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Breast Cancer Survivor

#Cancer survivor 19 years ago, #mighty minute # chronic conditions #Fibromyalgia #Depression #Chat corner #MH advocate # preemie
Life long challenges, BREAST CANCER was a huge one for me. Part of my body was damaged by "Cancer". Off with it!
Big part for me was that all the doctors were males "feeling my body" with no attention to how that was affecting my psyche !! Whole process was demeaning of me as a person ! !
For years I did cancer events , advocating for female doctors through the whole process.!

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#monday Morning

#Depression ,#Anxiety ,#MH .....!
Good morning Danny 🔆
Starting my day by sending you kudos, for your presence on the mighty. You are a bright spot for so many people. Uplifting soul.
I appreciate you 🤗 very much for your posts and the hope you spread among a lot of people like me that feel abandoned by family and friends and medical people.


Fresh produce!

#chronic pain,#chronic illnesses,#MH #lift me up,#mighty minute #Distract me
Gardening provides me a distraction of all my ailments for awhile.
I nurse the plants from seed to edible food. I spread crushed egg shells around the edges of the garden box to keep the slugs and snails away. No more freebies to snack on !

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E is for Electronic Communication:


Any and all aspects of mental and physical health.

Social media and the digital communication age can negatively impact on our mental health, but often these methods of communication can be vitally important to us too.

Nothing beats a face to face chat. However, this may not always be practical or possible - as we well know with recent and ongoing events. Now we have entered the age of Zoom, Microsoft teams, Facetime and so on, we must acknowledge that these applications are a vital lifeline to so many of us.

The internet and all the new platforms that continue to be developed often get a bad reputation and while this is completely valid (inexcusable events do occur far too frequently), we can take ownership for the content we choose to see and be part of. There are lots of good and positive ways to communicate electronically that would definitely have not been possible without the digital age we live in today. Feeling closer to others, doing training, having shared experiences and even socialising with someone without physically being close to them is now more possible than ever.

Now is the time to use social media and electronic communication for good - keeping in touch with friends and family, making new connections online with groups and forums specific to things that interest us or to bond with others that are experiencing similar life events/issues and even counselling/medical appointments are now all available without leaving your home (and even your bed).

This makes socialising and receiving treatment (and some types of employment too) much more accessible for so many people and that can only be a good thing.

#social #SocialMedia #Connection #electronic #Communication #Facebook #zoom #Tiktok #whatsapp #insta #Instagram #SCUFF #ScarCoverUpFreedomFund #MH #mha

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F is for Favourite Things:


any and all aspects of mental and physical health.

Raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens... Sorry for that earworm but Julie Andrews had a point; it's good to surround ourselves with our favourite things - both in good times and tricky times.

A good book, favourite song, treasured blanket or soft toy can elevate a good mood to the next level or anchor us when things are a little tougher. Shared favourites lead to shared experiences and create bonds with friends and family or introduce us to new people too. Favourite clothes tend to give us more comfort or confidence which can positively impact our situation.

Talking about our favourite food or favourite memory is a great way to break the ice and revisit that moment/experience, even just a memory can trigger endorphin production - leading to feeling calmer, happier or more grounded.

As previously discussed, re-watching a favourite TV show/episode or film etc can be a good way to stabilise our mood as we already know what to expect and how we feel about it.

A favourite scent triggers the strongest memories (locked into our olfactory sense) and can often make us feel like we are back in that time or place.

Favourite music/songs also have a similar effect and are strongly connected to memory retrieval.

Not forgetting of course our favourite people; they have by far the biggest positive influence on how we feel - the relief of speaking on the phone to a favourite person or the elated feeling we get spending time with them when we can. Especially if we ate our favourite food, with our favourite person/people, in our favourite outfit, listening to our favourite music/song - the level of comfort that could provide is almost unmatched.

The way we give gifts is also tied into this - hopefully, we manage to gift a favourite item to the recipient, which in turn makes us feel good too.

#favouriteThings #endorphins #mentalhealth#olfactory #MH #SCUFF #MentalHealth

If you'd like to know more about SCUFF and what we do to support mental health check out our social media

or visit our website


Friday Surprise

#daily reflections and journal#Distract me#chronic pain#chronic illnesses#MH - BiPolar
Got a surprise call from my oldest brother and we went to the river then ice cream place where I found a non dairy salted chocolate fudge bar ice cream n OMG!
Thought I bit into gold, it was so good for being non dairy 😃.


Sunday Chores n Relax

#MightyMinute #dailyreflections #MH #Bipolar #Fibro #ChronicPain #ChronicIllnesses #
Caught up on my calendars in phone and on kitchen wall, ,cleaned out my fridge,ate n drank as I wanted, listened to sports,
Very productive day ☺️

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World's best service animal. #PTSD #Anxiety #ADA #Suicide #Insomnia #MH

Really missing Ava. For 12 years she learned, monitoring heart rate changes caused by severe anxiety and panic 24 hours daily. My live pillow who laying beside me on top of 7 covers managed night terrors and flash backs and the only living soul that I could make me feel safe living. Last 5 years ADA failed us. People invaded our personal space. They allowed their untrained pets to physically attack or try to 13 times. Ava beat them all out going from 0-30 miles immediately and chasing their danger away from me, pinning them, never barking or biting ever to make sure I could get to safety. Best 12 years of my life in perfect health and excellent management of all the MH bull. People killed her and got away with it. I've been nothing every since September 2020. Two attempts and no one asks me why. Still can't access broken healthcare drug dealers doctors. We were the perfect match and Ava took me from being homebound to freedom traveling and living our dream life adventures. I will forever miss her and look forward to joining her again. Why are humans so evil and this is normal. Couldn't change Ava, a real angel, but they did give her serious anxiety just like me. Now many people don't respect ADA or fully trained service animals. We're just to mean humans. Wish they had killed us both. Shameful reality only because of the color of my skin. Ava loved every person, never misbehaved or had accidents and followed every command. In fact she was smarter than most humans and never judged me. I would recommend to people seriously affected by severe symptoms of anxiety and insomnia related PTSD to get and train a service dog. All dumb dogs are ESAs if they tolerate their humans. Ava saved my life like all service dogs do. I will always remember that service dogs have thousands of years experience caring for humans. Shameful humans disrespected and destroyed, without shame such a precious soul. #getaservicedog and you will benefit greatly. Just beware of humans! Advocate for enforcement of the ADA law protection enforced across America. Got to go cause I got to cry about my precious lost. Pray for us!

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#Crybabyvibes #CurrentFeelsASF #LilPeepvibes #MH

So I'm feeling #overwhelmed and I've been in this #DeepDepression and I just NEED positive Vibes!
Idk!....It feels like it's all #crashinghard on me...
IT FEELS Like a way... 🖤💔💜 #L ☹VE