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Things Your Chronically Ill Friend Wants To Tell You (But Is Too Scared to)

1.We're ALWAYS Experiencing Some Sort Of Symptom

Whether it's mild or it's debilitating, we are ALWAYS experiencing something. For example as I write this, I'm dealing with pain and a paralysis episode.

2. Invite Us To Things

Even if you genuinely think we won't be able to attend, there's no harm in asking. It's nice to know that someone is thinking of us even if it turns out we can't attend.

3.If We Say "I'm Fine" That's Different Than Your Fine

Due to dealing with disabling symptoms, our baseline of what we deem as "normal" is way different than a healthy person's. My "fine" is having chronic pain, some brain fog, and sometimes some mild gait issues

4.Just Because I Could Do Something Yesterday Doesn't Mean I Can Today

Many chronic illness and disabilities are dynamic, meaning they fluctuate in intensity. Which means that what a person can do on one day, they may not be able to another or vice-versa. Certain activities can worsen symptoms. So if a person walks around to a bunch of different shops then their symptoms may flare. Causing them to be unable to do something they may otherwise be able to.

5.Just Because My Symptoms Are Better, Doesn't Mean I'm Better

Like I just mentioned, many conditions are dynamic. So it's extremely common for us to have periods where our symptoms are calmer. But we're still disabled.

6.If I Bring Up A Symptom Then Odds Are It's REALLY Bothering Me.

Like I mentioned in the first point, we are always experiencing some sort of symptom. Because of this, we've grown used to going about our lives while dealing with them. Meaning that if we bring up a symptom, it's likely bothering us to a point that it's impacting us/our ability to do things more than usual.

#ChronicIllness #FunctionalNeurologicalDisorder #Disability #Disabled

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Dinner just went in the oven

We're having Mediterranean salmon with roasted butternut squash again. I used a different seasoning for the squash. I tasted a piece after it steamed in the microwave. It's yummy.

We got some groceries from Instacart today. I got some good stuff.

My back pain is at 7 when I sit but it spikes up to 9 when I stand up. I think I'm due for more Norco. *5 minutes go by* pauley gave me a half of a Norco. Dinner will be ready in 9 minutes. Fuck.

I was gonna shower tonight but if my back doesn't stop screaming at me I won't be able to handle standing. I seriously fucking HATE being disabled.

#BackPain #Disabled #Relationships

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#Disabled #ChronicPain #Fibromyalgia #PTSD #Anxiety #SchizoaffectiveDisorder #Schizophrenia #Bipolar2

This is another wonderful,post I got off the web. It's #empowering to focus on what we #can do, possibly strengthening us so as to enable us to do even more. Dwelling on our losses- the old life, the person we used to be, the things we can no longer do, is like sabotaging our lives- it weakens us & is self-defeating & absolutely depressing. Pat yourself on the back, instead of kicking yourself in the butt, for just even not #givingup & for fighting the never-ending battle that goes with #ChronicIllness

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Earlier, our other coworkers aid asked about my knee because of my braces (and I've talked about it with her before/the couple of Saturdays the other one wasn't here) and amongst her little giggle mentioned to the aid that "oh yeah, (I'm) over here limping" and such. I'm sorry what's funny about? Because I'm 30 and not 50?? Contrary to common belief, this isn't easier because I'm "young" #Disabled

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Figured I would introduce myself here.

My name is Shanell and I am a 34 year old #spoonie 🥄

I am married and have 3 kids, ages 16,13 and 9.

I suffer from #Endometriosis #interstitialcystitis #migraines #degenerativedisc #Fibromyalgia along with some still being diagnosed.

I am #Disabled and find it extremely hard to leave my house, especially with me just starting to use a #mobilityaid more frequently.

I ❤️ #reading #gardening #birdwatching and playing #videogames even thought I have found it hard to do so.

In some of my support groups on Facebook other spoonies said they have met online friends here, and I should give it a try, so why not!

#spoonielife #chronicpainwarrior #chronicdisease #Disabled

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Hello 👋🏼

Figured I would introduce myself here on Insta.

My name is Shanell and I am a 34 year old #spoonie 🥄

I am married and have 3 kids, ages 16,13 and 9.

I suffer from #endometriosis #interstitialcystitis #migraines #degenerativedisc #fibromyalgia along with some still being diagnosed.

I am #Disabled and find it extremely hard to leave my house, especially with me just starting to use a #mobilityaid more frequently.

I ❤️ #reading #gardening #birdwatching and playing #videogames even thought I have found it hard to do so.

In some of my support groups on Facebook other spoonies said they have met online friends here, and I should give it a try, so why not!

#spoonielife #chronicpainwarrior #chronicdisease #Disabled

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This is me!#ChronicPain #Disabled #Depression #MightyArtRoom

If you unscrewed your head, what would your friends see? Inside my head, this is what you'd see
My emotions, dreams, hurts..... everything is is expressed by my needlepoint. How my emotions sometimes blend into each other. There's some anger, some hurt, victories and defeats. There's also some beauty where I embraced acceptance.
My life.
So Mightys,
I'm Sashahans, and this is (the real) me! Enjoy the view!

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It hurts

The most heartbreaking thing about being diagnosed #Autistic late for me is how many benefits and possible support systems I might have missed out on when I was younger. And being ostracized for struggles and mannerisms out of my control. #LateDiagnosis #Disabled #Disability

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Struggling with PTSD financial crisis

I can't work for abusive people anymore. Nearly every job I've had is toxic to traumatizing. I'm trying to sell my art directly, but overwhelmed with the business side and shutting down with high PTSD symptoms. I am applying for disability again, but it's not solving food and shelter now. I need help!I can't make rent again. I'm alone and drowning facing eviction every month.

#CPTSD #developmentaltrauma #Disabled #housingcrisis #toxicworkplace #ChronicDepression #exhausted #toxicfamily

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