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Share a book, movie, song, or other media that has had a positive impact on your mental health this year.

I don’t know what I would’ve done without They Might Be Giants this year.

While I’d always been a casual fan of this alt-rock duo, I decided to do a deep dive into their discography this year, and I am so glad I did. From “Doctor Worm” to “Put Your Hand Inside the Puppet,” TMBG has been with me through every up and down this year (and this has been a rollercoaster of a year for sure). When I’m having an especially hard depression day, I know I can sing along to “Birdhouse in Your Soul” and feel a weight lifted off my shoulders, even if it’s only for five minutes. I can’t begin to count the number of times turning on my go-to TMBG playlist helped me take care of personal hygiene tasks. (Fun fact: “John Lee Supertaster” is exactly two minutes long, so it’s the perfect song to brush your teeth to!)

✨ I would love to hear from you: What books, movies, musical artists, songs, shows, or other media have helped your mental health this year?

#MightyMinute #CheckInWithMe #DistractMe #MentalHealth #ChronicIllness #ChronicPain #RareDisease #Disability #SpoonieLifeHacks #podcastpeeps #Depression #BipolarDisorder #Anxiety #ObsessiveCompulsiveDisorder #BorderlinePersonalityDisorder #Insomnia #Dysautonomia

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What podcasts are you listening to when starting your week?

It's a new week! Is there a podcast that you like to listen to while starting your week? It can be a podcast that helps you unwind, get distracted, get informed, get you motivated for the day, or whatever is it is you need to start your week. Let us know your weekly starter podcast below!

Let's connect with the ones we know and find new podcasts ideas to start our weeks.

#MentalHealth  #Podcasts #DistractMe #Podcast #podcastpeeps #Community #Support #listen

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What podcast would you listen to while traveling for the holidays?

Whether traveling for the holidays or going on a vacation for any reason what is a podcast you would listen to on either your drive, flight, train, boat ride, etc?
Share in the comments below!
#MentalHealth #DistractMe #TravelTips #Travel #Holidays #Podcasts #Podcast #podcastpeeps #TheMightyPodcast #listen #Share #TheMighty

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If you could go back in time what advice would you give your past self at the time of your bipolar diagnosis?

The Mighty Podcast is recording an episode on bipolar disorder and we want to hear from you! Your answer may be shared anonymously on an upcoming episode of The Mighty Podcast!
Comment below your anwer to the question: if you could go back in time what advice would you give your past self at the time of your bipolar diagnosis?
#MentalHealth #BipolarDisorder #Bipolar2Disorder #Bipolar1Disorder #Mania #BipolarDepression #Support #AskMe #Podcast #TheMightyPodcast #podcastpeeps

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The Mighty Podcast: Why It Was Difficult to Open Up About Suicidal Ideation

Content Warning: Suicidal Ideation
In The Mighty Podcast episode "We Need to Talk About Suicidal Ideation" actor and advocate Matt Rivera shares the difficulty he faced opening up about his emotions and suicidal thoughts: "Growing up in an Asian family you know, I haven't grown up expressing my feelings or having open conversations. And it wasn't until even the past few years that I really started to open up to friends and I started to for the first time express you know that I had these suicidal thoughts and feelings.”

Read the full podcast transcript here: bit.ly/SuicidalIdeationPodcast

#MentalHealth #Depression #SuicidalIdeation #Suicide #SuicideIdeation #SuicidePrevention #Support #TheMighty #TheMightyPodcast #podcastpeeps #Podcast #CheckInWithMe #Support

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The Mighty Podcast episode "It's Time We Talk About Suicidal Ideation" is out now!

On this episode we discuss the topic of suicidal ideation, their lived experiences along with the misconceptions around it. Our guests provide ideas on how to support loved ones experiencing suicidal ideation as well as noting actionable ways to improve the way mental health and suicide are thought and talked about.
Go listen now!
Link to transcript and full episode on site: bit.ly/SuicidalIdeationPodcast%3Ctopic%20id= " originalText="https://bit.ly/SuicidalIdeationPodcast#MentalHealth "> #Anxiety #Depression #SuicidalThoughts #SuicidalIdeation #Suicide #SuicidePrevention #Podcast #podcastpeeps #Podcasts #TheMightyPodcast

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Mighty Super Contributor Charles Shares Misconceptions Around Chronic Illness He Has Faced on The Mighty Podcast!

Mighty Super Contributor Charles shares on The Mighty Podcast episode "Chronic Illness Misconceptions" about how there is nothing somebody can say that's going to make his chronic conditions go away and how he helps people in his life understand what he goes through daily.
Listen to the full episode here: bit.ly/361QTas

#ChronicIllness #ParkinsonsDisease #RheumatoidArthritis #ChronicPain #Support #TheMightyPodcast #Podcast #Podcasts #podcastpeeps

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What is an accessibility feature that you would like to have for podcasts?

Exciting news! Spotify will be adding transcripts to their podcasts! What othed accessibility features that you would like to see added for podcasts in the future?
#Podcast #Accessibility #TheMighty #Media #MightyMoment #DistractMe #Support #Disability #DisabilityAdvocacy #podcastpeeps

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What is a common misconception you experience around living with chronic illness?

In the comments below, share which misconceptions you experience around living with chronic illness.

For example, a misconception you could experience is something like 'young people can't have chronic illness' or that 'someone with chronic illness feels sick 100% of the time.'

Your answer may be shared anonymously in an upcoming episode of The Mighty Podcast!

#CheckInWithMe #RareDisease #ChronicIllness #ChronicPain #Fibromyalgia #Lupus #Arthritis #Migraine #Spoonie #TheMightyPodcast #Podcast #podcastpeeps

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A new episode of The Mighty Podcast is out now!

In this episode, Mighty Staff members Ashley Kristoff and Brittany McCoy talk with Minaa B., a therapist, writer, wellness coach and mental health educator, about her book “Rivers Are Coming,” her experiences with healing, finding self-acceptance and the power of writing and poetry.

Go listen here! bit.ly/TMP2Transcript%3Cbr%20style=#MentalHealth " originalText="http://bit.ly/TMP2Transcript

#MentalHealth "> #Healing  #selfcare  #Podcast  #Podcasts  #TheMighty  #MightyMoment  #Trauma #Recovery  #Therapist  #Writing  #poet  #Poetry  #Support  #listen  #TheMightyPodcast #podcastpeeps   #Reading