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Definitely my feelings #ChronicIllness #ChronicPain #catheterlife #MentalHealthAwareness #mentalhealthmatters #MentalHealth

Ive not been on here in a while .Since march I have long term catheterised which has caused so many issues,non stop hospital stays which along the way now dealing with other problems.Mentally I am so drained I feel miserable that I'm not who I was 9 months ago,I can barely do anything.ive become basically house bound and most days the pain stops me even doing simple daily tasks.i feel like such a failure as a mum and as me in general .I hate seeing myself in the mirror now with cathter, more scars from the skin cancer biopsies,having to use walking aid due to the spinal issues & pain I just hate what I see and what i am now.But I'm so fed up feeling this way and I try so hard but each day between pain and everything going on my aims to try and feel better seem to just completely become non existent.....

I hope everyone is well ♥️
#ChronicIllness #ChronicPain #BladderPain #BladderProblems #catheterlife #Endometriosis #MentalHealth #MentalHealthAwareness #mentalhealthmatters #Anxiety #Depression #biopsies #SkinCancer #CheckInWithMe #MentalHealth #AloneTogether #loveyourself #Selfcare #Melanoma #Bekind #loveyourself

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A smile can hide many things .... #MentalHealth #mentalhealthmatters #Anxiety #ChronicDepression #Depression #Selfcare #Parenting

Just because someone is smiling doesn't mean they're FINE .Just because someone you see that is unwell or has been dealing with any physical or mental health issues is smiling doesn't meant they're BETTER .It doesn't mean they're OK now or that they're not in pain .Usually alot of the time it's because they are used to dealing with their struggles and pain and are just trying to put on a smile and get on with it .You never know how much someone is really struggling so don't judge them .Don't just assume or make comments to them about their health being better or because they don't look sick if they're smiling or have managed to get dressed or go out .You've no idea how much it's taken them to even do that ....
And you never know just how much someone need syour kindness today ♥️


#MentalHealth #MentalHealthAwareness #mentalhealthmatters #Anxiety #Depression #Selfcare #Melanoma #SkinCancer #Insomnia #longcovid #COVID19 #PTSD #Upallnight #CheckInWithMe #Bekind #loveyourself #GeneralParenting #Parenting #MomGuilt #ChronicIllness #ChronicPain #BladderPain #BladderProblems #bladder #Endometriosis #AloneTogether

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Reality .... #MentalHealth #mentalhealthmatters #ChronicPain #Anxiety #Depression #Selfcare #CheckInWithMe

😂😂😂 this is definitely the reality when suffering with chronic pain , anxiety ,depression ,fatigue ,physical pain or just mentally struggling.
When you feel like you need a rest after just taking a shower because your so drained .....

It's the little things that seem so simple to others that can really take so much working upto actually doing & then struggling so much after doing it .

#MentalHealth #ChronicPain #ChronicIllness #bladder #BladderProblems #Endometriosis #Catheter #Melanoma #Anxiety #mentalhealthmatters #Bekindtoyourself #loveyourself #Positivity #Bekind #longcovid #COVID19 #PTSD #Upallnight #CheckInWithMe #Depression #Parenting #GeneralParenting #Insomnia #ItsOkNotToBeOk #SkinCancer #AloneTogether #struggling #youmatter #Selfcare

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What a difference a year can make.... #ChronicPain #Anxiety #Depression #Selfcare #PTSD #MentalHealth

A year ago I was away with friends and ended up going out into the water even though didn't exactly have the swimwear !!too and shorts done it , I loved being able to do things like this and that's really what I miss justnow being able to go away for days go big walks ,go running , just getting away and enjoying the peace and surroundings ! Hopefully once all the catheter issues are sorted I'll be able to do things like this again!

