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School anxiety!!!!

I know with the middle of the school year those of us in school or uni may with anxiety disorders, and depression, and we nerodivergents are FEELING the school anxiety!! I thought I'd share some things that I bring with me to school that help me be less anxious!!! (These things help me but are not a cure-all!!!)

earplugs!! I always feel overwhelmed at school and earplugs have helped me so much! I love the loop earplugs because they're so discreet but they are pricey!! an extra sweatshirt I personally sometimes in the middle of the day decide I hate my outfit and need to change and without my trusty sweatshirt I often have panic attacks! mine is just a giant heather gray sweatshirt fidget. I use wire ring fidgets religiously and love them!! extra shorts and undergarments!! along with my sweatshirt having these on me helps my anxiety so much!! Deodorant If you're like me and have TONS of anxiety about smelling bad this is a must-have and, if you like it you can also pack perfume!! stick on heating pads!! This is my lifesaver as with my super painful cramps I often have to put almost four of these on!! be careful to read the instructions as you can accidentally burn yourself This is all I can think of!! Add more in the comments and have a wonderful day!!! love!!!! #Anxiety #Narcolepsy #School #Periods #ADHD #SPD #AuditoryProcessingDisorder #AutismSpectrumDisorder #MentalHealth

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Share your experience with accessibility at work or school.

What was your initial gut reaction to this graphic when it popped up in your feed? Surprise? Anger? Apathy? Validation? A little bit of everything?

Here’s a question we ask ourselves a lot at The Mighty: How are disabled folks supposed to reach their full potential when their surroundings are inherently inaccessible — or even outright harmful — to them?

When we asked our community if their workplace or school is accessible for people who live with migraine, 49% of folks who responded to the poll said “No, if anything, it’s actively harmful,” and 36% chose “Meh, there’s room for improvement.” That’s 85% of responses to our poll! Only 5% said their workplace or school is fully accessible.

We’ve got a long way to go.

To learn more about the impact an accessible workplace or academic environment can have on a person’s life, listen to the most recent episode of Health and (un)Wellness:

#Migraine #Work #School #Accessibility #Disability #ChronicIllness #ChronicPain #RareDisease #MentalHealth #Fibromyalgia #EhlersDanlosSyndrome #Anxiety #Depression

Migraine in the Workplace

Listen to this episode from Health and (un)Wellness on Spotify. In this week’s venting-sesh-turned-productive conversation, Kat and Skye are joined by headache specialist and executive committee member of the International Headache Society Global Patient Advocacy Coalition (IHS-GPAC), Olivia Begasse de Dhaem MD, FAHS. Together, they discuss why people with migraine struggle to succeed in the workplace (spoiler alert: it’s not them), how others can support them, and tips for requesting individualized accommodations. Oh, and in case you’re curious of the episode’s general vibes: People with migraine want to work, but often can’t due to inaccessible workplaces or lack of flexible career opportunities. Thanks for coming to our TED Talk! Head to The Mighty for a transcript of the episode and to read related stories:
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Low, moderate, or high: Rate your confidence level when it comes to requesting health accommodations at work or school.

It can be intimidating to ask for help, especially when it comes to requesting accommodations for work or school. While there are laws and procedures in place that are supposed to help the process, it’s exhausting to jump through so many hoops while already dealing with a health condition. And, unfortunately, not all supervisors and educators are as understanding or helpful as they could and should be.

While not everyone is able to request accommodations — or they might have had a challenging time trying to request them in the past — several members of our migraine community shared the best work or school accommodation they’ve ever had for migraine.

We hope that these ideas help you advocate for yourself at school or in the workplace. You deserve to have your needs met and you are not a burden when you ask for help.

🍎 To hear what a headache specialist has to say about accommodating migraine in the workplace (spoiler alert: it’s good!), listen to the most recent episode of Health and (un)Wellness on Spotify:

#Migraine #Work #Disability #ChronicIllness #ChronicPain #School #MentalHealth #RareDisease #Fibromyalgia #Anxiety #Depression

Migraine in the Workplace

Listen to this episode from Health and (un)Wellness on Spotify. In this week’s venting-sesh-turned-productive conversation, Kat and Skye are joined by headache specialist and executive committee member of the International Headache Society Global Patient Advocacy Coalition (IHS-GPAC), Olivia Begasse de Dhaem MD, FAHS. Together, they discuss why people with migraine struggle to succeed in the workplace (spoiler alert: it’s not them), how others can support them, and tips for requesting individualized accommodations. Oh, and in case you’re curious of the episode’s general vibes: People with migraine want to work, but often can’t due to inaccessible workplaces or lack of flexible career opportunities. Thanks for coming to our TED Talk! Head to The Mighty for a transcript of the episode and to read related stories:
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True or False: My health impacts my ability to go to work or school.

79%. That’s how many Mighties have had to leave either a job, school, or both due to their health.

When we asked our community about their experience going to work or school with physical and mental illness, an additional 8.5% of folks who responded said they need to leave work or school but can’t due to financial reasons. 6% answered that they can’t attend either at all due to their health. Only 6.5% of respondents said they’ve never had to leave work or school due to their health.

When we say physical and mental health conditions affect every aspect of our lives, we mean it.

