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Podcast Recs Plz!

Looking for comforting/informative/entertaining podcasts for someone surviving a breakup and dealing with worsening mental health. NOT looking for relationship, (toxic) positivity, or gaming pods. I’ve been listening to Am I A Bad Therapist? and really enjoy it. TYIA! #Anxiety #ObsessiveCompulsiveDisorder #breakup #IOP #Podcasts

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New Episode Alert! 👀 Why No Illness Is Truly Invisible

We know, we know… for a health community, we’re making a pretty bold statement in this episode. But hear us out. This Mighty conversation between @xokat, @chronicallymeh, @harrison-polo, and @skyeg explores what exactly invisible illnesses are, which ones they live with — from EDS to POTS to migraine to misophonia to C-PTSD — and why, if people only paid attention, there are *always* visible signs that someone has an underlying condition. Whether others choose to believe it or not is another episode for another day. Come for the hot take, stay for the reminder that at the end of the day, your perception and experiences matter most.

Grab your headphones, your favorite beverage, and subscribe to Table Talk With The Mighty to hear more topics like this every Wednesday!


#Podcasts #ChronicIllness #MentalHealth #EDS #POTS #Misophonia #PTSD #ComplexPosttraumaticStressDisorder #InvisibleIllness

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New Episode Alert! Humor vs. Insensitivity: When Is Stigmatizing Language OK? 🗣️

If the “bipolar weather” makes you want to “yeet yourself into the abyss,” this conversation about stigmatizing health language is for you. In this episode of Table Talk, @skyeg, Ashley (hi 👋), and @melissa4454 examine their relationships with stigmatizing language — questioning the thin line between coping through humor and coming off as insensitive toward others’ lived experiences. They also share their advice for approaching potentially harmful language, especially as it becomes more common in our vernacular. The bottom line? Say what you mean, and give grace to others.

Grab your headphones, your favorite beverage, and subscribe to Table Talk With The Mighty to hear more topics like this every Wednesday!


#Podcasts #ChronicIllness #MentalHealth #Bipolar #Suicide #OCD

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New Episode Alert! Am I Actually Neurodivergent? 🤔

There’s a joke somewhere about four neurodivergent people walking into a recording booth and attempting to focus on the topic at hand. In this episode, Ashley (hi 👋) is joined by @camararollin, @jwertman, and @skyeg as they dive into the wide spectrum of neurodiversity, imposter syndrome in relation to identifying as neurodivergent, and how neurodivergence can often be misunderstood by the people who are meant to be the most helpful in supporting those individuals — namely doctors and educators. Additionally, find out how stacking diagnoses can feel like Pokémon evolutions (and of course, stick around to hear our favorite ones!).

Grab your headphones, your favorite beverage, and subscribe to Table Talk With The Mighty to hear more topics like this every Wednesday!


#Podcasts #neurodivergent #Neurodiversity #MentalHealth #ADHD #Autism #SensoryProcessingDisorder #chronicmigraine #ObsessiveCompulsiveDisorder #BipolarDisorder

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New Episode Alert! The Hidden Costs of Health 💰

Living with a health condition is expensive — and not always in the ways we think. In this important discussion led by @skyeg, @harrison-polo, and @chronicallymeh join and deliver some mic drops of their own. From hypomanic spending to pain-fueled shopping sprees to funding sensory sensitivities, the trio explore the tangible and emotional costs of health and disability. They suggest some tips and tools for managing and tracking your expenses, all while sifting through the following conundrum: What do you do when you need a job to pay for insurance and medical bills, but aren’t well enough to work? They don’t promise to have the answers, but they sure do deliver on the “ugh, ditto” factor.

Grab your headphones, your favorite beverage, and subscribe to Table Talk With The Mighty to hear more topics like this every Wednesday!


#Podcasts #money #ChronicIllness #ChronicPain #MentalHealth #Hypomania #SensoryProcessingDisorder #Misophonia

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New Episode Alert! Making Pain Scales Work for You 1️⃣-🔟=🙃

Let’s just go ahead and get this out of the way: “traditional” pain scales can be a little ableist, a lot subjective, and oftentimes unhelpful — and an actual barrier to care — for people who live with chronic pain. In this episode of Table Talk, Ashley (hey that’s me!) is joined by @melissa4454, @carla1234, and @chronicallymeh to discuss how pain scales are an outdated practice, how they like to describe their pain to health care providers instead, and share tips to make the most of your appointments, including an introduction to the “Splat Scale” method by Mighty contributor Christina Irene. (You can learn more about that here: themighty.com/topic/chronic-pain/how-to-communicate-pain/)

Grab your headphones, your favorite beverage, and subscribe to Table Talk With The Mighty to hear more topics like this every Wednesday!


#Pain #ChronicPain #ChronicIllness #MentalHealth #PainScale #Podcasts

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A new episode of The Mighty Podcast!? ‼️ Period Paint Points

Do you ever feel like riding a horse while on your period? Neither do we, but apparently period product commercials believe we do (and we have #opinions!). In this episode of The Mighty Podcast, host Ashley (hi that's me!) is joined by @camararollin, Shruti @chronicallymeh, and @skyeg to talk about the “taboo” experience that is having a period. They discuss societal “norms,” what doctors do – and specifically don’t – know, and just wait to hear some of the go-to euphemisms we use when it’s that time of the month.

🎧 spoti.fi/3Pn6jMY

New episodes of The Mighty Podcast coming to you monthly! What topic do you want us to dive into?

#ChronicPain #PolycysticOvarySyndrome #PMDD #Periods #Podcasts #Endometriosis

The Mighty Podcast

Listen to The Mighty Podcast on Spotify. The Mighty Podcast infuses the health space with positivity, humor and vulnerability. Explore topics on mental health, chronic illness, rare disease, disability and more. Continue the conversation with a community who gets it on TheMighty.com.
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New Episode Alert! Grief and Its Many Forms 🌀

Grief is one of the most common traumas that we all experience, and yet it looks so different for each of us. In this episode, @xokat is joined by @chronicallymeh and Anthony to discuss loss of all shapes and sizes — of people, of experiences, of “what ifs” — and how it’s affected their lives. We’re asking the tough questions: Who owns collective grief? Whose grief matters most? What two-word phrase actually helps in those tough moments? (And to you, the person who is grieving, we see you. We hope you’ll find comfort in this conversation.)

Grab your headphones, your favorite beverage, and subscribe to Table Talk With The Mighty to hear more topics like this every Wednesday!


#MentalHealth #Grief #Trauma #Podcasts

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