#ChronicPain #Anxiety #PTSD #Depression #Selfcare #ChronicDepression #MentalHealth #CheckInWithMe #Insomnia #Upallnight #SkinCancer #Endometriosis #COVID19 #longcovid #loveyourself #Bekind #AloneTogether #Positivity

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Going to bed feeling content ...... #MentalHealth #Anxiety #Depression #Selfcare #ChronicPain

Well today I play the computer with little ones ,played some games,made cakes, watched a movie then I managed to move all my living room about which I've been wanting to do for suffering now for it pain wise as I still have this infection (11weeks now) and it did take alot our of me but I feel so much better getting all that done ,and spending time having fun with the little ones especially as I really struggle most days to do anything.
So the pain now was definitely worth it seeing their little faces instead of them popping and out to see me while im stuck in bed !

So here's hoping this week is a better week ♥️😊
Hope everyone had a lovely weekend and is OK 😊

#MentalHealth #Anxiety #Depression #Selfcare #PTSD #Positivity #Bekind #loveyourself #ChronicPain #AloneTogether #Endometriosis #Insomnia #SkinCancer #GeneralParenting #Parenting #Upallnight #Catheter #InterstitialCystitis

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Always remember..... #MentalHealth #CheckInWithMe #Anxiety #Depression #Selfcare #ChronicPain #loveyourself

Regardless of all those simple minded comments we hear .... oh but you don't look sick , aww get over it , you're still sick ?? You always cancel , what's wrong now ? , it's in your head ,it could be worse , think yourself lucky compared to others , another migraine ??

I'm sure we hear these and plenty more numerous times !! But just remember it's NOT in your head , Your feeling ARE valid , ITS OK to say no or cancel if you can't do it .ITS OK to put you first , ITS OK to not be OK.

You don't have to explain yourself &your struggles.If you are struggling &having a bad day remember that's OK too & you are not alone ❤️

#MentalHealth #CheckInWithMe #Anxiety #Depression #Selfcare #PTSD #Positivity #Bekind #loveyourself #ChronicPain #AloneTogether #Endometriosis #Insomnia #SkinCancer #GeneralParenting #Parenting

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My little space ...... #MentalHealth #CheckInWithMe #Anxiety #Depression #Selfcare #PTSD

My garden & all the plants are starting to come out now and it's looking soo pretty .Plus some of my litte cosy & relaxing area is also done .I love sitting out there under the gazebo even if it's dull or rainy.Its such a nice space & being stuck at home really all the time now I love having that so I can sit outside.Still so much to do in the garden but It's actually something I really enjoy now 🙂 Just need some better weather now and I can be out there all the time !!

#MentalHealth #CheckInWithMe #Anxiety #Depression #Selfcare #PTSD #Positivity #Bekind #loveyourself #ChronicPain #AloneTogether #Endometriosis #Insomnia #Upallnight #Outdoors

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Find this soo calming & relaxing ..... #MentalHealth #CheckInWithMe #Anxiety #Depression #Selfcare

I absolutely love lying in my bed with the window open ,listening tk the rain when it's so heavy like tonight .It really seems to calm & relax me so much .hopefully that will help and I might actually fall asleep soon and get a good sleep !!

#MentalHealth #CheckInWithMe #Anxiety #Depression #Selfcare #PTSD #Positivity #Bekind #loveyourself #ChronicPain #AloneTogether #Endometriosis #Insomnia

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😂😂 this is how it feels ..... #MentalHealth #CheckInWithMe #Anxiety #Depression #Selfcare #ChronicPain

I hope everyone had a lovely weekend ♥️😊

Weekends are all just like every other day to me now ,I don't go anywhere at all justnow unless it's the garden,I can't drive due to catheter plus the pain in my back.With it being a Bank Holiday weekend the msgs from friends asking me to just go to theirs or out for a bit itl make me feel better I know they're trying to help but it causes me so much anxiety. I ABSOLUTELY HATE saying no to things when asked by friends ,especially when it's my good friends .But I just can't help getting used to this new me and still in loads of pain and meant to be resting ,and after the issues with the Catheter leaking I just prefer being at home ,I feel safe there ,I feel comfortable in my jammies and safe space .But it's hard because I used to be such a social person and confident now I just want to hide away from everything and everyone most days .

Do any of you get anxious when it comes upto things you know your going to be asked to do something when you know you can't???

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