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A Beautiful Unpruned Mind-The Neuroscience behind ADHD

Please be patient with ADHD people as they may take longer processing some information, this is also why they deal with overwhelm.

(Image Source Autism -Synaptic Pruning Deficits. On the left you will see a neurotypical synaptic pruning and on the right an ADHD neurodivergent shows less neuron synaptic pruning.)

A Beautiful Unpruned Mind

The human brain is an intricate network of neurons, which communicate through synapses—tiny bridges that allow electrical and chemical signals to pass between cells. During early development, an overabundance of synapses is formed, creating vast neural pathways. However, as we grow, a process known as synaptic pruning takes place. This natural refinement removes unnecessary connections, streamlining brain function and enhancing efficiency (Abitz et al., 2007).

Yet, for some individuals, this pruning process doesn’t occur as extensively as in neurotypical brains. One such group is the neurodiverse or autistic individuals, whose brains retain a higher density of synapses (Tang et al., 2014). While this divergence in neural architecture contributes to characteristic autistic traits, it can also be the foundation for extraordinary cognitive abilities, often linked to savant syndrome.

Synaptic Pruning: The Brain’s Gardener

In infancy and early childhood, the brain experiences a surge in synapse formation, creating a dense web of neural connections. As a child matures, the brain refines itself by eliminating less-used pathways, enhancing efficiency and specialization. Research suggests that by adulthood, neurotypical individuals may have 41% fewer neurons than at birth (Abitz et al., 2007).

However, in autistic brains, this pruning is significantly reduced. Studies indicate that by late childhood, synaptic density decreases by only about 16%, compared to roughly 50% in neurotypical individuals (Tang et al., 2014). This preservation of synapses means that autistic individuals often have heightened connectivity in certain brain regions, which can lead to both challenges and unique cognitive strengths.

The Link Between Autism and Savant Abilities

A fascinating consequence of reduced synaptic pruning is the increased likelihood of savant abilities—exceptional skills in areas such as mathematics, music, or memory. While only about 1% of the general population exhibits savant-like traits, approximately 10% of autistic individuals display such abilities, with some estimates suggesting an even higher prevalence (Treffert, 2009).

One explanation lies in the brain’s hemispheric compensation. Research suggests that damage or developmental differences in the left hemisphere, often observed in autistic individuals, may lead to right hemisphere dominance, which is associated with heightened pattern recognition, spatial awareness, and artistic or mathematical talents (Hughes, 2012). Additionally, brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) plays a role in neuroplasticity and synaptic growth, potentially fostering enhanced neural connections in those with savant abilities (Schenk et al., 2012).

A Different Kind of Intelligence

While autism presents challenges in areas like social communication, it also offers unique cognitive strengths. A mind that retains more connections may have increased access to vast amounts of raw data, leading to exceptional memory, pattern recognition, and problem-solving abilities (Hughes, 2012). Some researchers speculate that this neural wiring may enable individuals to process information in ways that are unavailable to the neurotypical brain.

The Beauty of an Unpruned Mind

The way our brains develop shapes not only how we think but also who we are. While synaptic pruning streamlines efficiency in most individuals, a brain that holds onto its extra connections may unlock abilities beyond the ordinary. Rather than seeing this as a deficit, it may be more fitting to view it as an alternative form of intelligence—one that fosters unique perspectives, remarkable skills, and in some cases, savant-level genius.


Carlita Shaw

#adhd, #neurodivergent #neurodiverse #women #WomenWithADHD #Anxiety #Midlifecrisis #BrainInjury #PTSD #burnout


Abitz, M., Damgaard, M., Maier, N., Sakata, M., Aida, T., Kawakami, R., … & Pakkenberg, B. (2007). Excess of neurons in the human newborn mediodorsal thalamus compared with that of the adult. Cerebral Cortex, 17(11), 2573-2580. pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/17218480

Hughes, J. R. (2012). A review of Savant Syndrome and its possible relationship to epilepsy. Epilepsy & Behavior, 23(4), 288-294.

Schenk, F., Eckert, P., & Hunziker, J. (2012). Brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) and its role in neuroplasticity. Frontiers in Neuroscience, 6, 12.

