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I'm super excited!

I'm going to be a preschool teacher! After working 10 years in the corporate world I'm switching my career back to teaching.

Working in the corporate world can feel exhausting, overwhelming and honestly like I'm a human robot.

I'm excited to do work that's meaningful and rewarding. These little lives are trusting me to guide and help them learn in a safe fun environment. As my mom would say, "I'm up for the job!"

A big source of my unhappiness stemmed from not being fulfilled in my career. I believe that's why a lot of people are unhappy. Its what we spend most of our lives doing so we should do what we love.

I love teaching, I love leading by example and I love guiding children who will one day rule the world. They are our future and the responsibility is mine.

If you can, do it for your mental health, do it for your passion, do it for your life. Live the life you've always dreamed of.

Switching careers doesn't take away my depression and anxiety but I understand I need to do the things that feeds my soul and exites me in a good way. We're only here for a limited amount of time. I might as well live it how I want to even if that means coloring outside of the lines a little.

I want to know your experience about a sudden switch in careers. What are you passionate about? Are you doing what you love?

#Teaching #passion #Children #preschool #Depression #Career #Anxiety #Love #dreams #god #MentalHealth #Trust

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Today I woke up

Today I woke up and watched my children go to school.

I watched my son go to his class, excited about what would happen on the last few days of school.

I dropped my daughter off, apprehensive over her finals knowing it could determine whether she graduates or not,

I went to school and walked onto campus, excited to see our students today.

I saw my students happy and excited to watch the movie we turned on for them to enjoy.

Today I woke up and watched my children go to school.

I saw my son worried about school shootings after the tragedies that keep occurring all over the country.

I saw my daughter concerned because the most recent one happened with just a few days left of school.

I saw my students unconcerned about things but asking questions anyway and my coworkers’ and I having to find an age-appropriate way to explain the tragedy to a room of students with a myriad of disabilities.

I saw my coworkers' and myself worrying about how to keep our students safe should the worst happen on our campus.

Today the parents of 19 children woke up and were not able to watch their children go to school.

Instead they had to provide DNA to identify their children because a teenager was able to obtain a weapon he had no business having.

They started planning funerals and memorials instead of graduation parties and summer vacations.

Today the staff at a school mourned the loss of two of their own.

Teachers who gave their lives for the children they loved and taught.

Teachers whose only jobs should have been to teach children, not lose their lives to protect them but willingly gave them anyway.

Today I woke up and watched my children go to school.

And with fear and worry I will continue to do so and hope this doesn’t happen to us.

Today I woke up and watched my children go to school.

And I will come to my campus with trepidation and worry that this will happen to me and how the staff and I will protect the children our care.

#Grief #Fear #Anxiety #School #paraprofessional #Teaching


Intelligence-related OCD

Have anyone experienced #OCD -related to your own #intelligence , like

(i) "I don´t understand all I´m #Teaching ",

(ii) "I might be dumb or way less smart than I thought",

(iii) "I dont understand this or that which is taught when we are kids",

(iv) "I´m not intelligent as I thought cause I think I don´t understand trivial things and I start to think about the reason behind some basic #knowledge , like i was learning it for the first time" ?

I used to be proud about my career and #academic achievements, and today I sometimes doubt about the things i teach, about being the intelligent person i used to be proud of, or about being capable of understanding very trivial knowledge I was taught (and used during a great part of my life) long ago.

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Happy Ms. L

I got approved for my medical accommodations to teach from home! 😃 Teaching Jr. High Career and Technology Foundations, so excited for a new challenge. Teaching brings me so much joy!

Though my health is a constant battle and every day I wake is a gift and miracle life is always more good than bad. I’m finding ways to renovate my home to have my family be able to stay in the house again, my partner is amazing, I have the best job… I am lucky.

