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Do you prefer to work from home or not at home?

A new episode of The Mighty Podcast is out! In the episode, Mighty staffer Camara and I talk about the health benefits of working from home vs. working outside of the home, such as in an office or co-working space.

I prefer to work from home because it:

- helps me manage my work around my health

- reduces social anxiety and the need to “show up” a certain way

For Camara, she prefers to work outside of her home because it:

- helps her ADHD by body doubling

- gives her that before & after separation of her ‘work’ life and ‘home’ life that's critical for her mental health.

If you want to hear more on the conversation, you can listen to the latest episode, “Tips on Finding the Best Workplace for Your Mental & Physical Health” here:

Do you prefer to work from home or not at home?

#TheMightyPodcast #MentalHealth #ChronicIllness #Disability #Fatigue #MyalgicEncephalomyelitis #ChronicPain #Depression #Anxiety #SocialAnxiety #ADHD #BipolarDisorder #Bipolar2Disorder #BipolarDepression #Neurodiversity

Tips on Finding the Best Workplace for Your Mental & Physical Health by The Mighty Podcast

In this special minisode, Mighty staff members Ashley Kristoff and Camara Rauen dive into the pros and cons of working from home and going to an office or dedicated workplace, and the impact both physical and mental health can have on those decisions. Connect on The Mighty: Join the conversation on your workplace preference! Join the The Water Cooler group and talk about navigating employment with living with health conditions. Join the Podcast Peeps group to talk about all things podcast. Read this story: If Working From Home Negatively Affects Your Mental Health, You're Not Alone
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Latest episode of The Mighty Podcast Asks: Do you prefer to work from home or not at home?

New episode alert!!!

We just released a new episode of The Mighty Podcast - “Tips on Finding the Best Workplace for Your Mental & Physical Health”

In this special minisode, Mighty staff members Ashley Kristoff (me!) and Camara Rauen dive into the pros and cons of working from home and going to an office or dedicated workplace, and the impact both physical and mental health can have on those decisions.

You can listen to the latest episode here:

And let us know if you have a preference - whether that’s working from home or outside of your home!

#TheMightyPodcast #MentalHealth #ChronicIllness #Disability #Fatigue #MyalgicEncephalomyelitis #ChronicPain #Depression #Anxiety #ADHD #BipolarDisorder #Bipolar2Disorder #BipolarDepression #SocialAnxiety

Tips on Finding the Best Workplace for Your Mental & Physical Health by The Mighty Podcast

In this special minisode, Mighty staff members Ashley Kristoff and Camara Rauen dive into the pros and cons of working from home and going to an office or dedicated workplace, and the impact both physical and mental health can have on those decisions. Connect on The Mighty: Join the conversation on your workplace preference! Join the The Water Cooler group and talk about navigating employment with living with health conditions. Join the Podcast Peeps group to talk about all things podcast. Read this story: If Working From Home Negatively Affects Your Mental Health, You're Not Alone
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What podcast would you listen to while traveling for the holidays?

Whether traveling for the holidays or going on a vacation for any reason what is a podcast you would listen to on either your drive, flight, train, boat ride, etc?
Share in the comments below!
#MentalHealth #DistractMe #TravelTips #Travel #Holidays #Podcasts #Podcast #podcastpeeps #TheMightyPodcast #listen #Share #TheMighty

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If you could go back in time what advice would you give your past self at the time of your bipolar diagnosis?

The Mighty Podcast is recording an episode on bipolar disorder and we want to hear from you! Your answer may be shared anonymously on an upcoming episode of The Mighty Podcast!
Comment below your anwer to the question: if you could go back in time what advice would you give your past self at the time of your bipolar diagnosis?
#MentalHealth #BipolarDisorder #Bipolar2Disorder #Bipolar1Disorder #Mania #BipolarDepression #Support #AskMe #Podcast #TheMightyPodcast #podcastpeeps

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The Mighty Podcast: Why It Was Difficult to Open Up About Suicidal Ideation

Content Warning: Suicidal Ideation
In The Mighty Podcast episode "We Need to Talk About Suicidal Ideation" actor and advocate Matt Rivera shares the difficulty he faced opening up about his emotions and suicidal thoughts: "Growing up in an Asian family you know, I haven't grown up expressing my feelings or having open conversations. And it wasn't until even the past few years that I really started to open up to friends and I started to for the first time express you know that I had these suicidal thoughts and feelings.”

Read the full podcast transcript here:

#MentalHealth #Depression #SuicidalIdeation #Suicide #SuicideIdeation #SuicidePrevention #Support #TheMighty #TheMightyPodcast #podcastpeeps #Podcast #CheckInWithMe #Support

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The Mighty Podcast episode "It's Time We Talk About Suicidal Ideation" is out now!

On this episode we discuss the topic of suicidal ideation, their lived experiences along with the misconceptions around it. Our guests provide ideas on how to support loved ones experiencing suicidal ideation as well as noting actionable ways to improve the way mental health and suicide are thought and talked about.
Go listen now!
Link to transcript and full episode on site: " originalText=" "> #Anxiety #Depression #SuicidalThoughts #SuicidalIdeation #Suicide #SuicidePrevention #Podcast #podcastpeeps #Podcasts #TheMightyPodcast

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Mighty Virtual Events: Friday 8/13/21!

Join us for this bonus content from the recent episode of The Mighty Podcast. Learn more and sign up here:

#MightyEvents #ADHD #TheMightyPodcast

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Join The Mighty Podcast’s “The Reality Of Living with ADHD” guests on the Live Virtual Post Show!

Have you listened to the latest episode of The Mighty Podcast, “The Reality Of Living with ADHD”? Join us on the Live Virtual Post Show tomorrow, 8/13 at 3pm PT / 6pm ET! Hear more conversation from the episode’s guests about how ADHD impacts the way they live, go behind the scenes of the podcast, ask questions and more!

Register here:

#ADHD #CheckInWithMe #virtualevents #Podcast #TheMightyPodcast #MentalHealth #DistractMe #Disability

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The Mighty Podcast Reality of Living With ADHD Episode is Out Now!

In this episode Mighty Host Ashley Kristoff is joined by Mighty staff members Camara Rauen and Monique Vitche as well as Conor Bryan to talk about living with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)! Go have a listen!
Listen to the episode here:
#MentalHealth #ADHD #LearningDisabilities #TheMightyPodcast #TheMighty #MightyMoment #Podcasts

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Mighty Super Contributor Charles Shares Misconceptions Around Chronic Illness He Has Faced on The Mighty Podcast!

Mighty Super Contributor Charles shares on The Mighty Podcast episode "Chronic Illness Misconceptions" about how there is nothing somebody can say that's going to make his chronic conditions go away and how he helps people in his life understand what he goes through daily.
Listen to the full episode here:

#ChronicIllness #ParkinsonsDisease #RheumatoidArthritis #ChronicPain #Support #TheMightyPodcast #Podcast #Podcasts #podcastpeeps