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Another symptom

The weight loss was bad enough. I’m now covered in bruises. No less than 25 on my legs (I counted 31 but some could be the same bruise just continued). I started noticing the bruising on Thursday, and it’s only increased since. My arms also have above the normal amount.

The worst part about the weekend was not being able to do anything and I stayed up late on Saturday worrying. And now that it’s almost Monday, I’m naturally wondering if worrying is overreacting because I have health anxiety.

At this point I will probably leave it because every other time I’ve had symptoms of something bad, it’s always been fine/ because of something less serious. I’m fed up of wasting the NHS’ time and money.

Besides, I don’t think they’ll retest my WBC count any time soon anyway. They have a test tube shortage and since they think the low count before was due to the antibiotics, it’s not going to be a priority to re-test (which I can absolutely understand).

My friend thinks they will because of my symptoms, but they can all be explained somewhat:

The weight loss; I’ve gone through a breakup, a move, an illness and I’ve worked a lot. Whilst I never lost weight when I had covid or worked a lot before, new stuff can happen I suppose.

The bruising: I’ve moved and I’ve also worked 4 days in a row. Even though I don’t recall such, I probably battered my legs a few times moving. And even though I don’t normally bruise because of such, I probably bruised from kneeling at work.

Here’s to hoping I do start putting on weight and the bruises start disappearing so I can wear my dress without leggings/ tights!

#WeightLoss #LowWBC #illness #bruise #BloodTests #symptoms #newsymptoms #HealthAnxiety #Anxiety #bruising

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I have severe neuropathic POTS. This year, I’ve begun to have some difficulty with bowel control. Has anyone experienced this? It’s so frustrating.

#LivingWithPOTS #newsymptoms


Cold Fingers!

Lately, even if I’m sweating my fingers and/or toes are still freezing! Anyone else have this symptom? Any tips on how to help it??
#newsymptoms #ChiariMalformation #ChronicMigraines


For the past few days, I've been having episodes of shivering, like the chills, but without feeling cold. Any one else have this?

#MultipleSclerosis #shiver #newsymptoms


Migraine help

Numbness and tingling in face and top of head. Worse migraine I’ve had since they started 3
years ago. Fatigue. Trouble with memory. Can’t get a doctor appointment til middle of August. Can’t afford ED bill. What are my options? #Pain #hell #Migraine #newsymptoms


Life confusion and fear

#ADHD #Anxiety #Autism #EhlersDanlosSyndrome #Fibromyalgia #ChronicPain #ChronicIllness #Christianity #Christian #PersonalityDisorders #CarAccident #PTSD #newsymptoms #Faith #Detachment #Death #Judgement

My faith as a Christian is so very important, but lately I've been so paranoid because it feels like I don't really have it. I get anxious and fearful of God's wrath even though I should know what kind of God he is, and who Jesus is. I'm familiar with his words of comfort and promise to us, and I see his miracles all around us, and I tell myself it's real but no matter how much I pray and beg I walk around in guilt and anxiety, and then when my prayers and efforts don't feel answered and I can't handle anymore, I bury myself in things like games which ultimately make me feel more guilty. it's a horrible cycle. I have Ehlers Danlos Syndrome and small fiber neuropathy, and a week ago got diagnosed with fibromyalgia. The pain and fatigue are overwhelming and I don't feel up to much which makes me anxious. I cry out for peace and can't find it, little relief for all this. Have I blown it to many times and can't go back, is it already too late for me? Why can't I know but not feel safe or comforted? Ask and you shall receive, seek and you will find. And be anxious for nothing, make your requests known to God. Jesus scolded those who feared ths storm, saying they were of little faith. Why can't I manage to trust him and have his guidance in my storm? Am I failing in my faith? We've had a few earthquakes around and something in my mind just has seemed to shatter with them and I've gotten so fearful of a destructive one. Then there is my struggle with giving it over, I have to lose my life someday, and Jesus said to be his disciples we have to lose it all. I'm trying to follow the truth of what is meant and said. However accepting that I can't be good on my own and that the price for my wrongs was paid for by another, instead of rejoicing in that sacrifice, now I struggle with it. I put to much value in myself and my actions when I'm not worth as much as I act like and feel like, though I was deemed worth that sacrifice. I think my feeling disconnected at times is because even though I want to be connected being connected involves more fear and wrong perspectives, even though I know in my head they are incorrect and call for help in walking in the light and the truth and the way. I recently started accepting that maybe I am on the autism spectrum, for years there were a few reasons I wasn't ready to try figuring out if I am. But I just feel so stuck in myself, and I fall apart over things when I don't know why, I get pain over sights and sounds. It may yet be one or more different things but autism might also make sense. I took an online test so far and it showed positive, plus friends and family back up that I very likely could be on the spectrum. I feel very lost. Thanks for reading y'all.


