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I definitely don't whisper it 😂😂😂 #GeneralParenting #Parenting #Anxiety #MentalHealth #Depression #self -care #loveyourself #Bekind

Seen this and can definitely relate , hope some of you can too as I'm sure 😂😂

Some days are definitely harder than others.
Just remember
You are Enough ♡
You are Important ♡
You are Amazing ♡
Your doing your best ♡
It's ok to not always be OK ♡
It's ok to not always get it right ♡
It's ok to be struggling with your own stuff and not always have it all together ♡

#Anxiety #Depression #Selfcare #MentalHealth #CheckInWithMe #Insomnia #COVID19 #longcovid #Upallnight #Parenting #GeneralParenting #Behind #loveyourself #youmatter #SkinCancer #Endometriosis

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Wish there was an on/off button at nights ... #COVID19 #longcovid #Anxiety #Depression #Selfcare #MentalHealth #Insomnia #Upallnight

And so it's another night of as soon as little ones are down after feeling exhausted and dying to go to bed all day, I am now there and the little things in my head start going faster and faster ,start seeming larger and much more important than some of them actually are.Start thinking of every little mistake or worry or issue I have endured and then feeling worried ,or more anxious or guilty....... Have so much else going on right now and really just hoping to try and have few hours sleep without any sleep paralysis , waking up in sweats or tears , at that point where I really do just wish there was an on/off button for your head even though I tell myself this and know its all ridiculous something else just pops in !!

I can't even focus on my meditation or sleep hypnosis videos which usually do help !!!!!

#COVID19 #Anxiety #Depression #CheckInWithMe #Selfcare #SkinCancer #MentalHealth #youmatter #loveyourself #Insomnia #Endometriosis #AloneTogether #Scars #Abuse #Behind #longcovid #Upallnight

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Hopefully see you there ❤ #COVID19 #longcovid #Anxiety #Depression #Selfcare #Toxic #MentalHealth #Selfcare #Behind #loveyourself

A link to my self care group for anyone who would like to join and share their stories and experiences ♥️😊

Self-Care Lounge

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7 day challenge #Anxiety #Depression #Bekind #Selfcare #loveyourself #COVID19

So I have been really struggling lately and to be honest this is probably the worst I've been .
Usually when I struggle the first thing that slips will be my self care moments which ends up making me worse in ways .

This is a list of quick and easy self care moments we can take to help ourselves no matter where we are.

I'm going to over the next 7 days try as many as I can, doing different ones each time and see how many I can do and enjoy or notice a difference from at the end of the 7 days ....

Whether you get one , five or ten done it's amazing that you are trying and I am proud of you !
Let's all Try together and let me know which ones work for you and whatever you enjoy doing most ♡
Let's do this together ❤

You matter ♡
Be Kind to yourself ♡
Love yourself ♡
#Anxiety #Depression #Behind #loveyourself #youmatter #COVID19 #checkinwithme #7daychallenge

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It's not selfish.... #Selfcare #Anxiety #Depression #CheckInWithMe #Behind #youmatter #ItsOK

Every day we have to remember that the most important thing is to make sure WE are OK! We have to do even the small steps or things to refuel and help ourselves .
We can't help anyone else or be there for anyone else if we haven't taken care of ourselves first.

Would love to know what little tips or steps you all take for self care ????

#Selfcare #Anxiety #Depression #Behind #you matter #loveyourself


Anyone deal with feeling behind?

I feel stuck. I'm 37, I dont feel like an adult. It feels like everyone is doing a group choreographed dance, but I dont know the steps, nor do I undunderstand where I was when everyone was learning and practicing those steps.

Life keeps moving and I feel trapped in nothingness. I have no partner or children, I work and rent a room.

I get uncontrollable anxiety, and have to fight the urge to get in my car, get rid of my phone, and go live outside.

Homelessness and hiding is the solution I keep coming up with. I'm feeling unhinged.

And I'm losing ANOTHER relationship.

Is anyone else ever experiencing this?

#lost #Depression #Anxiety #Pressure #Behind #stuck #sad #unstable


#liferace #Behind #Depression #Anxiety #FeelingLow #helpless

Does anyone feel like you're kinda in this 'race' called life and you're massively behind? I'm 35 and single again. All of my friends are in relationships and have had children. I try and be happy on my own... But i just want the opportunity to have a family. At the moment I just feel like it's slipping away right before my eyes 😢


#Behind #MyCondition #highfunctioning #Depression

Behind my condition is the niggling desire to die. That undeniable pull to be done.

Behind my condition is the habit to fake that I am happy.
I smile so easy while my anxiety is making it hard to breathe.

Behind my condition is a lack of motivation.Yes, I'm a A-student but it took everything in me to get there.

Behind my condition there are dying dreams. Apart of me hopes I'll make it, another part of me knows I won't.


#Behind #MyCondition

Behind my condition is the niggling desire to die. That undeniable pull to be done.

Behind my condition is the habit to fake that I am happy.
I smile so easy while my anxiety is making it hard to breathe.

Behind my condition is a lack of motivation.Yes, I'm a A-student but it took everything in me to get there.

Behind my condition there are dying dreams.apart of me hopes I'll make it, another part of me knows I won't.