act of kindness

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act of kindness
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The Big News in Portland

It is raining #antibodies to all of the viruses people have been plagued with here. People are reporting #ActOfKindness between strangers; even in traffic!! The #Disabled are being shown respect. It seems #Understanding that Disabled does not mean Unable is in the morning dew. Those living with Chronic Depression are receiving free access to the proven magnetic field therapies available but that only the wealthy and highest executive packages could afford before now. Wait, breaking news, the acts of kindness have spread into neighborhood businesses, pharmacies and grocery stores. So many shut in for medical and psych reasons are able to get their needs met now without begging strangers or paying $15-25 dollars more than their driving counterparts.
What Is Your Fantasy News Report?
Follow w/ yours if you want.

In My news, 12/2/22 I began with mean virus, immediately caught CoVID AGAIN, then Bronchitis & relapsed on that! All ONLY 3 weeks before MY neurosurgery through my NOSE=PAIN=FEAR!!!
Naturally I failed to dump a guy that I kept catching in stupid lies to me. My Complex-PTSD gave me a plump case of codependency & I wasn’t “actively living” my program!!. Turns out when I’m miserable, & in emotional flashbacks from childhood I get mean. We are broke up now. Seven (7) COVID’s did not land me a Partridge or a Pear Tree. Severe Long Covid did give me …get this one-Dysautonomia. AVOID. I could be depressed but I’m too numbed by fear & anxiety to know it. ***Let’s All Have Happiness whenever we Seek It‼️

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Special Item

OK. This is probably weird but I am giving it a try. So say you are going to a place, any place, doesn't matter, and you can't bring people or pets, so you have one item you are allowed to bring with you. What would your special item be? Have some fun with this, I hope! #Friends #Friendship #friendships #MightyTogether #MentalHealth #FamilyAndFriends #New #lonely #alone #NoOneFightsAlone #StrongerTogether #Together #SocialInteraction #social #wellness #EmotionalHealth #Health #relate #Chat #Share #post #safe #SafeSpace #Connections #Positivity #positive #Fun #Mindful #Mindfulness #Kindness #ActsOfKindness #ActOfKindness Self-esteem Self-worth #self -love #Confidence #Life #Lifestyle

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This group is now a private- full privacy- group!

Hi everyone! We just made this group private instead of it being a publicly seen group.
This means all group content will only be visible to members of the group.

Now everyone in our group can feel completely comfortable sharing about yourself and anything about your life in here, and posting your own posts in here and no worries about letting us really get to know each other so we can achieve this group’s purpose-to grow new, genuine friendships because what’s in this group is only for us to see!

#Friends #Friendship #friendships #MightyTogether #MentalHealth #FamilyAndFriends #New #lonely #alone #NoOneFightsAlone #StrongerTogether #Together #SocialInteraction #social #wellness #EmotionalHealth #Health #relate #Chat #Share #post #safe #SafeSpace #Connections #Positivity #positive #Fun #Mindful #Mindfulness #Kindness #ActsOfKindness #ActOfKindness #Selfesteem #Selfworth #Selflove #Confidence #Life #Lifestyle

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New Friends Destination For Current And Soon To Be New Friends! #Friends #MentalHealth

Doesn’t this image and idea look like a paradise?

Link to join us in this new adventure:

New Friends Ages 40-55ish

We all came on The Mighty ultimately to make new, real connections and to grow new friendships to get rid of this terrible thing called loneliness/being alone that is not good for anyone’s mental health and we all want better mental health.

We all want to have friendships too based on the simple fact that we are humans and humans need to feel connected to other humans.

And the twist with this group, is to all pitch in to make this a place on The Mighty where we don’t focus on our illnesses, because we are more than our illnesses, so much more. And we don’t want to forget that about ourselves. We don’t want to have our personalities get lost, all of the different, cool, unique things that make us who we are as people.

So let’s all pitch in and start just chatting about everyday stuff like you would with any friend, about life in general, sharing things about yourself- just a couple examples -your interests, something you found funny, etc., whatever you would think that this is something you would like to share with a friend, and having some fun being social- because we all know we need to really connect and keep growing new friendships with our mental health in mind.

One smile emoji or even one word can start a friendship. Some of the most comforting words in the universe are “me too.” “Hello.” “How is your day?”…(if you don’t have another conversation starter or reply to join in).

