Sharing My Health Issues
Hi, my name is Aaron. I'm here because I have some health issues that I want to share in-case anyone else can relate. I have a spinal condition where my vertebrae in my spine shifts if I bend a lot, and bending a lot is how I got the injury in the first-place where my spine shifted overnight in January of 2022 and it took a year to heal as much as it was going to. Because of the incident I have to sit in incredibly specific chairs that are short with a straight back and this has even prevented me from going on vacations because I can't walk a long distance or sit in chairs that will cause my vertebrae to feel uncomfortable. Prior to this happening back in 2016 I had injured my neck by headbanging (the dance) to heavy metal, it gave me whiplash. I have not done it since. Due to this health issue, I have to read books on bookstands and not hold anything for too long a period of time or my neck will start hurting. I also have a sensitivity to screens or rather a sensitivity to light when I look directly at it, no matter how faint. It is for this reason that I have to use older monitors that have CCFL backlighting and not LED backlighting, because fluorescent, or CCFL backlighting is much easier on my eyes. Unfortunately there are no new CCFL monitors being produced so I am using an old monitor from 2006 currently, and I also use an older phone that has an LCD screen. Along with all of these issues, I have dealt with having Autism Spectrum Disorder all my life which had made me a social outcast even before any of this happened. Lastly, I have been living in isolation since my spinal injury in 2022 it has been difficult trying to find people to talk to about these issues. I was attending college prior to the spinal shift but I haven't been able to go back yet.
#MightyTogether #AutismSpectrumDisorder #Depression #spine #spinalinjury #lightsensitivity ##screens Screens