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Forgive Yourself

Choose each day to forgive yourself, you are human, imperfect, learning and growing.
There is no sense in punishing your future by living in the mistakes of your past. Forgive yourself for not knowing what you didn’t know before you learned it.
Take heart in the knowledge, strength, and growth opportunities each trial inevitably teaches you--and move on.
There is no one you will talk to more than yourself. Be kind, loving, understanding, compassionate, and supportive.
Your relationship with yourself sets the tone for every other relationship that you have.
And remember:
🌻 The past can’t be changed, but the future is full of possibilities.
✋🏻 Opinions don’t define your reality.
🤗 Everyone’s journey is different
🤔 Overthinking will usually lead to sadness.
😊 Happiness is found within.
💭 Your thoughts affect everything about you.
😁 Smiles are contagious.
🫶🏻 Kindness is free.
👌🏻👉🏻 It’s okay to let go and move on.
🥠 People usually end up with what they truly deserve in the end.
⏳ Have patience. Things get better with time.
🫂 Hugs!!

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• late night quote 🌠 •

“Don’t compare your life to others. There’s no comparison between the sun & the moon, they shine when it’s their time”.

Again, please remember this 🌞💕

Goodnight folks,
Katie x

#MotivationalQuotes #MentalHealthAwareness #MentalHealthIllness #Depression #Support #AnxietyTriggers #AnxietyDisorders #GeneralizedAnxietyDisorder

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Motivational Talks and Daily Affirmations

Ted talks, Affirmations, and youtube motivational videos really helped me a lot. I am someone who cant easily talk and say things that I want to when it comes to what I am feeling. I’d imagine it million times on how I’ll tell someone but then ends up not doing it. So its good to hear and see those motivations everyday. I may have no one to talk to but at least I hear what I wanted to hear and I see what I wanted to see #TEDTalks #Youtube #pinterest #MotivationalQuotes


Tired of motivational quotes

Yes, I know it’s my responsibility to “find happiness”, “let things go”, and “help myself grow”. I also know that I should (there’s that horrible ‘should’ word) be happy if I have a list of “the following 10 items” in my life. But what if my illness gets in the way of all of that? What if I don’t have most of the ten items listed that are supposed to make me feel oh so good about my life right now?

I’m tired of reading these motivational quotes and memes telling me all of this happy horse$hit when I have my own brain telling me how worthless I am because I can’t control my happiness and because I’m not growing and in a better place. I’m tired of reading lists of things I’m supposed to be happy about in my life that they assume I have, and then I realize I don’t have most of them, so I believe I’m a terrible failure with a terribly doomed life.

So, right now, I’m done with those quotes and memes and the like, because all that they do is the opposite of their intended purpose and make me feel BAD. It’s hard enough to fight with my mental illness every single day, I don’t need insult to injury.

A friendly word of advice to anyone who feels the same way: ignore these quotes and memes. They are not specifically directed at people who are fighting mental illness. You are fighting a different battle than so many. If you see something that makes you feel good, then that’s great. If you read something that makes you feel bad, just know that you are still a worthy person who is doing the best they can with what they have. You are still worthy...of everything. Keep fighting.

#MentalIllness #MentalHealth #MotivationalQuotes