Growing Pains
A lot has happened recently. I made those I love aware about my harmful thoughts towards myself. I'm going to start therapy soon, and I've started on a medication, as well as my family finally acknowledging my medical condition. I have something very similar to POTS, called autonomic dysfunction. This is one of the many things that has contributed to my mental health, and now my family realizes how bad it is. Though I am getting help, this is called "Growing Pains" for a reason. My condition is manageable, but chronic. I have to take in a lot of sodium to help manage it, and it's really hard. That and the medication I mentioned has been rough on my stomach. I might be getting help now, but things aren't perfect. Anyone else healing, its a process. These growing pains will be there, but I think everyone needs to remember, it just means we're growing, and getting better. Stay safe, and I appreciate you all. #Depression #AutonomicDysfunction #Awareness #growing