Starting a new med
I'm starting Abilify injections soon. Does anyone have any experience with it? What about tips/advice? #Medication #moodstabilizer
I'm starting Abilify injections soon. Does anyone have any experience with it? What about tips/advice? #Medication #moodstabilizer
#Lamictal #moodstabilizer #BipolarDisorder
Hey! Tonight I'm starting 100 mg of Lamictal (I've been slowly going up on doses).
How long did it take you to notice a difference on Lamictal, and what dosage did you notice a difference?
I find connecting with nature to be the greatest mood stabilizer.
I’m lucky I live near some lovely parks.
I don't like when someone calls antidepressants/anti-anxiety pills "happy pills", or meds for bipolar or other conditions "crazy pills. It's inaccurate and inappropriate. The pills help a person stabilize to a functional level, they are not the key to happiness. And it's degrading to use the term "crazy" for a health condition.
I have told my mom that I don't like the term "happy pills". She says my sister calls her meds her "happy pills" so it's ok. I still don't think so.
Have you heard these terms? What did you do and how did you feel when you heard them?
#EndTheStigma #Depression #Anxiety #Antidepressants #antianxiety #Medication #BipolarDisorder #BingeEatingDisorder #Parenting #Disability #MentalHealth #pills #changethelanguage #Mania #GeneralizedAnxietyDisorder #SuicidePrevention #BorderlinePersonalityDisorder #BPDDiagnosis #moodstabilizer
Hi all, I am a 30 year old woman that is currently on medication to prevent bipolar mixed episodes (depression with racing thoughts and insomnia). I always wanted a family and I am now in a stable relationship, but I am not sure if I can get pregnant while on these meds, also I don’t know if my kids will inherit this condition. The whole situation makes me really sad and hopeless. #Bipolar #seroquel #moodstabilizer #Pregnancy
#BorderlinePersonalityDisorder #PTSD #PTSD #Abilify . Tomorrow will be my first time on it and I am freaking out. I need #help #medications #medications #MoodDisorders ##moodstabilizer
My physician thinks a non-hormonal IUD would be best for me. My current cocktail of medication is fantastic and I don’t want to mess with it by taking the pill everyday or something else. Does anyone have advice or suggestions?
Change the channel in your own #mind . #moodstabilizer 😊
I've been put on MG of Olanzapine and 100MG of Sertraline as my doctor thinks my state is pretty critical. I was having suicidal thoughts after I have to end my relationship with my FP due to his abuse toward me and it hurt me so much I couldn't eat and I wanted to die. My doctor also said that she didn't want to hospitalise me. She says she has worked with borderlines for over 30 years and she's found that borderlines get worse after hospitalisation. #Sertraline #Zoloft #BPD #BPDDiagnosis #Critical #Olanzapine #moodstabilizer