temporal lobe epilepsy

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Just wondering…

Does anyone want to hear how having undiagnosed temporal lobe epilepsy after a traumatic brain injury and having new traumatic experiences since have cured my dissociative amnesia that resulted from a month long coma?

#TraumaticBrainInjury #TBI #dissociativeamnesia #spiritualawakening #ChronicIllness #TemporalLobeEpilepsy #neurodivergent

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New to this #ASD #EDS #Bipolar2


Hi, my psychiatrist thinks I have epilepsy. I’ve been having olfactory hallucinations for months. I’ve also had visual hallucinations over the years.
A couple of years back I had a horrendous time with what I’m now wondering might have been focal seizures with fear.
It was a recurring thing. Has anyone experienced this & if so, could you describe it a bit? Thanks, Zel.

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My Kids Have Some Encouragement And Advice As You All Begin A New Week

A few things my children would like you to remember today:

1) Listen to your body and rest if you need to.

2) Ask for what you need (in Rose’s case - while standing on your hooman slave)

3) Take time for self soothing; you deserve to treat yourself well 🥰

Here’s to a new week...Have a great one everyone!

#TheMighty #Intestinal Dysmotility #AnorexiaNervosa #Ostomy #Epilepsy #TemporalLobeEpilepsy #Dysautonomia #Hypoglycemia


Is it selfish to stay closeted to keep my carer, only friend and long-term partner?

Background: I've been in a long-term relationship with a man for 15 years and he has been my carer and basically only friend. He has supported me Emotionally, physically and financially with surviving cancer, alcohol & drug addiction, and lifelong severe psychiatric and neurological disabilities that have deteriorated to the point that I can't work, function and barely leave the house as well as SH, suicide attempts and long hospitalization. He has some serious health conditions himself that I have tried to support him as best I can and he doesn't take care of himself or take his meds without my prompting.

The problem: I have always known I was attracted to women but told myself (and others) that I'm 'bi' because I was afraid to come out and I tried to tell myself that my feelings for my partner were the real deal because I cared about him deeply and we had been through so much together. He even knows that I have had relationships with women, before him and during a trial separation. I even refer to myself as 'queer' but as long as I'm in a hetero relationship I have to hide the fact that I've known for a long time that I'm a lesbian and *only* romantically and sexually attracted to women.
I hate lying and desperately want to be authentic but I don't want to hurt him. I care deeply for him, especially after all he has done and we've been through together and I worry that he will become unwell again. And honestly, selfishly, I don't want to be alone with no support - my conditions make it highly unlikely that I could take care of myself, let alone ever meet another woman like me, and even less likely that they would want to be with me.

I don't know if my rambling makes sense but I don't know what to do. Come out and lose him and be alone or stay closeted and keep my best friend and carer? Does this make me a horrible, selfish person? Has anyone been through something similar/can relate?

#LGBTQ #Lesbian #Relationships #Bipolar1Disorder #BorderlinePersonalityDisorder #MentalHealth #CPTSD #GeneralizedAnxietyDisorder #SocialPhobia #cervicalcancersurvivor #FunctionalNeurologicalDisorder #TemporalLobeEpilepsy #MigraineWithAura #CognitiveDisorders #Isolation #Selfharm #SuicideSurvivor

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Help!! Going to live on my own soon, any tips?

I don't have my seizures quite under control, so of course I can't drive. I'm going to be getting my own place soon, though, and I'm interested in any tips on living alone with seizures? I have Partial Complex seizures coming from the temporal lobe, generalized tonic-clonic seizures, and psychogenic non-epileptic seizures. I see my new nuerologist next month, but will most likely be living on my own before then.
#SeizureDisorder #Seizures #complexpartialseizures #TemporalLobeEpilepsy #TonicClonicSeizures #PsychogenicNonepilepticSeizures

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#Depression #Bipolar1Disorder #TemporalLobeEpilepsy #Anxiety

I will NOT give up! I’ve been battling bpd1, temporal lobe epilepsy, depression and anxiety since I was 17 I’m 32 now. Hospitalizd 8 times. Therapist twice a week for a year and NOW we (there are several of me😂) only see her once a month. Take my meds as prescribed and refuse to change it as I have been on literally everything South Africa has to offer.
I’ve been medically boarded so I sell fudge I bake myself. There is ALWAYS a way!
YES I do get my days and on those I take it easy, slowly, be kind to myself. Then....I lie down and pray that Jesus will just keep His hand over my life and help me navigate through this crazy thing called life. #pleasedontgiveup #bekindtoyourselves #youwillovercomeit #Takeitslow