Feeling really dizzy today and yesterday

I woke up at 4am yesterday, feing dizzy and disoriented. I fell asleep again, and woke up at 8 with the same feeling. I got up to get water and something to eat, hoping it would help. I sat on the couch until it eventually passed around noon.
By 3, even though I had hardly moved from the couch, I was feeling exhausted. I took a nap and woke up an hour later, once again feeling disoriented and like the room was spinning.
The feeling took less time to subside that time. I woke up this morning feeling better. No dizziness. As I went about my morning, though, I could feel it creeping in when I moved a little too quickly.
It's now 1:45 in the afternoon, I'm at work and have been feeling dizzy and like to room is spinning. I've been feeling this way for about half an hour. I've been drinking water, eating my regular meals.
I'm really hoping this is a fluke because of the weather or some other odd, random thing. I really hope this symptom doesn't stick around. It's as bad as the pain; just as debilitating if not more.
#Dizziness #Fibromyalgia #symptoms #newsymptoms #justventing #ChronicIllness


I won in doctor tag today

Had to leave work to rush to the doctor, who sent me to the ER. They sent me back to my primary to get even more meds. Now I’m fighting to get to sleep so I can try to work tomorrow. And now of this did anything to address the new symptoms from this morning. #newsymptoms #ChronicIllness #Doctortag


#MightyPoets : Unnamed (a re-share)

"Describe a feeling there is no word for"

#52SmallThings #Anxiety #Depression #MentalHealth #MentalIllness #CheckInWithMe #newsymptoms #Trauma #MightyTogether

Maybe there is a name,
Perhaps I should look it up,
Shakespeare probably coined something close,
Some earthly identification for this hell-ish emotion...
Some kind of bittersweet painful detachment,
It's name is not numbness... For certainly I can feel it.
An internal hurricane,
Everything displaced and ruined,
And yet you look upon a house, still standing...
Ignorant to the carnage behind the curtains,
Total devastation, desensitized and depersonalized...
Could that weight filling my stomach be my tears of anguish?
Because they aren't upon my face where I usually display them.
Simultaneously absent and present.
Mind, body and heart, deconstructed
And hastily glued back together, leaving few traces of their previous demolition.
Through the cracks my demons creep,
I've invested years getting to know them all on a first name basis.
Shame visits me daily, frustration and despair frequent my nights and anxiety is my inseparable companion.
They are old and used like dog eared books,
But this is brand new and unfamiliar,
Terrifying in its anonymity.
I sense something insidious,
If only it would declare itself...


#MightyPoets : Unnamed

#Anxiety #Depression #MentalHealth #CheckInWithMe #newsymptoms #depersonalisation #Trauma

Maybe there is a name,
Perhaps I should look it up,
Shakespeare probably coined something close,
Some earthly identification for this hell-ish emotion...
Some kind of bittersweet painful detachment,
It's name is not numbness... For certainly I can feel it.
An internal hurricane,
Everything displaced and ruined,
And yet you look upon a house, still standing...
Ignorant to the carnage behind the curtains,
Total devastation, desensitized and depersonalized...
Could that weight filling my stomach be my tears of anguish?
Because they aren't upon my face where I usually display them.
Simultaneously absent and present.
Mind, body and heart, deconstructed
And hastily glued back together, leaving few traces of their previous demolition.
Through the cracks my demons creep,
I've invested years getting to know them all on a first name basis.
Shame visits me daily, frustration and despair frequent my nights and anxiety is my inseparable companion.
They are old and used like dog eared books,
But this is brand new and unfamiliar,
Terrifying in its anonymity.
I sense something insidious,
If only it would declare itself...