#Addison ’s #PosturalOrthostaticTachycardiaSyndrome #MitochondrialDisease #EhlersDanlosSyndrome #Abunchofrarediseases
#Asthma #COVID19 #Teaching

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Helping others, helps me #Teaching #actsof kindness

If you are really down or struggling , doing a small act of kindness , can give you a little feeling of warm. I believe we have something of worth inside each of us to lift and encourage others. Like a smile, a kind word here on the Mighty, a word of experience ,which we all have, no matter where we are at in this journey called life. We got three grandchildren three years ago all with special needs. We’ve helped our son and daughter in law a lot. It has been hard but worth it, going beyond what we thought we could manage at our age. The picture above is our 7 year old grandson learning to crochet a scarf. I didn’t think he could do it but with me supporting him he can. I’m amazed. Make life better for someone by some small gesture so they feel their worth and you will too. 💜


Back to work

I’m back to teaching after nearly 6 months (was furloughed due to COVID) and it’s KNACKERING. I forgot how much tiredness and pain it caused. Having some additional health issue (not very serious ones) but with it added in to the normal stuff and all the new covid regulations meaning more walking... in just so unbelievably tired. Starting to doubt my own capabilities tbh. Worthwhile, rewarding and motivating but also... Knackering. #rant #EhlersDanlosSyndrome #ehlersdanlossyndrometype3 #hypermobileehlers-DanlosSyndrome(hEDS) #HypermobileTypeEDS #HypermobilitySyndrome #JointHypermobilitySyndrome #Teaching #Work #Disability #Pain #tiredteacher #Insomnia #PerniciousAnemia

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Teachers - we hear you 🍎

I personally am both a teacher AND a caregiver. Sometimes this is extremely mentally draining because you care for your students at work and take home their emotions and problems to see if you can help them. On top of that, you’re taking care of your own family and loved ones that you’re caring for.

If there are any fellow educators in here, I see you. I hear you. I for one had a very emotionally taxing day today, so I wanted to reach out and send good vibes and gentle hugs to anyone who is needing them today. 💜

#Caregiving #Disability #Selfcare #Teaching #MentalHealth

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Teachers - we hear you.

I personally am both a teacher AND a caregiver. Sometimes this is extremely mentally draining because you care for your students at work and take home their emotions and problems to see if you can help them. On top of that, you’re taking care of your own family and loved ones that you’re caring for.

If there are any fellow educators in here, I see you. I hear you. I for one had a very emotionally taxing day today, so I wanted to reach out and send good vibes and gentle hugs to anyone who is needing them today. 💜

#Caregiving #Disability #Selfcare #Teaching #MentalHealth


First Post

This is my first post! I’m hoping that using this app will help me stay honest about my recovery.

I’ve always struggled with generalized anxiety disorder, depression, and panic attacks. I’m also really sensitive about my emotions and other people. I often find myself so overwhelmed with feelings that I need to completely shut down before I have a panic attack.

My background is in education. I taught in public schools for 4 years, but this past year, I had to leave. I was bullied my first year of teaching and had extreme doubts in my abilities. It seems that everyone has a rough first year, but my bully made me want to leave the profession. I learned how to overcome those feelings for two more years of successful teaching until 2019-2020 school year happened. I got a new job and i was hoping for the best year so far The program I entered was absolutely traumatizing. I only lasted until the end of September before quitting and ultimately leaving the profession. I was working 14 hour days, I didn’t eat for a month, was dealing with class sizes up to 100 students and was completely failing. I ended up spending a week at the hospital before leaving the position. I decided from there that I could not teach anymore, which was the hardest decision of my life.

My recovery process was really difficult. I had nightmares about teaching every night, would experience flashbacks to different events that year and my panic attacks were occurring multiple times a day. I was diagnosed with PTSD. On top of that, I had knee surgery in November and it did not go well. All parts of my health were falling apart.

Currently, I feel like I am getting better. I have been with my therapist for a few months, my nightmares have been better, and my knee is slowly healing. I have also *finally* accepted that I am no longer a teacher. I really am proud that I’ve come this far!! I’ve also been accepted into a grad school program for ABA therapy.

Now, I want to work on my drinking. While I don’t feel that I have alcoholic tendencies, I definitely feel like I use alcohol in the evenings to cool off my anxiety in the evening. I don’t always know how to just exist without medication helping me. If anyone has advice about this, I’d love to hear it.
#Anxiety #Teaching #Education #PTSD #Alcohol