💖 Mighty staffers @xokat and @skyeg have both had to leave jobs and school due to their health. To hear their stories and the groundbreaking study headache specialist Olivia Begasse de Dhaem, M.D., F.A.H.S., conducted on migraine in the workplace, check out episode seven of Health and (un)Wellness on Spotify:

#Migraine #Work #School #Disability #ChronicPain #ChronicIllness #MentalHealth #RareDisease

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A Back-to-School Worksheet for Achondroplasia

Ensuring your child living with achondroplasia has the support they need in the classroom can be challenging, so we created a digital worksheet to equip your child’s school teachers and nurses with the tools they need to better support your child and understand their medical needs.

Check it out here (P.S. it's downloadable, printable, and shareable!):

A Back-to-School Worksheet for Achondroplasia

#RareDisease #Parenting #Caregiving #School #Dwarfism #Achondroplasia #ChronicPain

A Back-to-School Worksheet for Achondroplasia

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Can’t I have a full week of morning and afternoon quiet? | TW Family, one swear, one moment of ableism #venting

This is starting to get on my nerves.

Can’t I just have a full week of quiet when my nephews are at school? Like how it’s - supposed - to be?? My youngest nephew had a fever and had to stay home for three days, so it doesn’t count, I’m disregarding that (please nobody mention the other virus name, it’s a trigger to me). But why are they always home on a Friday now??

But if next week doesn’t happen, I’m going to go crazy. I just wanted a - full - week of more quiet time, Monday to Friday. And it hasn’t happened since the middle of last month, and it freaking irritates me. And no, there’s absolutely nothing my sister can do about it. I just have to wish to move out of here faster. This is freaking bothering me. Why does this have to happen????

I’m so sick of listening to that same YouTuber in the living room background who I don’t even fucking like (because they said the r slur twice one time, and yes I know that you can still enjoy the content without supporting the creator or their actions/beliefs, it exists. That’s my oldest nephew’s situation. But ugh, I couldn’t even do that).

I just want to walk out of my room without worrying to put on headphones every single time. Can’t that just happen more often?!

#Autism #Anxiety #sad #Family #School #ijustwantedsomequiettime #fml #overstimulated

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Great start to the morning.……. /very sarcastic/ neg| TW school, swearing, mention of past suicidal thoughts, a mention of ableism, a few all caps

I'm so mad. The vent I made didn't get uploaded. I've spent so much time writing it, I can't believe
it didn't upload. It pains me to have to write all of this again.

Firstly, I was sad about another vent post
because it didn't get any reactions. So I deleted
it. It's funny how I say to myself that I don't care
if I don't get any reactions, yet get said when it
actually doesn't get any. I'm sorry for feeling this

Now onto school trauma. I'm 20 and I don't think
that I'll ever finish high school. Not even through
online. I dropped out junior year. They don't
even give a crap about mental health, anyway.
Plus, I'm non-binary, not a girl or boy, and not
many schools, let alone online schools, even have gender neutral options or are even truly that inclusive towards everyone. It's annoying!

I've cried way too many times. I've gotten
suicidal way too many times as well. Especially in
high school. Everytime the teacher gotten upset
with the class or whenever I've gotten unfair
demerits, I wanted out. Those "zero excuses", "watch your character", and those picture comparisons boards of "be sad and dwell on it or
be happy and do something about it" felt mocking to me and felt like I was in prison. There
was absolutely nothing I could do about it except taking off days, not to mention that I was only allowed to take up to 22 to not FAIL. Not to
mention that trying to get the best grades and
being recognized was a trap fallen by myself as

I've gotten a 3-hour detention once for forgetting my gym shows. Gym Shoes! And
everytime I didn't finish my homework (because
of being depressed and having no motivation to
do anything from school), it was 45 minutes
after school just to finish homework, and a 45
minute bus drive home. And yes, I was suicidal
those times, too.

I was on the 504 program this whole time (I have
autism and anxiety), and I received two unfair
demerits for being late returning back to class
because SOME FOLKS used my stuff without my
fucking permission and I was trying to find them.
My "counselor" said to me "you know it's rude to
not talk when someone's talking to you?" I was
already crying in one of the bathroom stalls. I
have fucking social anxiety and autism!! She
knew that!!! Don't. Ever. Force. Me. To. Talk!

Gym class was the absolute worst. So bad that I
was allowed to no longer go there. So bad that I
brokedown when I heard that I had to go down
there for studying for a PE test. Then
I was taken off for the rest of the day and the
next day. However... that one substitute teacher
that the school even had the fucking audacity to
hire again was the worst. He was power-hungry
and everytime one of us doesn't follow a rule or
gets upset with him, he makes all of us do
exercises or would add minutes to an excercise.
You had no idea how much that made me boil.

Not to mention that because I failed one of the
three tests in PE (running a whole mile) in
freshmen year, I had to go to a horrid bootcamp
for 5 days. Fours days with that same horrible
substitute teacher that 1, and I'm pretty sure
every other student there, absolutely despised. He even threatened us to go through some
exercises for not knowing some answers to
movie questions!! Who does that?!?!

My parents were not happy about anything my
high school had to offer, either, especially the
bootcamp. And I got a freaking A in PE but I
guess the tests were more important 😑. Middle
school was shit, too, though pretty less strict. It
was mainly the classmates acting up and the
teacher raising their voice for me. And some

I really want to warn everyone about these
schools. I do not recommend these schools at all,
especially if you're neurodivergent. These
schools caused me so much stress and trauma
that I don't even want to finish it. Not even online. And I'm 20 now. I was literally crying
earlier writing this because of the pain that it
has caused me over the years.

#HighSchool #School #Anxiety #Autism #SocialAnxiety #generalizedanxiety #Trauma #SchoolTrauma #anger #sad #SchoolPleaseListenToThis #MentalHealth #venting #Vent

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