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Anyone else follow helpful/ kind Instagram quotes?

I find it helps me to read them when I’m feeling off. :) was wondering if anyone likes to as well. #Instagram #Quotes #question #WhatHelpsYou #coping #Love #Kindness #MentalHealth

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Have you tried taking supplements for your anxiety? Any you would recommend?

Here’s what helps JS (who’s 45) and lives with anxiety:

“Being in nature, CBD oil, a supplement called SuperYou from [the brand] Moon Juice, alone time, and creating.”

👏 Big thanks to JS for being one of the many Mighties to tell us What Helps You. There are many more great tips and resources provided by our fellow members ahead. Follow along at #WhatHelpsYou

#CheckInWithMe #Depression #MentalHealth #Anxiety #CBD

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Do you use mindfulness or breathing techniques to help with your mental health?

Here’s what helps Lindy (who’s 63) and lives with depression:

“I need to close my eyes for a couple of minutes and listen to what is going on in the present world. I need to stop, actually physically stop, what I’m doing and breathe.”

👏 Big thanks to Lindy for being one of the many Mighties to tell us What Helps You. There are many more great tips and resources provided by our fellow members ahead. Follow along at #WhatHelpsYou

#letstalkdepression #MentalHealth #Anxiety #Depression #Mindfulness #BipolarDisorder #CheckInWithMe #BorderlinePersonalityDisorder

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How does your pet help you?

Here’s what helps Bluefish787 (who’s 51) and lives with bipolar disorder:

“I have had a pet my whole life and that has been my driving force. If nothing else, I HAVE to take care of my pet(s). My current dog is a service dog in a very unique way because of this — there are many times over the years that my dog saved my life.”

👏 Big thanks to Bluefish 787 for being one of the many Mighties to tell us What Helps You. There are many more great tips and resources provided by our fellow members ahead. Follow along at #WhatHelpsYou

#MightyPets #MentalHealth #Selfcare #BipolarDisorder #Depression #CheckInWithMe

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Where do you like to rest when your fibro symptoms flare?

Here’s what helps Flowergirl810 (who’s 50) and lives with fibromyalgia:

“Rest, hot shower, heating pad, staying hydrated, making a pillow ‘nest’ because even my memory foam bed feels hard. Watching favorite movies helps my mood.”

👏 Big thanks to Flowergirl810 for being one of the many Mighties to tell us What Helps You. There are many more great tips and resources provided by our fellow members ahead. Follow along at #WhatHelpsYou

#Fibromyalgia #ChronicPain #ChronicIllness

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What do you do if you’re feeling abandoned or rejected?

Here’s what helps Lil_L (who’s 41) and lives with BPD:

“Isolate or seek company depending on which characteristic is in full force. If I’m raging, I know I’m unreasonable and defensively ready to attack — so to avoid damaging relationships, I isolate. When I’m feeling abandoned or rejected — and am ready to engage with destructive behaviour —  I look for distraction.”

👏 Big thanks to Lil_L for being one of the many Mighties to tell us What Helps You. There are many more great tips and resources provided by our fellow members ahead. Follow along at #WhatHelpsYou

#BorderlinePersonalityDisorder #MentalHealth #Anxiety #Depression #Rage #Loneliness #CheckInWithMe

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What kind of music do you listen to when you’re anxious?

Here’s what helps AJMiller75 (who’s 45) and lives with anxiety:

“Taking time for myself. Just slowing down and focusing on what my needs are at the time. Then making a list of what is causing me anxiety and trying to problem solve. Listening to my favorite music really helps during this time as well.”

👏 Big thanks to AJMiller75 for being one of the many Mighties to tell us What Helps You. There are many more great tips and resources provided by our fellow members ahead. Follow along at #WhatHelpsYou

#MentalHealth #MightyMusic #AnxietySongs #Anxiety #DistractMe #MentalHealth #GeneralizedAnxietyDisorder #Depression

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Does movement help you with your health condition?

Here’s what helps Laurie — who’s 54 — and lives with Pulmonary Alveolar Proteinosis:

“I have shortness of breath daily. What helps me most is walking believe it or not. Even though it is difficult some days to push myself, walking makes me feel like I am helping my lungs in some way. It also helps take my mind off my illness and sleep at night. I feel like I am getting several benefits from walking, especially when I don’t feel like getting out of bed. It makes me feel so much better about myself.”

👏 Big thanks to Laurie for being one of the many Mighties to tell us What Helps You. There are many more great tips and resources provided by our fellow members ahead. Follow along at #WhatHelpsYou

#ChronicPain #ChronicIllness #Spoonie #ChronicObstructivePulmonaryDisease