Tang, G., Gudsnuk, K., Kuo, S. H., Cotrina, M. L., Rosoklija, G., Sosunov, A., Sonders, M. S., Kanter, E., Castagna, C., Yamamoto, A., Arancio, O., Peterson, B. S., Champagne, F., Dwork, A. J., Goldman, J., & Yue, Z. (2014). Loss of mTOR-dependent macroautophagy causes autistic-like synaptic pruning deficits. Neuron, 83(5), 1131-1143. doi.org/10.1016/j.neuron.2014.07.040

Treffert, D. A. (2009). The savant syndrome: An extraordinary condition. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 364(1522), 1351-1357Website- Synaptic growth, synesthesia & savant abilities | Embrace Autism

Additional Notes on the Study

Tang, G., and Sonders, M. S. (2014) contributed to a study that explored the relationship between developmental dendritic pruning, elevated mTORC1 signaling, macroautophagy, and autism spectrum disorder (ASD). The study, conducted at Columbia University Medical Center (CUMC), found that loss of mTOR-dependent macroautophagy leads to autistic-like synaptic pruning deficits, characterized by increased dendritic spine density and reduced developmental spine pruning in layer V pyramidal neurons in postmortem ASD temporal lobe

The study by Tang et al. (2014) was supported by the Simons Foundation, the U.S. Department of Defense (TS110056), the Parkinson’s Disease Foundation, the JPB Foundation, and the National Institutes of Health (NIH K01MH096956, R01MH64168, DP2OD001674, R01NS049442). Additional funding came from the American Heart Association, and brain tissue samples were provided by the Harvard Brain Bank and the Maryland NICHD Brain & Tissue Bank

(You can find this article with an explainer video, in my blog lifepathfrequencies over on WordPress)

Synaptic growth, synesthesia & savant abilities | Embrace Autism

Greg Burns: “The garden of my mind wasn’t weeded as thoroughly as others. As a consequence, I’ve managed to grow some unique autistic flowers.”
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Ovarian cyst- male doctors suck!

The size is 12cm. The doctor - a male doctor, of course- wanted me to wait for 6-12 months to have a second ultrasound.
All I wish is 1 year of regular menstrual cycle in a men's life: the cramps, the mood swing, the everything.
By the way, my therapist comment that the pain was lack of sexual life also proves that men needs to have that experience too.
Finally I got a referral to a woman gynecologist, hopping she would not blame me for that! #OvarianCancer #women 'sHealthy

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Happy Women’s History Month!

I hope you enjoy this month and take some time to research women’s history and the great women who paved the ways for civil rights and equality.

#women ’sRights
#women ’sMentalHealth

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Women with Late Diagnosis?

Any women here with a late/adult diagnosis of ASD? I’d love to chat about your experience. My daughter was just diagnosed and, after spending hours and hours diving down a research rabbit hole on the topic, I believe I may have it and it has been an emotional and validating revelation. I’d especially love to talk to anyone who has masked with people pleasing!
#AutismDiagnosis #Autism #women #Aspergers


Look at me being all emotional. I can only imagine if you guys had the same drastic change in hormones that makes us girls this way. That's right, not only do we bleed for a week straight without dying, we experience pain when we are more sensitive to it, and our hormones are so out of whack that everything is "off". Count your blessings, boys.#TheMighty #MightyTogether #women #Girls #Hormones #strong

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Abortion in America

#Abortion #women 's rights. I know, I know. Abortion is such a taboo subject. Being from 🇨🇦 can anyone explain to me how this law could've been passed in so many states in your country?!? I truly don't understand not having that choice as a woman. I'm terrified, pissed off, saddened and still in disbelief that this right could be taken away from so many!
I'm curious if most women who live in these states feel the same way, and I have to say that the rhought of living in a state like Texas scares the crap out me.
I live close to Windsor, Ontario which might have 1 murder a year, and across a bridge is Detroit, MI which has 100's of murders a year. Is it a gun thing? A gang thing? I've never known anyone who owned a gun...even shotguns for hunting are rare. Obviously not growing up in America, I find it difficult to believe that the Forefathers had handguns and AK-47's in mind "as a right to bear arms"
I truly want to understand, and all insights are appreciated 🙏


Hey ladies!

Just a tip from one woman to another...I swear by glycolic acid to combat the signs of aging. What is your secret weapon for antiaging? Creating a whole new regimen dedicated to it. #themghty #MightyTogether #DistractMe #women #Tips

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Fed up, confused, and red flags to watch out for

I have a question.

When a man messages you to scam/play you and you don't follow script, why do they then block you?

Oh and ladies,

four red flags to look for when a man messages you:

1. They ask you for pics (please don't, just don't)
2. They ask for personal info
(had a guy message me asking for my number...really?!?)
3. They ask if you live alone (just downright creepy)
4. One line scammers use like clockwork is that they live in the states but are currently overseas. Don't fall for it.

I share this from experience. I can't count the number of times men have tried to pull this over on me. Smh.

Thankfully this rarely happens on this app but it has happened twice in my experience here, one being just this morning. Remember these red flags no matter what app/platform you are on. Oh yeah and REPORT THEM to protect other women from falling victim to them.

#TheMighty #MightyTogether #Safety #Protect #wisdom #Ladies #women #scam

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