stigmatization of others, just like their behavior in no way excuses ours.
"First take the log out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to take the speck out of your brother's eye.". - Matthew 7:5
#TheMighty #MightyTogether #Stigma #StopTheStigma #Judgement #selfawareness