my mother raises my daughter
my daughter is about to be 8 , she's lived with my mom since 1 due to my addiction and bad choices . I've turned my life around and been out of the "game" for 5 yrs . I am stable , active in a 12 step program , raising a 2 yr old , working , and sober. both my daughter and mom are attached by the hip and very unwilling to move forward with her coming to live with me . my mom lets her run all over her and frankly she's a brat and gets everything she wants. just like I was growing up.
I don't play that when she is with me , I want her to have a strong foundation of self , and to be raised with values and self respect . my mom does the best she knows how, but shes raising her identically to the way she raised me, which will not turn out well. you can't give away what you don't have . don't get me wrong ,I am grateful for her raising her up until this point but it's time for me to be the mother now , she needs me.
my moms whole entire life revolves around her , in a unhealthy way. there are no boundaries.
I don't want to force her to live with me if she truly doesn't want to .
has anyone experienced something similar ? what are your thoughts , suggestions, words any words would be helpful
#Addiction #Motherhood #boundariesarehard #MomGuilt