Finding Myself?
So I’m working on a new friendship with my new friend. It’s been almost three months since we connected. I’m always learning new things and I’ve learned more about myself in the last three months then I have for years. Remember that I’ve been hidden behind a veil of behavioural adaptations due to CPTSD since forever. It’s feel weird but I’m finding my voice, finding my strength and my weaknesses and finding out about who I am and what I want to be like - FINALLY.... I’m really proud of myself because of the strides I’ve taken to confront fears head on. I have a lot of fears like anyone but my greatest ones are all about interpersonal interactions and relationships - again due to CPTSD. It hasn’t been all fun and games. It’s been difficult. It’s been exhausting at times. It’s been worrisome... But I wouldn’t change a thing. Overall, I know (because I ask him) that he is there and that I don’t annoy him too much. Lol.
I’m lucky to have a friend after so many years of hiding and, yes, this is still a new relationship so things may go sideways at any point. But he has helped me in ways that I cannot fully describe. I never thought I would be saying this about another human being - because I have been so adamant that I could never trust another. It may blow up in my face one day but at the end of the day I’ve grown from this experience and I’ve given it my all! I’m learning to accept and love myself - not through validation from others but by challenging my old ways and surprsing myself. Again not easy but for me necessary for my healing journey.
I’ve also met the greatest and kindest people here on the Mighty! Your support and encouragement through all this has helped me with my confidence. Much love to you all. You hold a dear place in my heart.
Thank you for listening!
#CPTSD #lovingmyself #Friendship #growth #Anxiety #Depression