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Music 🎶 heel me!!

I’m 48 yrs and I’ve been taking an additional language class already speak Spanish, English and now begging basic Korean. I was the older of the class so they called me Unnie. Every day they speak about the Kpop Idols BTS and how pretty they are physically and their songs are cool. One day I decided listen a song from the album BE called Life Goes On and talk about how the members feel during the Pandemic Confinement and one of the members open to his fans and accept that he suffers from Depression and Social Anxiety. I’m impressed how many young people are suffering and in my case I have a 24 yr daughter and I already learn that she suffers depression and Panic Attacks, this makes me feel guilty and sad because my Therapist told me that she can genetically pass to her. So the thing is that listening their songs I begin to feel more relaxed and of course I listen American and Spanish music and is the best sensation that I feel in a long time. Maybe is that I’m obsessed or my new mania with them that’s my family thinks because they are kids from 24 to 30 yrs and I try to explain that I’m not in love or obsessed but they don’t believe me, they said that understand my disease, but they are not #Anxiety #Depression #BipolarDisorder #tiredness #TheSecretLifeOfTheManicDepressive


Sleepy Mind #Depression #tiredness #mindgaps

For last 3 days..it's feeling like I am sleep deprived... can't work or concentrate because of this untimely sleep desire..tried to go out.. nothing happened,just came home become more tired... can't find a way to keep by kind and body active...


Sleepy Mind #Depression #tiredness #mindgaps

For last 3 days..it's feeling like I am sleep deprived... can't work or concentrate because of this untimely sleep desire..tried to go out.. nothing happened,just came home become more tired... can't find a way to keep by kind and body active...


whats up with people? #sad #depressed #tiredness #lonelynotalone #upsetwithmyself #Deafness #Bullying #defending

so today some guy who I thought was my friend started calling me a slut a bitch and so forth and so on. All this because I didn't want to mess around with him. He told me that I was a whore and only wanted to use people for sex and all. Funny since I was the one who didn't want to fool around with him. So he even brought his friend into it calling my best friend on her phone ugly and a bitch and so much more. I took this to someone and I actually have a lot of people on my side, but this doesn't stop all the facts that I might have been able to prevent this. I need some advice?


Another one

Another crisis on the way. I should sleep but I'm too sick. Before I still had the patience to write some texts, small outbursts on my blog but I don't even feel like it anymore. Maybe I'll read something I don't know yet.
#Fibromyalgia #FlareUps #ChronicIllness #ChronicPain #Pain #tiredness

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Is anyone else really struggling with school work due to a lack of spoons/energy? It’s so hard to focus when I’m in pain or tired. #Spoonie #SpoonieProblems #Disability #School #Outofspoons #tiredness


How to handle the tiredness....?

I have been suffering much more with feeling tired all the time recently. When I wake up it takes me hours to get even close to functional in the day then by the time I’ve had dinner In the evening I get maybe an hour of I’m lucky before I feel like I need to just collapse asleep again. I’ve been fighting the feeling to stay awake so I can actually even fit my meds in cuz of them HAVING to be 12 hours apart but I don’t feel like I can keep fighting it. #tiredness #ChronicPain