New friends can change your life and your mental health for the better.
Add in anything to get the ball rolling and grow some new friendships here.

We can’t wait to get to know You.

#Life #MightyTogether #Positivity #positive #Kind #ActsOfKindness #ActOfKindness #lonely #alone #MensHealth #MensMentalHealth #good #funny #Fun #happy #Happiness #RoomForJoy #Joy #Mindful #Mindfulness #Together #StrongerTogether #ItGetsBetter #TogetherWeAreStrongerCampaign #FamilyAndFriends #FamilyWeChoose #relate #relatable #Chat #Hope #WhatWeLoveMostAboutLife #wegotthis #NoOneFightsAlone #youmatter #Connect #Connection #SocialInteraction #social #Lifestyle #LifeLessons #Selfesteem #Selfworth #Confidence #Selflove #wellness #Health #EmotionalHealth #MentalHealthAwareness #FriendsForSurvival #TheMighty ’sMentalHealthHeroes

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🚗Random Act of Car Kindness 🚗

A quick story, sorry if this is a bit long or doesn't make sense, my brain says it one way and my words come out another 🤷.
I have a fear of driving, I'm a very conscienscious driver, almost grannyesque but at least I work through it and I drive 👊. In front of me is a car full of, to my assumption would be late teens, early 20's. They were all vibing to music as I can see their heads bobbing in every direction. So we all slow down, me being the 1.5 car length granny behind everyone, gave this kid the opportunity to move backwards to let another lady turn the left way, allowing another car to go into traffic and another guy pulled in, in front of the kids. It was like a 5 way, you go now act of car kindness. All this literally at a red light. I've never seen it happen. The best part was everyone waved thank you. I about crapped my pants being witness to this! What the....😃. It was so awesome!
Sometimes being kind and opening your heart even just a crack, helps the soul mend and bend a bit.🤸Even if it is just to let someone in traffic so they don't road rage on someone else. 🚗
#ActOfKindness #Roadrage #Vibing #smile

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“When I do something nice for someone else, I feel…” #52SmallThings

How does doing something nice for someone else make you feel?

Maybe you feel really good about yourself or others. Perhaps it makes you want to spread more kindness around. Share how it makes you feel by finishing the sentence in the comments below.

#MentalHealth #ChronicIllness #Disability #RareDisease #Anxiety #PTSD #Parenting #BipolarDisorder #BorderlinePersonalityDisorder #Trauma #Depression #ChronicPain #Migraine #Fibromyalgia #EhlersDanlosSyndrome #AutoimmuneDisease #Autism #Selfcare #Kindness #ActOfKindness #DistractMe #CheckInWithMe

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Phones + Family #52SmallThings #CheckInWithMe

Good Morning Family and Friends

I took a day out yesterday 🙋‍♀️
I needed it after Monday, I just plain did too much and boy did I pay for it. Ouchie ouch

My Son Jake stopped by my House and had dinner with me. Social distancing and no hugs 🤷‍♀️
But it was lovely, hence my tag line. No phones 🛑for the whole time he was there or TV or any electronic devices really. There were all there but all that happened was Talking, cooking, eating and lots of laughing. My face hurt from the laughing 😁😅

I couldn't hug him as he works with lots of others in close quarters in a restaurant, he wears a mask and gloves. But even he said "no Mum better not, we did a fist bump when he left" sigh. I miss him so much,.......

But unplugging whilst he was there was and is the best thing to do. I'm 100 % committed then to him and cooking him the best chocolate crunch pudding yum yummy yum.

Plus he took the rest home with him, left me 2 slices, and took home 2 lots of dinner in tupperware pots too. I always have cooked far too much. Can't help it. I've always cooked for a family 😅😁🤗❤

Love n hugs Tj
Unplugged for the day yesterday 🤗❤🖐🙋‍♀️😘💓💗🥀💐🌼🌹 #RareDisease #Hope #Love #Anxiety #ActOfKindness #TrigeminalNeuralgia #SphincterOfOddiDysfunction #MentalHealth #Depression #PsoriaticArthritis #Selfcare #Bekindtoyourself #Unplug #checkonyourneighbours

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Fore u @lalac

Wen me foun dis piture me fouhgt of u , hab try color like the ones u share wiv us 😊hope u lik 💕

#thankfull #Selfcare #ActOfKindness #Anxiety #Depression #ChronicPain #PTSD