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If all you do today is take it 15 minutes at a time….you’re doing amazing. 💕

My reminder to myself…stay centered. Cry if needed. Release it don’t hold it in. #TheMighty #fibrowarrior #Fibromyalgia #winterblues #sad #loveyourself #Loveyourselffirst #thistooshallpass #wegotthis


My ex got into my head 😔

Sooo there I was going about life, feeling happy about me. When one conversation with a friend triggered me when she asked what happened to my why did we breakup. I shared w/ her the story and was fine. Until I got off the phone and started thinking about my ex...and his words..and I looked in the mirror and felt bad about myself because my stomach was no longer flat. So I felt down about myself began feeling like no guy would want me if I am not a flat stomach size small female (which by the way I haven’t been since I had my daughter). And so the next day and the day after that I vigorously started an ab stretching no warm up nothing...stupid article on get a flatter stomach in 7 days...and now im suffering from a musculoskeletal problem that will take weeks to heal....pulled muscles, pinched nerves, just....yea...all because I allowed that mans comments to stop me from seeing my own beauty. I guess this is just a 5am rant... since I can’t sleep due to muscle discomfort... 😔. #Loveyourselffirst #rant #Cantsleep

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Be positive #mentalhealth #BPD #mindfulness #fightanxiety #bemeagain #self -image #Loveyourselffirst

Is hard at times to accept things... To just leave it there. Let go. I find it hard to do this at the moment. I know good things are coming which I created, excited but my fear takes over. Leaving people and things that happened or is happening at the moment is incrediblely difficult when you gain attachment to them. To make your life better is to walk and a knowledge the wrong things happened for a reason and its time to let go. The toxic people came for a reason. To teach you how to self love and fight with strength and not let these kind of people walk over you.

I've made decisions today to believe I can accept and move on to something better for me. I can't help my mental health, my bpd takes over and my three personalities fight over eachother to be free. This is where I make errors in my life! But what I can do is use my whole self to stop them before making any more poor choices in my life. Accept, a knowledge and move on. It can only get better. #loveyourself #respectyourself #fuckwhateveryonethinksofyou #mentalhealth #BPD #overthinking #Acceptance #Meditation

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Never ever give up keep fighting success and happiness belongs to you my friend.
Love yourself and stay happy always.

#Depression #Anxiety #Mightyfamily #Loveyourselffirst

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Bring strong #mentalhealth #bestrong #parentsfightmentalhealth #Mindfulness #self -image #BPD #Loveyourselffirst

No matter how I feel each day, I find my strength and get up, face the world. My mind, my voices try and stop it but my heart knows I have to keep going for my son. I smile, I put on that face on as everything is OK. Pretending is tiring in itself. I'm broken, my heart and my soul are too. My wings feel burnt from every fight I tried to fly through. I'm tired in pretending. I'm tired in searching for the light at the end of the tunnel. But some how I want to keep going. I want to fight and keep my head up high. No matter how my overthinking mind and my broken heart is feeling. This is because I'm stronger than I think I am. The self doubt, the looking in mirror I'd disguise. Nooooo I'm much than this..... I'm going to be who I want to be. Fly with my broken wings. Show everyone I can..... I will be strong! #mentalhealth #BPD #parentsfightmentalhealth #Mindfulness #Anxiety #pstd #Borderline

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Funny Faces Friday Self Care #CheckInWithMe #Friday #Bekindtoyourself

This is how I roll on a Friday Night in my house.

No Rock n Rock, just late nights up doing self care cos I can't sleep

Found this cool watermelon mask in my collection.
Thought it was a sheet but no its was spots 🍉

Along with bunny ears too keep the hair away 🐇🐰 and an eye mask. I'm Surely rocking it
Not very often I do this , have to balance it out , and take the hit if it sets off my facial pain.
But boy do I love my new bunny ears .🐰🐇.
Bought them to make it more fun when I do some me time.
They are so soft and comfy on my head I forget they are there.
Which is great 👍

Plus I hate hate taking my picture.
So I'm trying to get over myself.

So what's your self care.
Whats your Me time.
What do you do to relax
Love n hugs Tj
🐰👍🙌🤗😘💞🌠💐💝🌞💚💛💗🤪🤯😳🤤🤪😴🐕🐾🍉 #Chatspace #Love #Hugs #Vent #rant #Talking #selfcare #Bekind #Bekindtoyourself #Loveyourselffirst #Anxiety #Family #Friends

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#Selfcare #Loveyourselffirst #Anxiety #Depression #PTSD #Emetophobia #FunctionalNeurologicalDisorder #Selfharm #ChronicPain #MightyTogether

Me ned do dis mor to !! 💕
Plese lisen to our bodys dey no best dan poeple infere tel us wot we Ned wen dey don unstand wot it lik to be us an ho we cop day to day .
Me/We ar al wariors an fihgters💪
We r 🤝 in dis togever sen ebryon ❤🌠🤗🙏

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Superpowers #Chatspace

Good Morning Chatties

How are you today?

So if you had a Super Power what Would it Be and Why.

If I had a Super Power I think I'd like to be able To fly. Cos walking sure does hurt.
So flying would be easier and way cool. Save on petrol too 🚘🚀😅

Show me your superpowers and why?

Love n hugs Tj ❤😘🤗 😀🙃🙄💪☀️🤛🌞
#SuperPowers #NeverAlone #MightyTogether #Love #Hugs #Bekind #checkonyourneighbours #Chatties #Vent #rant #talkingtherapy #SpaceForYou #Loveyourselffirst #Tj #BeYourself #Chatting

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Its World Nental Health Week #Kindness #18th -24th

World Mental Health Week

Not that we need a week for it to be recognised

It should be recognised every day

But these years theme is Kindness

So I've posted a pic with random Acts of kindness.

But the most kindness should be shown to Yourself first.
Selfcare and love come first to you.

Much love to you Tj 🥰🤗❤💐🐶🐾
#Kindness #randomactsofkindness #Bekind #Lovenhugs #Chatspace #Selfcare #Loveyourselffirst #checkonyourneighbours #Talking #Chatting #Friends #Family #Love