i'm so humiliated and discouraged it's unreal. my body won't let me have the basic human dignity of keeping my bathroom habits to myself.
i live with a roommate and have IBS. tonight i clogged the toilet, for the second time at this apartment. we still haven't bought a decent plunger, and that's on both of us.
so i waited a half hour for the water level to go down, in order to try other unclogging methods. but IBS wasn't done slapping me around. i had to go so urgently that i had no choice but to use the clogged toilet.
i hoped against hope that the clog had resolved itself and it would flush this time. it didn't.
my roommate has gone to bed, and now i'm stuck staying up, feeling weak and bad, waiting for the (now dirty to the point of being opaque) water to go down again. to try unclogging again. probably in vain. and roommate will wake up tomorrow morning to the horrible, vile, disgusting mess i've made.
i can't describe how ashamed i am, how guilty and gross and subhuman i feel. she'll tell me it's okay, but it's not. it's not. nothing about this is okay.
#IrritableBowelSyndromeIBS #CrohnsDisease #InflammatoryBowelDiseaseIBD #GastrointestinalDiscomfort