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Do what is necessary, not just because it's written.

Hey everyone!

As we navigate life's challenges, it's easy to get caught up in following rules, norms, or expectations. But today, I want to remind you of a powerful truth:

Do what is necessary, not just because it's written.

Don't let external expectations dictate your path. Instead, listen to your inner voice, your values, and your needs.

Ask yourself:

- What truly aligns with my goals and well-being?
- What steps will move me closer to my desired outcomes?
- What choices will bring me peace, growth, and fulfillment?

Remember, your journey is unique. Don't be bound by limitations or constraints that don't serve you.

Take ownership of your decisions and actions. Empower yourself to:

Break free from unnecessary obligations
Challenge societal norms
Create your own rules

You are capable of achieving greatness. Trust yourself and make choices that nourish your mind, body, and soul.

Share with us:

- What's one thing you're doing today because it's necessary for your growth?
- How are you breaking free from external expectations?

Let's rise above limitations and conquer our minds together!


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Death can have me when it earns me

This phrase resonates deeply - 'Death can have me when it earns me.' It's a declaration of defiance, a statement of self-worth, and a commitment to living life on our own terms.

It means:

We won't let death take us without a fight
We'll live life with purpose and intention
We'll earn every moment, every breath

Share with us what this phrase means to you. How do you plan to earn your life, to make every moment count?"

#livelifetothefullest #purposeandmeaning #fearlessliving #mentalhealthmatter

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"Open your Heart To Their Suffering"

As we journey through life, we encounter people from all walks of life, each carrying their own burdens and scars. But how often do we truly open our hearts to their suffering?

In a world where empathy is often in short supply, it's easy to get caught up in our own struggles and forget that others are fighting their own battles. But what if we made a conscious effort to change that?

"Open Your Heart To Their Suffering" is more than just a phrase - it's a call to action. It's a reminder that we have the power to make a difference in someone's life simply by being present and compassionate.

So, let's make a commitment to ourselves and to others to:

Listen without judgment
Offer kindness without expectation
And to see the humanity in everyone we meet

By opening our hearts to others' suffering, we can create a ripple effect of empathy and understanding that can change the world.

*Reflection Questions:*

- Who in my life is struggling, and how can I open my heart to their suffering?
- What are some ways I can practice empathy and compassion in my daily life?
- How can I create a safe space for others to share their struggles and feel heard?

*Take Action:*

- Reach out to someone you know who's struggling and offer a listening ear
- Volunteer your time to help those in need
- Practice mindfulness and self-compassion to increase your own emotional capacity for empathy

Let's conquer our minds and open our hearts to the suffering of others. Together, we can create a more compassionate and empathetic world.

#compassioninaction #mentalhealthmatters
#KindnessMatters #listenwithoutjudgment

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"It is the nature of a thing that matters, not its form."

How often do we get caught up in superficial appearances, only to miss the true essence of something? Whether it's a person, a situation, or an experience, it's easy to get distracted by the surface level.

But what if we shifted our focus to the underlying nature of things? What if we looked beyond the form and explored the substance?

Today, let's challenge ourselves to dig deeper. Let's seek to understand the true essence of the world around us, rather than getting caught up in appearances.

Share with us:

- A time when you looked beyond the surface level and discovered something new
- A situation where you're struggling to see beyond the form
- How you plan to focus on the essence, not the appearance, in your daily life

Let's conquer our minds and uncover the truth that lies beneath the surface! #conqueryourmind #EssenceOverForm #NatureOverAppearance

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"In moments of crisis, panic does nothing. Harness it. Let it serve you."

When faced with challenges, it's natural to feel overwhelmed. But panic can be a major obstacle to progress. Instead of letting fear take control, learn to harness it.

Channel your energy into focus, determination, and action. Let the adrenaline rush fuel your resilience and drive.

Remember, every crisis is an opportunity for growth. So, take a deep breath, steady your mind, and conquer the moment.

Share with us:

How do you handle moments of crisis? What strategies help you stay focused and in control?

#conqueryourmind #HarnessPanic #resilience #growthmindset

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"My Past is What Drives Me, But it Doesn't Define Me"

A powerful reminder that our experiences shape us, but they don't dictate our future. We have the power to learn from our past, rise above it, and create a new path forward.

Share with me: How do you separate your past from your present and future? What drives you to keep moving forward?

#mypastdrivesmebutdoesntdefineme #conqueryourmind #PersonalGrowth

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I’m beyond hope! #BorderlinePersonalityDisorder #conqueryourmind #MentalHealth #Anxiety #BipolarDisorder #Depression

Sometimes I feel like I’m beyond help/hope because of my mind works. I know that I’m beyond help because my brain doesn’t want coping mechanisms it wants actual solutions to problems. Like right now I don’t have my own place or my own vehicle, and my mind is rebelling because it doesn’t want to accept that it’s going to either A: take a miracle from God himself or B: it’s going to take time neither answer is good enough because I’m not in control of the situation. My mind wants to have to control at all times so that ensures nothing can go wrong and nothing or no one can hurt me and that everything moves swiftly and peacefully. Being self aware about it makes it 100*s worse. I honestly hate being me.

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All the best this Christmas, Fellow Mighties. 🌲🌲🎅

To anyone struggling right now for whatever reason, we are all here together to celebrate Christmas together, and to love and support each other.

Also, a quote from a little story that many know. #conqueryourmind #MentalHealth #Anxiety #Depression #Loneliness #Grief #Christmas #AutismSpectrumDisorder

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How do you decide when to push through challenges like pain, discomfort & fatigue? OR when to listen to your body, slow down, rest, or call it a day?

