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A smile can hide many things .... #MentalHealth #mentalhealthmatters #Anxiety #ChronicDepression #Depression #Selfcare #Parenting

Just because someone is smiling doesn't mean they're FINE .Just because someone you see that is unwell or has been dealing with any physical or mental health issues is smiling doesn't meant they're BETTER .It doesn't mean they're OK now or that they're not in pain .Usually alot of the time it's because they are used to dealing with their struggles and pain and are just trying to put on a smile and get on with it .You never know how much someone is really struggling so don't judge them .Don't just assume or make comments to them about their health being better or because they don't look sick if they're smiling or have managed to get dressed or go out .You've no idea how much it's taken them to even do that ....
And you never know just how much someone need syour kindness today ♥️


#MentalHealth #MentalHealthAwareness #mentalhealthmatters #Anxiety #Depression #Selfcare #Melanoma #SkinCancer #Insomnia #longcovid #COVID19 #PTSD #Upallnight #CheckInWithMe #Bekind #loveyourself #GeneralParenting #Parenting #MomGuilt #ChronicIllness #ChronicPain #BladderPain #BladderProblems #bladder #Endometriosis #AloneTogether

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Reality .... #MentalHealth #mentalhealthmatters #ChronicPain #Anxiety #Depression #Selfcare #CheckInWithMe

😂😂😂 this is definitely the reality when suffering with chronic pain , anxiety ,depression ,fatigue ,physical pain or just mentally struggling.
When you feel like you need a rest after just taking a shower because your so drained .....

It's the little things that seem so simple to others that can really take so much working upto actually doing & then struggling so much after doing it .

#MentalHealth #ChronicPain #ChronicIllness #bladder #BladderProblems #Endometriosis #Catheter #Melanoma #Anxiety #mentalhealthmatters #Bekindtoyourself #loveyourself #Positivity #Bekind #longcovid #COVID19 #PTSD #Upallnight #CheckInWithMe #Depression #Parenting #GeneralParenting #Insomnia #ItsOkNotToBeOk #SkinCancer #AloneTogether #struggling #youmatter #Selfcare

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A Question For Women that have Interstitial Cystitis, or Incontinence.

Hey, everyone. I hope you're all okay, or doing as well as can be.

Okay, ladies... I suffer with a bladder condition that has me in pain 24/7. Because my bladder randomly spasms, for no reason at all... It can make me have accidents. Sometimes big ones, but mostly a trickle or leakage.

So, up until last year I'd been single for five years. Over those five years, things have gotten worse. I now have to wear pad all the time. Anyway, my girlfriend says my health issues will never deter her or put her off... But I'm worrying about things getting heated between us... I'm terrified. What if there's the smell of pee? What if my vulva eczema flares up and I have to use my steroidal cream?

I know we could just plan ahead, but that ruins the spontaneity, and I'd be all nervous about getting closer to the time we set. Which would most certainly ruin the mood for me.

I don't know what to do... Do any of you have a tip about this, I would really SERIOUSLY appreciate it.

Thank you all in advance.

#interstitialcystits #bladder #bladderdisease #ChronicPain #Incontinence #chronicillnesswarrior #help


Medication barely working!

I've taken several different medications for my #NightWetting . I'm currently taking #Vesicare 10mg. I take it about 30 mins before bed. In addition I also manage my fluid intake very very strictly. Vesicare is definitely more effective than any other #OAB #Medication I've taken but still with all these measures in place I still have accidents about 4 times a week. I'm disgusted with this. I feel like there's no hope in sight. I wear an overnight #diaper to bed every time I go to sleep which frustrates me more than anything. Anyone taking medication/s that actually eliminate their #bladder issues?
#Enuresis #overactive bladder #Incontinence #OABMedications #NocturnalEnuresis #AdultDiapers #UrgeIncotinence


Struggling with my medication.

Battling to take my #Medication . Sometimes I feel like "for what" "it don't work." I've been taking medication on and off for as far back as I can remember. I'm 41 now I'm so sick of it. I read a lot sometimes about mental health and how we overmedicate in America and I just don't want to be one of those people if it's not necessary.
#mental #MentalHealth #MentalIllness #Bipolar #Mania #Depression #Anxiety #AdultADHD #ADHD #Incontinence #bladder #BladderIncontinence

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Confession time

I’m tired 😓, I’ve had lupus for 20 years and it’s been rough from the start. I’m exhausted in all ways possible. I’ve always done things the right way but recently I found out that the hospital has me as a seeker 🥴 talk about a fucking punch too the heart and gut. I seriously debated myself days was it finally time just to end it all. I have multiple chronic illnesses that causes severe pain and chronic fatigue. I go to the ER and sit hours in agonizing pain just for some doctor to come in and play judge if I’m in enough pain for meds or if I need to be admitted when I think I do and I sit and wait 8plus hours. Just to be looked at funny and sent home in worse shape then I came in. I don’t know how much fight I have left in me I’m really starting to not feel like much of a warrior. It’s 12:38 I’m trying to make this post and am barely able to keep my eyes open to type. I live in Saint Louis city and you can get frights from anyone or any corner but I’ve tried to do it right for 20 years but I’ve recently went and bought pain meds for the first time which wasn’t even worth my time,money or nerves. #Exausted #tired #cryforhelp #Lupus #ic #InterstitialCystitis #bladder #Pain #tired #Fibromyaliga #Depression #MentalHealth #Asthama #hurt #help #Die


Does anyone else feel like their bladder has solidified or that there’s so much pressure inside it’s going to burst?

I started noticing this a little bit last night but it went away. Now it’s back with a vengeance. The first thing I did was catheterise to make sure it’s not retention related. Even with a completely emptied bladder it feels like this. It’s so bad I can’t even sit upright.

I spoke to my GP and basically begged her to do something. She’s given me some diazepam (valium) to help relieve the spasms. But I can’t go and collect them until after 4pm!

#chronicillnesswarrior #InterstitialCystitis #PainfulBladderSyndrome #Pain #bladder #Pressure


Hi guys, can anyone help me with an IC related question?

I’ve had IC for around 4 years which started with a 3/4 week flare of frequency and urgency. Since then, it’s had it’s bad weeks but it’s been manageable but 16 days ago a bad flare of urgency and frequency started again like at the start of it ... I’m scared it won’t stop and my entire life has been put on hold and I’m exhausted from no sleep. I’m scared it won’t calm down and go back to being manageable ... does anyone know how long flares of urgency and frequency last?

I hope I’ve posted this right lol (: xx
interstitialcytitus#ic #frequency #urgency #help #flare #UK #urology #England #bladder


Interstitial cystitis # inter stem

Have get my battery changed soon! Praying the leads to the inter stem don't have to be replaced. It's a journey.!# i.c. #bladder pain # interstitial cystitis