Being uncomfortable and uncertain have been challenges I have faced very regularly in my life, and I have dealt with so many times that were “hard”, full of pain, made me anxious or angry, wore me down, and tested my fortitude & resilience. I used to always fight and push through these obstacles and challenges every day facing things head on. I was stubborn, determined to keep going no matter what…and I got a lot done, stayed busy and proved to myself I wasn’t a quitter and could accomplish anything I put my mind to. I certainly did grow in many ways and find out a lot about myself and what I was capable of doing, and gained confidence and learned to feel comfortable with adversity…
…Yet I did so without realizing I was pushing my body to its limit and maxing myself out! I wouldn’t pay attention when my back was screaming to be rested, my neuropathy in my legs and feet burned so much and they begged to be kicked up & treated, and/or when I had a blistering migraine that made me so sensitive to light, sound & movement, and completely drained my energy. I still pushed through.
Then something happened … I don’t remember who it was or what they said, but I had a light bulb go off, an epiphany of sorts. It changed my thinking and how I have chosen to function since then. I realized I don’t have to always be strong, determined and push myself so hard just to prove (to myself) that I am willing and able to get things done.
I can just pause for a moment, breath, and do a little personal inventory to see how parts of my body are really feeling, then if they are telling me to stop I have learned to be gentle with myself and take a break, not feel like I have to do everything on my ToDo list that day. Then I almost always find that I can just call it a day…. I can table everything left on my list til the next day or two, and my world won’t come crashing down. I have learned that I am almost always the one putting all the pressure on myself, I am the one who sets unrealistic goals, I am the one that doesn’t want to admit to myself that I have numerous challenges that require regular care and that I have limitations of what my body can do.
I am disabled and that’s ok. It’s ok to not be 100%, It’s ok to need to use a cane, It’s ok that I get brain fog & stutter, it’s ok that I have to wear obnoxiously big migraine glasses in public, it’s ok to need to use handicap parking spaces…and it’s ok if some days I don’t complete everything on my list, and instead choose to be mindful that I’m tired and pushing through would make it worse.
Yet, some days I’m tired but I still want to go on the daily walk my Physical Therapist has finally cleared me to go on, I still want to finish a project in my kitchen, join my family for a big dinner, or go to the men’s group meetings I have missed for a long while. Then sometimes I still push it and do them, but only if first I can honestly tell myself it’s not too much and that I will also choose to stay mindful along the way and just stop when it’s time to stop!
For me it’s about balance, acceptance and practicing good self care! A lifelong journey…one challenge at a time!
What have you learned about your body? Can you step back, scan yourself and let yourself rest if necessary? Please be gentle with yourselves … dealing with multiple health challenges can be tough enough, I’ve learned that my stubbornness and pride have often made things worse!
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