Being uncomfortable and uncertain have been challenges I have faced very regularly in my life, and I have dealt with so many times that were “hard”, full of pain, made me anxious or angry, wore me down, and tested my fortitude & resilience. I used to always fight and push through these obstacles and challenges every day facing things head on. I was stubborn, determined to keep going no matter what…and I got a lot done, stayed busy and proved to myself I wasn’t a quitter and could accomplish anything I put my mind to. I certainly did grow in many ways and find out a lot about myself and what I was capable of doing, and gained confidence and learned to feel comfortable with adversity…

…Yet I did so without realizing I was pushing my body to its limit and maxing myself out! I wouldn’t pay attention when my back was screaming to be rested, my neuropathy in my legs and feet burned so much and they begged to be kicked up & treated, and/or when I had a blistering migraine that made me so sensitive to light, sound & movement, and completely drained my energy. I still pushed through.

Then something happened … I don’t remember who it was or what they said, but I had a light bulb go off, an epiphany of sorts. It changed my thinking and how I have chosen to function since then. I realized I don’t have to always be strong, determined and push myself so hard just to prove (to myself) that I am willing and able to get things done.

I can just pause for a moment, breath, and do a little personal inventory to see how parts of my body are really feeling, then if they are telling me to stop I have learned to be gentle with myself and take a break, not feel like I have to do everything on my ToDo list that day. Then I almost always find that I can just call it a day…. I can table everything left on my list til the next day or two, and my world won’t come crashing down. I have learned that I am almost always the one putting all the pressure on myself, I am the one who sets unrealistic goals, I am the one that doesn’t want to admit to myself that I have numerous challenges that require regular care and that I have limitations of what my body can do.

I am disabled and that’s ok. It’s ok to not be 100%, It’s ok to need to use a cane, It’s ok that I get brain fog & stutter, it’s ok that I have to wear obnoxiously big migraine glasses in public, it’s ok to need to use handicap parking spaces…and it’s ok if some days I don’t complete everything on my list, and instead choose to be mindful that I’m tired and pushing through would make it worse.


Yet, some days I’m tired but I still want to go on the daily walk my Physical Therapist has finally cleared me to go on, I still want to finish a project in my kitchen, join my family for a big dinner, or go to the men’s group meetings I have missed for a long while. Then sometimes I still push it and do them, but only if first I can honestly tell myself it’s not too much and that I will also choose to stay mindful along the way and just stop when it’s time to stop!

For me it’s about balance, acceptance and practicing good self care! A lifelong journey…one challenge at a time!

What have you learned about your body? Can you step back, scan yourself and let yourself rest if necessary? Please be gentle with yourselves … dealing with multiple health challenges can be tough enough, I’ve learned that my stubbornness and pride have often made things worse!

#MentalHealth #Depression #Anxiety #Disability #ChronicPain #ChronicIllness #Selflove #Selfcare #BipolarDisorder #BipolarDepression #ADHD #ObsessiveCompulsiveDisorder #COVID19 #Migraine #Headache #HIVAIDS #PeripheralNeuropathy #BackPain #Addiction #AddictionRecovery #IfYouFeelHopeless #Hope #CheckInWithMe #InsideTheMighty #DistractMe #MightyTogether #conqueryourmind

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When you are depressed or in pain what would be the most supportive thing a friend or loved one could say to you? What would be the most comforting?

I can get pretty bad social anxiety these days, and I always fear people will say “What have you been up to…?” I know they would mean well, but the honest answer would be that I've been busy going to doctors, PT & therapy appointments..and practicing self care… treating pain in four parts of my body, off & on for hours each day. But I really don't want our conversation to focus on discussing this…as I often feel a need to explain further, answer the inevitable questions and hear their concern, and often sympathy I’m definitely not looking for!

Even if people say positive things like “You look great!” I think… if they only knew how I feel INSIDE…(I have been dealing with numerous Invisible Illnesses)

Can you relate to these?

What would you like people to stop asking? What have people said that you felt was callous, unsympathetic or uncaring? What words have been the most hurtful?

When you are struggling, what can people say that would help the most? How can they let you know they’ve got your back? What if you could have someone say (or not say) anything you want to make you feel better…What would you want to hear?

Please share your responses to the question(s) that speak to you the most ….your experiences, and what you would (and wouldn't!) like to hear. I find that in hearing other members' responses to them they often could basically be telling my story and we are on similar journeys. I have found this opportunity to empathize with each other here helps me feel less alone!


👍We just went soaring past 2,500 members!👍 It seems that I just posted about 2,222 so recently. I am humbled and grateful that you all have joined me here and are sharing this journey connecting with each other! It’s become more than I even imagined when I started this group a few years ago…let’s keep asking for support, offering it, and empathizing & being there for each other! 🤗🫶🩷🤝👏🤝🙌🤝🩷🫶🤗

#MentalHealth #Depression #Anxiety #Disability #ChronicPain #ChronicIllness #Selflove #Selfcare #BipolarDisorder #BipolarDepression #ADHD #ObsessiveCompulsiveDisorder #COVID19 #Migraine #Headache #HIVAIDS #PeripheralNeuropathy #BackPain #Addiction #AddictionRecovery #IfYouFeelHopeless #Hope #CheckInWithMe #InsideTheMighty #MightyTogether #DistractMe #mighty #conqueryourmind

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