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Others have it worse-and-your pain is valid!YES! I always need this reminder! And I DO know more from living through my journey! I think many of us do

I found this a few days ago ...I really needed to read it and process it ... I love all of them … many share how I try to live my life! The second to last one really rang especially true for me right now - it is a great reminder to be gentle and kind to myself as I accept things as they are …its a hot topic for me right now! I just really beat myself up about it, journaled about it, and talked about it twice to a good friend and my therapist just in the last week.

How I have had pain much worse before during my dark days in the past but currently have friends and family who have it worse than me right now, that I see that and say I should be able to handle this current pain because I’ve survived those times and dealt with that higher level of pain too.

But I have to remind myself that when I did go through those (life threatening) experiences in my past I was totally dependent on others, had no responsibilities, nothing to worry about, my only focus was just staying alive! Now I live alone, lead an active and productive life (mostly) and the current pain still affects me day to day! Bottom line, I have to consistently remind myself it's all relative...And valid! #ChronicPain #ChronicIllness #PeripheralNeuropathy #Migraine #VestibularMigraine #BackPain #neckpain #PainManagement #PTSD #Depression #Anxiety #BipolarDisorder #Bipolar1Disorder #BipolarDepression #MentalHealth #mentalhealthwarrior #MentalHealthHero #Addiction #AddictionRecovery #SOBER #HIVAIDS #happy #resilient #positiveattitude #fighter #overcome

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Changing perspective can be as simple as feeling gratitude instead of getting stuck in a negative mind cycle

“....its not what the world takes away from you that counts, it's what you do with what you have left!” Every day we wake up and have a choice...smile (even in the times of most adversity) or let things bring you down until all you can do is frown. Feeling sorry for yourself gets you nowhere, making the most of what you have builds character, confidence and gives us a chance for a reason to smile. Every day I have to make this choice, I pride myself in having a positive attitude and when I find myself focusing on all the things that have brought me down, instead being thankful that I survived it all...but there are some days when I fail...its a lifelong journey and every day that starts with a smile is a success. Some days it takes part of the day of allowing myself to suffer that I then can hopefully shift to remembering that I am thankful for all the blessings I have in my life to be grateful for! I choose to smile today!

#Depression #Anxiety #MentalHealth #BipolarDisorder #BipolarDepression #Bipolar1Disorder #PTSD #Addiction #AddictionRecovery #SOBER #HIVAIDS #SurvivorsGuilt #PeripheralNeuropathy #COVID19 #ChronicMigraineSyndrome #ChronicMigraines #Headache #Disability #Happiness #positiveattitude #smile #overcome #Survivor #resilience #ItGetsBetter #Confidence #MightyTogether #MightyMinute #ChronicIllness #ChronicPain #Chronicpainwarrior #thankful #grateful