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Let's Talk Depression - Wednesday Wisdom 🙏

Wednesday Wisdom - Have 10 minutes? Try this out!

“Almost everything will work again if you unplug it for ten minutes.”

Sometimes, we need to unplug ourselves, too! Recharge the batteries, quiet the mind and take a few minutes just for ourselves.

If you have ten minutes to spare, find a quiet space to sit or lie down (if comfortable). Close your eyes, and just try to calm your mind for a few moments. If any thoughts keep coming up, acknowledge them and place them to the side.Return your concentration to keeping that feeling of being unplugged.

If you try this exercise, please share your experience in the comments below! 👇

#Anxiety #Depression #letstalkdepression #Unplug #WednesdayWisdom

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What did you learn about yourself while taking a digital break? #52SmallThings

What did you learn this week about yourself by unplugging? Maybe you learned how to be more mindful about the time you spend scrolling through social media or other websites. Perhaps you felt your anxiety levels go down the last time you spent “plugged in” — or maybe you felt the opposite effect. Let us know what you learned this week.

#MentalHealth #ChronicIllness #Parenting #RareDisease #Disability #TakeaBreak #Unplug

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What kind of “blockers” are you experiencing while trying to take a tech break? #52SmallThings

Has unplugging been a bit more challenging than you expected? Maybe you’ve run into some sort of “blockers” while trying to spend less time on your phone or computer. Are they emotional blockers, physical ones (such as, reaching for your phone out of habit) or something else? Let us know what’s holding you back.

#MentalHealth #ChronicIllness #Parenting #RareDisease #Disability #Anxiety #Depression #BipolarDisorder #BorderlinePersonalityDisorder #Trauma #PTSD #AutoimmuneDisease #Autism #Fibromyalgia #EhlersDanlosSyndrome #Unplug #TakeaBreak #ChronicPain #Migraine

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Phones + Family #52SmallThings #CheckInWithMe

Good Morning Family and Friends

I took a day out yesterday 🙋‍♀️
I needed it after Monday, I just plain did too much and boy did I pay for it. Ouchie ouch

My Son Jake stopped by my House and had dinner with me. Social distancing and no hugs 🤷‍♀️
But it was lovely, hence my tag line. No phones 🛑for the whole time he was there or TV or any electronic devices really. There were all there but all that happened was Talking, cooking, eating and lots of laughing. My face hurt from the laughing 😁😅

I couldn't hug him as he works with lots of others in close quarters in a restaurant, he wears a mask and gloves. But even he said "no Mum better not, we did a fist bump when he left" sigh. I miss him so much,.......

But unplugging whilst he was there was and is the best thing to do. I'm 100 % committed then to him and cooking him the best chocolate crunch pudding yum yummy yum.

Plus he took the rest home with him, left me 2 slices, and took home 2 lots of dinner in tupperware pots too. I always have cooked far too much. Can't help it. I've always cooked for a family 😅😁🤗❤

Love n hugs Tj
Unplugged for the day yesterday 🤗❤🖐🙋‍♀️😘💓💗🥀💐🌼🌹 #RareDisease #Hope #Love #Anxiety #ActOfKindness #TrigeminalNeuralgia #SphincterOfOddiDysfunction #MentalHealth #Depression #PsoriaticArthritis #Selfcare #Bekindtoyourself #Unplug #checkonyourneighbours

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I’m taking a digital break to... #52SmallThings

This week’s challenge is all about unplugging. If you’re not familiar with the phrase, it means to take a break from electron it devices for a period of time. To kick things off, we want to know why you’ll be taking a digital break this week.
Drop the emoji that best represents your reason and completes the sentence!

😌 De-stress
🚫 Break “bad” habits
🕰 Be present
🌳 Spend more time in nature
💬 _________________ (you tell us!)

#MentalHealth #ChronicIllness #RareDisease #Parenting #Disability #Anxiety #Depression #BipolarDisorder #BorderlinePersonalityDisorder #Trauma #PTSD #AutoimmuneDisease #Autism #ChronicPain #Migraine #Fibromyalgia #EhlersDanlosSyndrome #Cancer #RheumatoidArthritis #EmojiCheckIn #CheckInWithMe #TakeaBreak #Unplug

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When you need to UNPLUG: note to self #Unplug #SocialMedia

Hello everyone. I've been dealing with a lot lately and have found myself not being able to handle it. Sometimes I get overwhelmed by social media.(not suicidal) This month is Nation Mental Health Awareness month and I haven't been as active as I usually am about representing people who struggle like myself. But today I stand proud today to say yes I have several mental health disorders; one being bipolar disorder, (So when a person is moody, or mean they aren't "bipolar", or what yall call "crazy")

I deal with hypomania and depression and sometimes I go days running on 2-3 hours of sleep. I become paranoid and often irritable and I cant stop it. During depressed moods; I am the opposite. Sometimes I stay in bed for days. Yeah Ill admit it, sometimes its difficult to have the strength to shower because I honestly don't care. I like darkness and everything and everyone pisses me off. I want space.

My life has completely turned around since I've been sick. I gained weight, loss my hair, loss my teeth, loss my memory, acquired brittle bones and bad eyesight. My teeth were my armor; my smile was my golden ticket.... now my teeth crumble like a rock slide. I'm getting married and I have no confidence in this smile that once gave me joy. I never thought the pharmacists would know me personally and we would be besties.

I never thought that I would go visit past places where I was employed just to reminisce about working to remember the money I would make and the fun I had. The fact that I made enough money to be happy and to be independent. Losing your independence is like losing your soul; and now I feel like a moocher who has to ask for money....even for a pack of gum.

During all this I also forged a worried mother. I stressed my mother so bad she started losing her hair, having stomach issues, migraines and she doesn't know sometimes I hear her cry at night.

Mental health has haunted my life; its been in my life since I was 4. Recently I look at my bipolarism as the grim reaper. Lately it feels like the grim reaper has grabbed my hand and cuddled me like a baby and wont let me go.

I want to be better. Anyone with a mental health issue or disorder does; but the struggle to get back to your place of peace is so hard.

With all that being said; I will be shutting down all my social media with large following and overwhelming content and also all news apps. (with the exception of 1)

I will be deactivating my page at midnight.

Thanks to everyone who supported me, laughed with me and encouraged me.


If you or know someone who is feeling suicidal please call
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline