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Check out my Twin Sister's post here on The Mighty!

As a twin sister, I'm always going to cheer my best friend in this world on, but even more so when they utilize their courage to share about something that is so hard for them in a way to spread awareness.

Please READ Laura's post, SHARE it with others and EDUCATE the public about this rare disease.

To my TN Warrior and all others, gentle hugs! " originalText=" "> #twins #sisters #facialpain

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If you can't laugh, just cry, its ok :)

This week we took a huge leap into our journey with twins..
Our girls had started climbing into each other cots at night, so we decided it was best to take off the cot side until we can afford toddler beds.
Both girls have had there ups and downs throughout the week, but on the upside there is no screaming bloody murder before bedtime anymore 🙂.
Last night was hilarious, one of the girls had the blanket covering her and she was asleep on the floor, we asked her though the night cam to get back into bed, she did as she was told but was looking like casper the ghost in the process 😂.
Does anyone else on this social media platform have twins? Triplets? More? Wanna share some tips 😂
#twins #Depression #FOLLOW #Anxiety #Parenting


Today, 13 years ago I saw you both take your last breath. A mother's love taken on a day of bullshit given love. Everyday, I rewatch you take your last breaths. I'm healing finally just to muster up my remaining energy to save the one that survived. I need your guidance and protection to save her and keep me strong. I miss you everyday. I feel your presence. I love you with every ounce of my being. Happy Birthday my loves...
#motherslove #valentine 'sday #twins


Unique Asperger’s memoir

This book offers a unique glimpse into what it’s like being a woman with Asperger’s. It also is a good read for anyone who has lost a loved one to suicide or is/has dealt with an eating disorder.

#aspergers #twins #Suicide #EatingDisorder --

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Our Twins Have Cancer. Here's Why We Wear A Mask #Cancer

I have a moment to myself. That's it, a moment.  And I am ok and happy with that.

Our two year old twin girls, Ella and Eve both have a rare aggressive #Cancer .  They not only share the same DNA, but the same Cancer.   Everyday is an uphill battle. But, they are my heroes. #heroes

They were both diagnosed with cancer at 1 month old.  They've probably spent more time in the hospital than at home.   They've endured chemotherapy, ostomy bags, seizures, feeding tubes, deadly infections, uncontrollable blood pressures, septic shock, life support, countless examines under anesthesia, and their fight is ongoing.  

I get it. People think it's a violation of their rights to wear a mask. However, I feel that if I don't wear a mask, its violating the rights of my twins to LIVE. It's violating the rights of others who also wear a mask and want to LIVE.  #live

See, whenever our twins are at the hospital (even before Pandemic),#dcotors  always gowned up. ALWAYS Head to toe. And, it kept our twins safe. Safe from those tiny microorganisms that could kill them. I know that, because I witnessed it first hand. So if my precious twins' lives were saved by a #mask , then I will proudly wear a mask, for them and everyone else.

We have been under #quarantine for months. It's nothing new to us. Its familiar ground. They gone through grueling #Chemotherapy , and their blood counts would sit at zero for weeks.  So, we would stay at home.  Now, we keep them at home to protect them from the Corona Virus.  They've been through so much already, I cannot imagine them suffering in a hospital again.  

Now, the virus has caused their treatments and appointments to be delayed or canceled.  My husband's employment has gone from 7 days a week, to virtually zero.  We are scared to bring them into a community setting.  

They are strong and they are brave.  I am proud that they are mine. @OakleyTwinsJourney
#Retinoblastoma #ChildhoodCancers #twins #Anxiety #Depression  #wearamask #RareDisease #sisters #Health #MedicallyFragile #Toddlermom #Deafness #cancerresearch #Awareness  #Safety

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Depression and Melancholy

I drew this the other day when a weird combination of depression, nostalgia and melancholy hit me. I’m one of four girls, and as you can see from the painting, we lost my identical twin sister in 2006. Losing someone you love bites deep down where scars are permanent, and the feeling never goes away; it just becomes your new normal. Part of my PTSD comes from finding my twin after she’d passed; I was the last one to talk to her, and I was the first one to find her. Although she’s not physically here with us anymore, she’s still very much a part of our family. Our two other sisters have been my anchors - they’re my best friends. And I will always be a twin, a sister, and a friend. Loss doesn’t take that away; you just learn to live a bit differently. #Loss #Depression #Family #twins #sisters #Hope #anewnormal #Sadness #Grief #Life #PTSD


Belle and the Very Bad Day

...”Belle said, “I can see why that would make you sad.”
“On the outside you look fine, but inside you feel bad.”
“It can be hard to understand what you are really going through. But no matter what it is we will always be here for you.”
The good news is that tomorrow will come. A fresh bright start will rise with the sun. #invisibledisabilities #FragileXSyndrome #thebellebooks #OnedayAtaTime #Hope #Awareness #kidlit #picturebooks #twins #Family